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Vitoria Neris torineris

Gif International Parnaíba, PI

Gangli Liu mike-liuliu
Machine learning, mathematical optimization, deep learning, graph theory, clustering.
Rodrigo Otsuka AkioCode
Computer scientist | Elixir/Phoenix Developer | IoT and automation process enthusiast | Cooker by hobby 👩‍🍳
Marcos Wesley Marcos314
Data Engineer at @GamersClub

@gamersclub João Pessoa - PB

Felipe Morales Simões FelipeMoralesdev
Engenharia de Produção | Python | Web Scraping

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte São Paulo

Andressa Lima Ferreira AndressaLF
Sou mestre em Geodinâmica e Geofísica pela UFRN. Em 2020, iniciei a migração da Geologia e Geofísica para desenvolvimento Back-End e Análise de Dados.

Natal, Rio Grande do Norte - Brasil

Hellyson Ferreira Hellyson-Ferreira
Computer science student and Backend developer

@puzzlsoftwarehouse and @unhideschool Caxias, Maranhão, Brazil

Rafael Levi rafaellevissa
I am a Full-stack Software developer, with over 10 years of experience.

Areopagus Salvador

Elildes Fortaleza Santos Elildes
Technology lover with entrepreneurial vision and student at Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte


hossein natanzi hosseinnatanzi
#python #java #flutter


Jean Loui Bernard JeanExtreme002
Software Enginner @ Jusbrasil && B.Sc. Computer Science at Federal University of Bahia

Jusbrasil Brazil

Marcílio Santos Sir-mjd
Postgraduate student in Specialization in Contemporary Mathematics Education - UNIFAL. Graduated in Mathematics - UFRN.

Jardim de Piranhas/RN

Arnaldo Quagliato arnaldoquagliato
Technology enthusiast. Follow my professional grow on Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/arnaldoquagliato/

Fortaleza, Ceará.

Nathecia Cunha nathecia
Estudante de Informática no IFRN, Técnica em TI com ênfase em Redes de Computadores pelo IMD/UFRN e entusiasta na área maker.
Lindemberg Barbosa bergpb
DevOps Engineer "Always learning something..."

@institutoatlantico Brazil

Juliana Santiago julianapequeno
Python | Data Science | Eyetracking | Undergrad BTI - IMD/UFRN

UFRN - IMD Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

Matheus Pantunes AmigoDaLua
I'm a Front-End Developer from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 🇧🇷


Lucas M OTalDoL2
Game Dev, aspirante a Fullstack, amante de café e aprendiz da arte de Codar.

Recife, PE - Brasil

Erick Simões ErickSimoes
Programador erudito, adestrador de robôs, defenestrador de bugs, maker diletante, provavelmente humano.

@CESARBR Recife, Brasil

Jéssica Cristina jessicacristinams
Data Science | Python | Pandas

Recife - PE

Diego Ascanio Santos DiegoAscanio
Professor no CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis. Engenheiro de Computação e mestre em Modelagem Matemática Computacional.

CEFET-MG Divinópolis

João Victor JoaoVictorDevRN
Computer Science Student and Software Developer; Co-founder of @Titan-Dev-RN;

@Titan-Dev-RN Mossoró/RN

Gabriel Batistuta gabriel-batistuta
CS student, aspiring data engineer and Python enthusiast. Co-founder of @Titan-Dev-RN.

@Titan-Dev-RN Mossoró,RN,Brazil

Emilly Emilly-horta
Deva Front, Curto aprender coisas novas e amo desafios! "Você precisa fazer aquilo que pensa que não é capaz de fazer." Eleanor Roosevet

EVAG Parnaiba - PI

Alexandre Kavalerski AlexandreKavalerski
MSc in Computer Science & Software Engineer


Eric de Lima ericxlima
Computer Information System Student at @cin-ufpe

Centro de Informática - UFPE Recife - Brazil

Ítalo Epifânio itepifanio
Machine Learning Engineer at Shape Digital

Shape Digital Brazil, Natal, RN

Jerson Brito jersonb
Desenvolvedor .Net

AmbevTech Brazil

Laísa Gabriela gabehs
Gestora de Projetos, Jornalista e Pesquisadora.

Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

José Bruno js-bruno
burro & pobre


Leticia letisbezerra
I am currently a beginner Developer | Swift | Python | Data science. Currently a iOS Developer at @AppleAcademyIFCE

@AppleAcademyIFCE Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Rômulo Férrer Filho romulofff
Data Scientist @lexter-ai I'm a Computer Engineer, interested in Machine Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Data Science and Computer Vision.

@lexter-ai Ceará, Brazil

Peter Martens petermartens98
AI Developer | Cognitive Neuroscience Grad
Armando Barbosa armandobs14
I have some passions: Family, coffee, beer, learn, teach and code. At this moment I’m in a journey to be a great data engineer.

Capgemini Juru, Paraíba

Higor Nóbrega higornobrega
Bacharel em Sistemas de Informação pela UFRN. Fundador da Empresa Júnior Byte Seridó Jr


Eduardo Sávio Dsfr62
Founder - Novasce Engenharia de Software - FIAP

Novasce Brazil