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The URI http://arxiv.org/licenses/assumed-1991-2003/ is used to indicate this assumed license.

Prior to January 2004, there was no explicit license granting/certification as part of the arXiv.org (formerly xxx.lanl.gov) e-print archive submission process. It was assumed that by the intentional action of submission and help pages stating the policies of archival availability of submissions, a license equivalent to http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/ was granted by the act of submission. We thus operate arXiv.org on the assumption that for these submissions:

Revision history

1991-08-14 - First submission to arXiv (then just hep-th) made (hep-th/9108001)
2007-06-21 - This HTML page created
2008-12-16 - Add URI for this license explicitly