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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

[memo] Installing nghttp2 onto OSX

Following the steps below should install nghttp2 with all of its useful apps for testing into /usr/local/http2-15 of your OS X machine.

-- openssl
% wget --no-check-certificate https://www.openssl.org/source/openssl-1.0.2-beta3.tar.gz
% tar xzf openssl-1.0.2-beta3.tar.gz
% cd openssl-1.0.2-beta3
% KERNEL_BITS=64 ./config shared enable-ec_nistp_64_gcc_128 --prefix=/usr/local/http2-15
% make
% make install

-- libevent
% wget https://github.com/downloads/libevent/libevent/libevent-2.0.21-stable.tar.gz
% CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/http2-15/include CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/local/http2-15/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/http2-15/lib ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/http2-15
% make
% make install

-- zlib-1.2.8
% wget http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
% tar xzf zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
% cd zlib-1.2.8
% ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/http2-15
% make
% make install

--  spdylay
% git clone https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/spdylay.git
% cd spdylay
% (cd m4 && wget http://keithr.org/eric/src/whoisserver-nightly/m4/am_path_xml2.m4)
% autoreconf -i
% PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/http2-15/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/http-15
% make
% make install

-- nghttp2
% git clone https://github.com/tatsuhiro-t/nghttp2.git
% cd nghttp2
% (cd m4 && wget http://keithr.org/eric/src/whoisserver-nightly/m4/am_path_xml2.m4)
% autoreconf -i
% PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/http2-15/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/http2-15 --enable-app --disable-threads
% make
% make install

note: I have gathered this from my command history. Please forgive me if any of them are wrong.
EDIT: added libevent as pointed out by @tatsuhiro-t.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The internals H2O (or how to write a fast server)

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak at the HTTP2Conference held in Tokyo.

Until now, I have rather been silent about H2O since I think it is still premature for wild use. But you do not need to worry about such thing in a technology conference, so I happily talked about the motives behind H2O, and its implementation.

IMO the talk should be interesting not only to people working with HTTP server implementations but also to those interested in programming in general, since it covers the common performance pitfalls (or misconceptions as I see) in many server implementations.

Below are the slides and the recorded video of my presentation.


PS. Please forgive me for the provocative attitude in the questions raised in the last part of the slides. They were intentionally written as such in order to spark discussion at the hall.

my talk starts a 3h15m (in Japanese)

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