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ANSI/IEEE Std 754-2019

Scope: The IEEE 754-2008 standard expired in 2019, so a minor revision was undertaken, to determine a set of relatively non-controversial upward-compatible editorial corrections and clarifications and minor enhancements to the 2008 standard. 754-2019 was approved by IEEE Standards Board on 13 June 2019 and published in July 2019. David Hough was chair, Mike Cowlishaw was editor. The base document was the technical content of ANSI/IEEE Std 754-2008.

Subsequently, IEEE 754-2019 has been adopted by IEC through ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 and published as ISO/IEC 60559:2020.

The permanent archival site for the 754-2019 development is in the MSC page.

Background documents are non-normative items intended to answer questions about the sponsor ballot draft's scope, intent, additions, changes, and motivations.

A historical overview was published in December 2019 IEEE Computer. Note that one sentence was accidentally duplicated - in the section headed "2008", the first and third paragraphs begin

IEEE Standard 754-1985 was adopted in whole or in part by most microprocessor architectures as they began to incorporate hardware floating-point instructions.
That sentence is correct and in context in the first paragraph, but out of context and inappropriate in the third paragraph, so ignore it.

754-2019 is now in maintenance mode, and will expire in 2029. So another revision effort might soon commence, perhaps with more ambitious goals. Mike Cowlishaw, editor of 754-2019, is maintaining a list of proposed 754-2019 errata.

A study is underway to assess the development and impact of 754.

Mailing list: stds-754@ieee.org will be used to discuss issues arising during this activity and to conduct ballots as needed. If you want to get on stds-754@ieee.org, it's pretty simple; mail to:

Mailing list archives:. You will need to register and get a listserv password first. Then go to "Subscriber's Corner".

Teleconference agendas and minutes.

Working group policies and procedures

Working group PAR approved 3 Sep 2015

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