Template-Type: ReDIF-Archive 1.0 Name: Oesterreichische Nationalbank Maintainer-Name: Markus Knell, Rita Glaser-Schwarz, Stefan W. Schmitz, Elisabeth Beckmann, Alisa Besirevic-Abdagic Maintainer-Email: Markus.Knell@oenb.at Description: OeNB-Working Papers, the quarterly journal Monetary Policy & the Economy, the biannual journal Financial Stability Report, the quarterly journal Focus on European Economic Integration and the quarterly journal OeNB Bulletin published by the OeNB. Opinions expressed by the authors of studies and working papers do not necessarily reflect the official viewpoint of the OeNB. URL: http://www.oenb.at/RePEc/onb/ Homepage: http://www.oenb.at/ Handle: RePEc:onb