Template-type: ReDIF-Series 1.0 Name: ESRB Working Paper Series Description: The ESRB Working Paper Series is run by the Advisory Scientific Committee. Its purpose is to collate high-quality research on systemic risk and macroprudential policy, thus informing the policymaking activities of the ESRB. Submissions to the Working Paper Series are welcomed when at least one co-author is affiliated to the ESRB or an ESRB member institution, or when the paper has been presented at an ESRB event. To submit a paper for consideration, email a pdf file to wpseries@esrb.europa.eu Any views expressed in working papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the ESRB, its member institutions, or any institution to which the authors may be affiliated. Type: ReDIF-Paper Provider-Name: European Systemic Risk Board Provider-Homepage: https://www.esrb.europa.eu Provider-Phone: +49 69 1344 0 Provider-Postal: 60640 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:esrbede Maintainer-Name: Official Publications Maintainer-Email: officialpublications@ecb.int Handle: RePEc:srk:srkwps Template-type: ReDIF-Series 1.0 Name: ESRB Occasional Paper Series Description: The ESRB Occasional Paper Series is an outlet for the publication of analytical and policy work that has been conducted within ESRB expert groups. The papers are typically written by ESRB Secretariat staff or the staff of ESRB member institutions, sometimes in collaboration with Advisory Scientific Committee members or external experts. Any views expressed in occasional papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official stance of the ESRB, its member institutions, or any institution to which the authors may be affiliated. Type: ReDIF-Paper Provider-Name: European Systemic Risk Board Provider-Homepage: https://www.esrb.europa.eu Provider-Phone: +49 69 1344 0 Provider-Postal: 60640 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:esrbede Maintainer-Name: Official Publications Maintainer-Email: officialpublications@ecb.int Handle: RePEc:srk:srkops Template-type: ReDIF-Series 1.0 Name: Report of the Advisory Scientific Committee Description: The Advisory Scientific Committee (ASC) contributes to the public debate on macroprudential policy by publishing reports. These reports are written by ASC members, sometimes in collaboration with ESRB staff and external experts. Type: ReDIF-Paper Provider-Name: European Systemic Risk Board Provider-Homepage: https://www.esrb.europa.eu Provider-Phone: +49 69 1344 0 Provider-Postal: 60640 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Provider-Institution: RePEc:edi:esrbede Maintainer-Name: Official Publications Maintainer-Email: officialpublications@ecb.int Handle: RePEc:srk:srkasc