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Massiv Quick Reference


Everyone is well accustomed to the fact that the order of indices corresponds to the number of dimensions an array can have in the reverse order, eg in C: arr[i][j][k] will mean that a 3-dimensional array is indexed at an outermost 3rd dimension with index i, 2nd dimension j and the innermost 1st dimension k. In the case of a 3D world i points to a page, j to a row and k to a column, but the astraction scales naturally to any dimension as long as we agree on the order of things. Below are various ways to index an array in massiv:

λ> arr = makeArrayR U Seq (Sz (2 :> 3 :. 4)) $ \ (i :> j :. k) -> i + j ^ k
λ> arr ! 1 :> 2 :. 3
λ> arr !> 1 !> 2
(Array M Seq (Sz1 (4))
  [ 2,3,5,9 ])
λ> arr !> 1 !> 2 ! 3

Former does the lookup of an element in the array, while the latter slices the array until it gets to a row and only then looks up the actual element.

Data is represented in a linear row-major fashion, so the above indexing technique translates into a linear index that will get mapped into an element in memory at some point.


Class dependency

Size (D, DL, DI, B, BN, BL, P, U, S)
Shape (D, DL, DS, DI, DW, B, BN, BL, P, U, S, L, LN)
StrideLoad (DI, DW) -> Load (DL, DS, L) -> Source (D) -> Manifest (B, BN, BL, P, U, S)
                                        `-> Stream (D, B, BN, BL, P, U, S, L)


As you know arrays can be computed in parallel or sequentially in massiv, but there is a lot more to that:

  • Normally you can supply computation strategy as an argument (Seq/Par) during the array construction or conversion, eg. from a list or vector
  • array computation strategy will be combined according to its Monoid instance when two or more arrays are being joined together by some operation into another one.
  • Most functions will respect the inner computation strategy, while others will ignore it due to their specific nature.

Naming Conventions

Levels of Safety

There are three levels of safety that are commonly used in massiv API functions:

  • unsafeFunctionName
  • functionName'
  • functionName

Functions with the prefix unsafe don't do bounds checking. You should only use these in situations where you can prove that the bounds will be correct. The prime suffix is used in cases where the non-primed version of the function could fail for other reasons and is therefore more cumbersome to use (it returns a Maybe, needs type-level dimensions, et0). The primed version calls error instead of returning Maybe and should only be used when you know that a Nothing will not be returned.

Using the primed version gives you convenience. Using the unsafe version gives you performance.

Dimension Variations

There are three common variations of functions dealing with dimensions:

  • fooWithin
  • fooOuter
  • fooInner

The Within suffix signals that the function operates on a particular dimension and it allows you to pick any dimension you want. Functions with the Outer suffix use dimension n in an n-dimensional index don't take a dimension argument. Functions with the Inner suffix use dimension 1.


Conversion from array

Here is an example of how to convert a nested boxed array from array package to a rectangular Matrix with parallelization:

import Data.Massiv.Array as A
import Data.Massiv.Array.Unsafe as A
import Control.Scheduler (scheduleWork_)
import qualified Data.Array.IArray as IA

toPrimArray :: IA.Array Int (IA.Array Int Float) -> IO (Array P Ix2 Float)
toPrimArray arr = do
  let m = IA.rangeSize (IA.bounds arr)
      n | m > 0 = IA.rangeSize (IA.bounds (arr IA.! 0))
        | otherwise = 0
  createArray_ Par (Sz2 m n) $ \scheduler marr ->
    A.forM_ (0 ..: m) $ \i -> do
      let vec = arr IA.! i
      scheduleWork_ scheduler $ A.forM_ (0 ..: n) $ \j ->
        unsafeWrite marr (i :. j) (vec IA.! j)

Sample run:

squareRaggedArray :: IA.Array Int (IA.Array Int Float)
squareRaggedArray =
  IA.listArray (0, m - 1)
  [ IA.listArray (0, n - 1) [fromIntegral (x + y) | x <- [0 .. n]] | y <- [0 .. m]]
    (m, n) = (3, 4)
λ> squareRaggedArray
array (0,2) [(0,array (0,3) [(0,0.0),(1,1.0),(2,2.0),(3,3.0)]),(1,array (0,3) [(0,1.0),(1,2.0),(2,3.0),(3,4.0)]),(2,array (0,3) [(0,2.0),(1,3.0),(2,4.0),(3,5.0)])]
λ> toPrimArray squareRaggedArray
Array P Par (Sz (3 :. 4))
  [ [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ]
  , [ 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ]
  , [ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ]