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Circular definition?$ $^C$PSpack: $Rpack: $ $User intervention$<_ Kermit-MS: 2.32/A 21 Jan 1989 File name: KBytes transferred: Number of packets: Packet length: Number of retries: Last error: Last message: $?Unable to make unique name$?Printer not ready$?Unable to store all data$?Disk full$?Unable to create file $?Error writing file$Server mode: type Control-C to exit $Renaming file to $File interrupt $File group interrupt $User ^ interrupt $File contains 8-bit data $ as $ $PRN$&#@!%'()-{}_^~`~~ Totals for the last transfer ($ Totals since Kermit was started ($ sec) Serial port characters received $ Serial port characters sent $ File characters received $ File characters sent $ Packets received $ Packets sent $ NAKs received $ NAKs sent $ Effective baud rate $Sent Recv 00:00:00 00 Jan 1980 at as , completed, bytes: , failed, bytes: , interrupted, bytes: JANFEBMARAPRMAYJUNJULAUGSEPOCTNOVDEC d'@Bʚ;d< Percent transferred:$^X cancels file, ^Z cancels batch, ^E quits protocol, ^C quits, Return retries$ Error $ Retry $ Type Control X to cancel file, Control Z to cancel batch, Control E to quit protocol, Control C to quit abruptly, or Return to retry $Screen Kermit-MS: 2.32/A 21 Jan 1989 Copyright (C) Trustees of Columbia University 1982, 1989. $Type ? or HELP for help $ $ ?More parameters are needed$ ?Unable to initialize memory$ ?Command canceled$ ?Unable to change directory$ ?Passed maximum nesting level for TAKE command$ ?Cannot find Take-file: $ This program requires DOS 2.0 or above$ ?Unable to execute program$ ?Protected or no such file(s)$ Filename$ Name of new working directory and/or disk$ program name and command line$ Ask (get console input to variable) Mail (file to host Mailer) Bye (logout remote server) Output text (for scripts) C or Connect (become a terminal) Pause [seconds] (for scripts) Clear (clear serial port buffer) Pop (exit current Take file or macro) Close (logging file) Push (go to DOS, keep Kermit) Comment (text is ignored) Quit (leave Kermit) CWD or CD (change dir &/or disk) R or Receive (opt local filename) Define/Assign (a command macro) Reinput (script Input, reread buffer) Delete (a file) Remote (prefix for commands) Directory Run (a program) Disable (selected server commands) S or Send (local file new name) Do (a macro) Server [timeout] (become a server) Echo text (show line on screen) Set (most things) Enable (selected server commands) Show (most things) EXIT (leave Kermit) Space (free on current disk) Finish (to remote server) Status (show main conditions) Get (remote file opt new name) Stay (in Kermit after startup) Goto (label, Take file or Macro) Stop (exit all Take files & macros) Hangup (drop DTR, hang up phone) Take (do a command file) If [not] Transmit filespec [prompt] (raw upload) I or Input [timeout] text (scripts) Type (a file) Log (Packet, Session, Transaction) Wait [timeout] on modem \cd \cts \dsr Logout (remote server) Version (show Kermit's id) Type HELP for an Introduction, use "?" within commands for specific help.$ Introduction to Kermit o A Kermit-MS command is a line of words separated by spaces and ending with a carriage return . Example: SET SPEED 2400 o Most words can be abbreviated and can be completed by pressing the Esc key. Example: SET SPE 24 or even SET SPE 24 o Help (detailed, specific): press the "?" key where a word would appear. o Edit lines using the BackSpace key to delete characters, Control-W to delete words, and Control-U to delete the line. Control-C cancels the command. o Frequently used Kermit-MS commands: EXIT Leave the Kermit program. QUIT does the same thing. SET PORT, PARITY, SPEED, TERMINAL and many other parameters. SHOW or STATUS Display groups of important parameters. SHOW ? for categories. CONNECT Establish a terminal connection to a remote system or a modem. Control-$ C (Control $ followed by "C") Exit CONNECT mode. SEND filename Send the file(s) to the remote system (to its Kermit). GET filename Ask the remote Kermit server to send the file(s) to us. RECEIVE Like GET but remote end chooses files to be sent here. FINISH Shut down remote Kermit but stay logged into remote system. BYE FINISH and logout of remote system and exit local Kermit. o Common startup sequence: SET SPEED 9600, CONNECT, login, start remote Kermit, put it into Server mode, escape back with Control-$ C, transfer files with SEND x.txt, GET b.txt, BYE. Read more about it in the Kermit-MS Users Manual. Press the "?" key for a summary of Kermit commands: $7Ask$VAssign$UBye$0FC$QvCD$*Clear$hClose$.yComment$*Connect$QvCWD$*Define$UDelete$+ Directory$+Disable$&ZDo$pTEcho$hEnable$9ZExit$ 'Finish$KFGet$2Ggoto$ZhH$,Hangup$9Help$,If$iI$XlInput$XlLog$]Logout$aFMail$6;Output$XoPause$nPop$8XPush$,Quit$ 'R$/Receive$/Reinput$QlRemote$>PRun$,S$);Send$);Server$3ISet$NZShow$,Space$+Status$dStay$.Stop$ (Take$1'Transmit$pType$,Version$n,Wait$Dn:$* Communications$!dFile$BdKey$@vLogging$WdMacros$#cModem$=Protocol$ldScripts$dServer$d Statistics$Terminal$d Translation$bg&MSKERMIT.INI\l del dir type PATH= /c COMSPEC=\ exit ?Not enough memory to run Kermit$?Attempted to allocate a corrupted memory area$ bytes available on disk Drive not ready $?Unable to receive initiate-packet$?Unable to receive file name$?Unable to receive end of file$?Unable to receive data$Not enough disk space for file$ Receiving: In progress $Completed $Failed $Interrupted $100%$ Local path or filename or carriage return$$ $ ##^^ Y^ ##^^ Y^ $$?Unable to receive an acknowledgment from the host$?Unable to find file$Unable to send init packet$Unable to send file header$Unable to send data$Unable to send end-of-file packet$Unable to send break packet$Host does not support Kermit MAIL command$Host rejected the file$ Sending: In progress $Completed $Failed $Interrupted$Kermit-MS: File not found$ A filename (possibly wild) $ Local Source File or carriage return $ Remote Destination File: $ Local Source File: $ Filename mail-address or carriage return $ Address: $ mailer address string (such as user@host or host::user)$ as $_ ?More parameters are needed$?Filename too long for packet$?No response from host$Server mode: type Control-C to exit $ Time-limit to remain in Server mode, seconds or specific hh:mm:ss (24h clock). SET TIMER ON to time. Return for no time limit.$Kermit-MS Server: Unknown server command$Kermit-MS Server: Illegal file name$Kermit-MS Server: Could not create help file$Kermit-MS Server: Unable to change directories$Kermit-MS Server: No such file(s)$Kermit-MS Server: Could not create directory listing$Kermit-MS Server: Could not create space listing$Kermit-MS Server: Protected or no such file(s)$Kermit-MS Server: Command is Disabled$Kermit-MS Server: Could not create work file$Kermit-MS Server: Goodbye!Kermit-MS Server: Just this Server bytes available on disk Drive not ready Username: $ Password: $ Account: $ >$kermit$.tmp del dir $SRGIECJlKKP`T4O CD/CWD change working directory Delete a file Directory filespec Help Host command Login to remote Kermit server Kermit command Message short one line message Space in a directory Type a file Who user spec$ Kermit-MS Server commands: GET filespec REMOTE DELETE filespec REMOTE MESSAGE message SEND filespec REMOTE DIRECTORY filespec REMOTE SPACE FIN, LOGO, and BYE REMOTE HELP REMOTE TYPE filespec REMOTE CD/CWD directory REMOTE HOST command REMOTE WHO CD$PCWD$PDelete$P Directory$PHelp$fPHost$PKermit$PLogin$PMessage$PSpace$TPType$xPWho$Q Remote Source File: $ Local Destination File: $ File name to use locally$ Remote filename or confirm with carriage return $ Name of file on remote system $ Enter text to be sent to remote server $Kermit-MS>$ $ $ = $ $P5 ?Too many macro names$ ?No room for Take file buffer or Macro definition $ ?Too many active Take files and Macros $ ?Not implemented$ ?More parameters are needed$ ?Command not executed$ ?Unable to open that file$ ?Log file is already open$Variable name then prompt string$Prompt string$Enter a line of text$ Output filename for the log$ Quiet (no screen writing), Regular (normal), Serial (non-formatted screen) and/or 7-BIT (default) or 8-BIT wide characters.$ OFF to show file transfer display, ON for quiet screen$ Specify macro name followed by body of macro, on same line$ name of macro, or carriage return to see all$ Enter new prompt string or nothing to regain regular prompt. Use \123 notation for special chars (Escape is \27)$ Enter code for received byte code for local byte use ascii characters themselves or numerical equivalents of \nnn decimal or \Onnn octal or \Xnnn hexadecimal or keywords ON or OFF (translation is initially off) $ Translation table of received byte codes while in CONNECT mode - Format: [received byte (decimal) -> local byte (decimal)] $ [\$ -> \$] $ ?Expected ON, OFF, or \nnn$ Input Translation is off$ Input Translation is on$  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~?Unrecognized value$ Value 0 to 65535 for COUNT in script IF COUNT command$ ?Note: command is valid only in Take files and Macros$Definition string: $none$delete$onoffLogging of Packets, Session, Transaction, plus screen dump file -$PACKET.LOGKERMIT.LOGTRANSACT.LOGKERMIT.SCNKERMIT.SCNSession log: $Packet log: $Transaction log: $Dump screen: $Dump screen: $$Mode line: $Local echo: $Ring bell after transfer$No bell after transfer$Terminal emulation: $Communications port: $Logging: $EOF mode: $No flow control used$Flow control: xon/xoff $Handshake used: $File destination: $Path: $Block check used: $Send control char prefix: $Receive control char prefix: $Debug: $Warning (filename change): $Parity: $Discard incomplete file$Keep incomplete file$Send Delay: $ sec, Pause: $ ms$Send start-of-packet char: $Receive start-of-packet char: $End-of-Line char S: ^$ R: ^$Send timeout (seconds): $Receive timeout (seconds): $Send packet size: $Receive packet size: $# of send padding chars: $# of receive padding chars: $Padding char: $Retry send/receive packet limit: $Display (vs Remote):$Remote (vs Display) $Timer: $Timeout (sec) waiting for a transaction: $seconds, 0-255, waiting for a transaction$Escape character: $Script commands Echo, If, Input, Output, Pause, Reinput, Transmit, Wait$Input echoing: $Case sensitivity: $Timeout (seconds): $Timeout-action: $Take-echo: $Attributes pkts: $Baud rate is $unknown$Take/Macro COUNT: $no active Take/Macro$Errorlevel: $Alarm time: $ ?Use a number between $ and $ Decimal number between 0 and 31$ Filename to hold screen dumps$ Decimal number between 0 and 255$ ?Choose a decimal number from 20 to 94 (normal) or to 1000 (long)$ Decimal number between 20 and 94 (normal) or 1000 (long)$ Decimal number between 0 and 31 or 127$ Decimal number between 0 and 127$ Decimal number between 33 and 126$ Decimal number between 1 and 63$ Decimal number between 0 and 94$ Delay seconds before sending file (0-63)$ Press literal control keys (ex: Control ]) or enter in \nnn numerical form$ ?Not a control code$ XON (\17), XOFF (\19), CR (\13), LF (\10), BELL (\7), ESC (\27), NONE (\0) or "CODE" followed by decimal number$number of seconds to wait before timeout $ PACKET - during file transfers (to default file PACKET.LOG) SESSION - during Connect mode (to default file KERMIT.LOG) TRANSACTION - files transferred (to default file TRANSACT.LOG) followed by an optional filename for the log.$ PACKETS - during file transfers SESSION - during Connect mode ON - both packets and session OFF - turns off all debugging$ definitions of variables (\%n), or carriage return$ DISABLE or ENABLE access to selected Server commands: CD/CWD, DEL, DIR, FIN (incl BYE & LOGO), GET, HOST, MESSAGE, SPACE, TYPE, and ALL. Also TEK (automatic invokation of Tek4010 graphics); not a member of ALL.$Server commands available to remote user: $CD/CWD: $DELETE: $DIR: $FINISH: $GET: $HOST: $MESSAGE:$SPACE: $TYPE: $Tek4010: $Timeout$ Alarm sec from now or HH:MM:SS Input timeout, etc (for scripts) Attributes packets on/off Key key-ident definition Baud or Speed many speeds Local-echo on/off Bell on/off at end of xfers Mode-line on/off Block-check-type checksum/CRC Parity even/odd/mark/space/none COUNT number a loop counter Port for i/o 1/2/COM1/COM2/etc Debug on/off display packets Prompt string (new Kermit prompt) Default-disk Receive parameter many things Delay secs before Sending file Remote on/off show xfer counts? Destination Disk/Screen/Printer Retry limit for packet send/receive Display quiet/reg/serial show cnts? Send parameter many things Dump filespec screen to disk Server parameter End-of-line char cr or whatever Speed or baud many speeds EOF Ctrl-Z/NoCtrl-Z ^Z ends file? Take-echo on/off display commands? Errorlevel number for DOS Batch Terminal none, Heath-19, VT52, VT102, Escape char ^] or whatever and many terminal setup parameters Flow-control xon-xoff or none Timer on/off time packet waiting Handshake xon/xoff/cr/lf/bell/esc.. Translation IN Connect mode rcv'd char Incomplete file keep/discard Warning on/off if file renamed $%Alarm$l Attributes$w\Baud$dZBell$~ZBlock-check-type$ZCount$ZDebug$Z Default-disk$*Delay$.[ Destination$ [Display$Q[Dump$[ End-of-Line$ \EOF$[ Errorlevel$\Escape$4\ Flow-control$\ Handshake$\ Incomplete$]Input$$]Key$] Local-echo$] Mode-line$^Parity$^Port$^Prompt$^Receive$_Remote$_Retry$m_Send$_Server$<_Speed$dZ Take-echo$_Terminal$ZTimer$_ Translation$aWarning$\Ctrl-Z$NoCtrl-Z$ Packet-length$`Padchar$aPadding$`Pause$aStart-of-packet$;`Quote$aa End-of-Line$`Timeout$j`off$on$off$on$on (owned by host)$Disk$Printer$Screen$7-bit$8-bit$Quiet$Regular$Serial$ Quiet, 7-bit$Regular, 7-bit$ Serial, 7-bit$ Quiet, 8-bit$ Regular, 8-bit$ Serial, 8-bit$ 1-character-checksum$2-character-checksum$3-character-CRC-CCITT$Discard$Keep$none$even$odd$mark$space$none$xon/xoff$none$bell$cr$ esc$lf$ xoff$xon$code$Case$}]Default-timeout$4]Echo$j]Timeout-action$W]Proceed$Quit$Ignore$Observe$45.5$50$75$110$134.5$150$300$600$1200$1800$ 2000$ 2400$ 4800$ 9600$ 19200$38400$57600$115200$Off$On$Packets$Session$Packets$Session$ Transaction$off$Packet$Session$Packet+Session$ Transaction$Packet+Transaction$ Session+Transaction$ Packet+Session+Transaction$ All$CD$CWD$Delete$Dir$Finish$ Get$@Host$Message$Space$Type$Tek4010$enabled$disabled$Input$IBM$VTOset timer on set parity mark set local-echo on set handshake xon set flow none W Free space (bytes) for names: $, for definitions: $ No macro(s)$${gOf#?吖*Of8?l*Of>P*Of+@ Rtfa@"f>te@*=fc?x?tme@*geA*f?,&e7A*Of?P*me?*"f@*e@*=fL@4@*me@*OfX?GP*e!A*=f ?>*eQA*OfN?S*me?*"fA*f@Of@S*e}A'me%B*Of?Q*OfAFQ*f>B>]Of8?l*{g"f>tOf+@ Rtg=fc?x?tOfAFQ*Of@S*f?,&=fL@4@*Of?P*"f@*OfX?GP*"fB*OfAFQ*"fB*Re5=OfN?S*Reg5f>=Reg5f>w=Reg5f>=Reg5f>B>eA*e!A*e@*e@*e7A*eQA*menA*menA*me@*me@*me?*me?*f@e}A'fa@Of?Q*"fB*g"fA*OfN?S*Of@S*Re8B"fBgOfBRgeBgOfBRgg1Ce$Cg)gBReH_fHT21_fHT21_fHT21_fHT21_fHT21_fIT21_fHT 21_fIT21_fHT@21eA:1Of#?吖*_fIT21me%B*Of>P*]ggg $ ?Transmit file not found$ ?error reading Transmit file$ ?Transmission canceled$?Indirect file not found $?error reading indirect file $ ?Label ":$" was not found. $ ?Timeout $line of text to be sent to remote host$time-limit and line of text expected from remote host Time is number of seconds or until a specific hh:mm:ss (24 hour clock)$line of text to be Echoed to screen$amount of time to pause Time is number of seconds or until a specific hh:mm:ss (24 hour clock)$time-limit and modem status signals \CD, \CTS, and \DSR Time is number of seconds or until a specific hh:mm:ss (24 hour clock)$ Name of file to be Transmitted$ Prompt character expected as an ACK from host (\0 for none)$ Name of macro or variable then a command$ Seconds from now or time of day (HH:MM:SS) for alarm, < 12H from present$ Number which errorlevel should match or exceed$ ?Number expected, ignoring "$"$ Kermit command "IF" condition is false, command will be ignored.$ ?pair of words or variables to be compared$ ?second word or variable to be compared$ Not$Alarm$Count$Defined$ Errorlevel$Equal$Exist$Failure$Success$Pxrr $ (Connecting to host, type $ C to return to PC) $ ?Input must be numeric$ ?No open logging file$ ?Error writing session log, suspending capture. $ ?Error writing Packet log$Control-$ ? This message F Dump screen to file C Close the connection P Push to DOS S Status of the connection Q Quit logging M Toggle mode line R Resume logging B Send a Break 0 Send a null L Send a long 1.8 s Break H Hangup phone Typing the escape character will send it to the hostCommand> $BCFHLMPQRS?0TwZwbwhwqwwwwwwwwxGoKpAll$Packets$Session$ Transaction$ Closing Session log$ Closing Packet log$ Closing Transaction log$ One of the following log files: ALL, Packets, Session, Transaction$ Type space to continue ...$ 0123456789ABCDEF5-.[WWaPR OLIVETTI TT33110000 TTOOSSHHIIBBAACopyright Digital Equipment Corp@ rIBM_TEK/Z More >Dt{܋[?38llll66666 ?h> ~`f 0f8ll8mf; 0 000 0 0~<~~0~ 0` 80 0`0 ~~0  0 l8flxpxlf``````~cwkkccffv~nff>f>``|fff|fff>ff><``|ffff8<8p``flxlf8<vkkc|ffffff>lv```>`<|00|000ffff>fff<ckk6f<<~ 0~ p 001kF $ Enter key's identification as a character or as its numerical equivalent \{b##} of ascii or as its scan code \{b##} or as SCAN followed by its scan code where b is O for octal, X for hex, or D for decimal (default). Braces {} are optional. Follow the identification with the new definition. or CLEAR to restore initial key settings or ON (def) for Bios i/o or OFF to use DOS i/o.$ Push key to be defined: $ Enter new definition: $ No such verb $ Not enough space for new string $ No more space to define keys $ Opps! That is Kermit's Escape Char. Translation is not permitted. $ Push key to be shown (? shows all): $ decimal is defined as $ ... more, push any key to continue ...$ Notice: this form of Set Key is obsolete$ Ascii char: $ Scan Code $ String: $ Verb: $ Self, no translation.$ Free space: $ key and $ string definitions, $ string characters. $<~ Enter either \Kverb for a Kermit action verb or a replacement string (single byte binary numbers are \{b##}) or push Return to undefine a key, ^C to retain current definition. Braces {} are optional, and strings maybe enclosed in them. Strings may not begin with the character combinations of \k or \{k (start with a { brace instead). Verbs are as follows. VT102 keys (arrows and keypad): uparr, dnarr, lfarr, rtarr, kpminus, kpcoma, kpdot, kpenter, Gold (same as PF1), PF1, PF2, PF3, PF4, kp0, ... kp9 Kermit screen control and actions: upscn, dnscn, homscn, endscn, upone, dnone, prtscn, dump, logoff, logon, termtype, reset, holdscrn, modeline, break, lbreak, hangup, null (send one), terminalR, terminalS, DOS, help, status, exit $*7-J+N7G8H9I4K5L6M1O2P3Q0R.S,S 0uparr$Zdnarr$^lfarr$ortarr$bgold$pf1$pf2$pf3$pf4$kp0$kp1$kp2$kp3$kp4$kp5$kp6$kp7$kp8$kp9$kpminus$kpcoma$ kpenter$kpdot$termtype$ƶreset$holdscrn$}dnscn$upscn$endscn$vhomscn$upone$dnone$~prtscn$dump$modeline$նbreak$lbreak$Ūhangup$null$xlogon$Slogoff$i terminalR$ʴ terminalS$״DOS$help$status$exit$\kgold$;\kpf2$<\kpf3$=\kpf4$>\kkp0$Z\kkp1$V\kkp2$W\kkp3$X\kkp4$C\kkp5$D\kkp6$T\kkp7$?\kkp8$@\kkp9$A \kkpenter$Y\kkpcoma$U \kkpminus$B\kkpdot$[\kuparr$H\kdnarr$P\klfarr$K\krtarr$M\kupscn$I\kdnscn$Q\khomscn$G\kendscn$O\kupone$\kdnone$v\kuparr$H\kdnarr$P\klfarr$K\krtarr$M\kupscn$I\kdnscn$Q\khomscn$G\kendscn$O\kupone$\kdnone$v \kmodeline$J \ktermtype$ \kreset$ \kprtscn$r\kdump$u*$7*$7+$N.$S0$R1$O2$P3$Q4$K5$L6$M7$G8$H9$I $ $  $ /$/\0$\0$\x7f$S\x7f$S\x7f$\kexit$- \kstatus$ \kbreak$0 \kbreak$\khelp$# $@ The phone or network connection should have hungup $ The modem control lines DTR and RTS for the current port are forced low (off) to hangup the phone. Normally, Kermit leaves them high (on) when it exits. For networks, the active session is terminated. $ ?Warning: Unrecognized baud rate $ ?More parameters are needed$ Unimplemented baud rate$ Serial port $ is not available $BIOS$COM$Unknown$ This port operates through the Bios $ Modem is not ready: DSR is off$ Modem is ready: DSR is on$ no Carrier Detect: CD is off$ Carrier Detect: CD is on$ no Clear To Send: CTS is off$ Clear To Send: CTS is on$ Modem is not used by the Network$IBM-PC$ $ $ $Tab stops 'T' and columns -$Heath-19$none$Tek4010$VT102$VT52$ Character-set$ Clear-screen$Color$ Cursor-style$ Direction$Graphics$Heath-19$Keyclick$ Margin-bell$None$Newline$Rollback$Screen-background$Tabstops$Tek4010$VT102$VT52$Wrap$normal$reverse$ left-to-right$ right-to-left$block$ underline$UK-ascii$US-ascii$ Alternate-ROM$ auto-sensing$CGA$EGA$VGA$Hercules$ATT$at$Clear$all$at$^.E^^^  @ U one of the following: terminal types of: None, Heath-19, VT52, VT102, or Tek4010 Newline-mode Cursor-style Character-set (US, UK, Alt) Keyclick Margin-bell Screen-background (normal, reverse) Tabstops Wrap (long lines) Color (fore & background) Clear-screen (clears old startup screen) Direction Left-to-right or Right-to-left (screen writing direction) Graphics (type of display adapter when in Tek4010 mode) Rollback (undo screen roll back before writing new chars, default=off)$ one of the following: AT #s (to set tabs at column #s) or AT start-column:spacing Clear AT #s (clears individual tabs) or AT start-column:spacing Clear ALL (to clear all tabstops) Ex: Set term tab at 10, 20, 34 sets tabs Ex: Set term tab at 1:8 sets tabs at 1, 9, 17,...$ Ex: Set term tab clear at 9, 17, 65 clears tabs Ex: Set term tab clear at 1:8 clears tabs at 1, 9, 17,...$ ?Column number is not in range 1 to screen width-1$ Set Term Color value, value, value, ... 0 no-snow mode on an IBM CGA and white on black 1 for high intensity foreground 10 for fast CGA screen updating (may cause snow) Foreground color (30-37) = 30 + sum of colors Background color (40-47) = 40 + sum of colors where colors are 1 = red, 2 = green, 4 = blue Ex: 0, 1, 37, 44 IBM CGA(0), bright(1) white(37) chars on a blue(44) field Attributes are applied in order of appearance.$ ?Value not in range of 0, 1, 10, 30-37, or 40-47$Term wrap-lines: $Term margin-bell: $Term newline: $Term cursor-style: $Term character-set: $Term key-click: $Term screen-background: $Term color foreground:3$ background:4$Term graphics: $Term rollback: $Term direction: $_f^_f ^_f/. _f ^_fi@OfCE_fə i_fX^Of^Oforoff$on$Bios1$1Bios2$2Bios3$3Bios4$4COM1$COM2$COM3$COM4$1$2$3$4$NetBios$NUB-Net1$U $ Y`@:0 @u]>8/ #CcNf * mskermit d * mskermit d * mskermit * mskermit mskermit Cannot construct a local Kermit name, error = $ Name $ is already in use. Please enter another of 1 - 14 letters or numbers (or nothing to quit): $ Checking if our node name is unique ...$ The network is active, our name is $ ?The network is not available$ Enter node name of remote system, or a carriage return to use current name, or a carriage return for server mode.$ Connecting to network node: $ Cannot reach network node: $ Network receive failed, status = $ Network send failed, status = $ A network session is active. Enter RESUME to resume it or NEW to start a new session. > $New$Resume$VEGA BIOS Code, Video Seven BIOS Code, ATI EGA Wonder Bios,TsengEverexVGA EV673,(-)*.) TTY Cannot open file to save screen to disk $ $Printer not ready, printing request skipped.ШEsc-chr: help: ? port: speed: parity: echo: unkwn 45.5 50 75 110 134.5 150 300 600 1200 1800 2000 2400 4800 9600192003840057.6K115 Kevenmarknoneodd spc locremTERMINALRTERMINALS --LGbippʇYABCDKIHJFG=>c()#Z