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Bug #49429 odbc_autocommit doesn't work
Submitted: 2009-09-01 10:50 UTC Modified: 2010-03-20 19:19 UTC
Avg. Score:5.0 ± 0.0
Reproduced:7 of 7 (100.0%)
Same Version:7 (100.0%)
Same OS:4 (57.1%)
From: jvanderleij at desyderetail dot nl Assigned: felipe (profile)
Status: Closed Package: ODBC related
PHP Version: 5.3.0 OS: Windows XP professional
Private report: No CVE-ID: None
 [2009-09-01 10:50 UTC] jvanderleij at desyderetail dot nl
In PHP-version 5.3.0 the odbc_autocommit function with second parameter filled in always returns false. We tested this with sql server and progress database. In PHP-version 5.2.10 we don't have this problem.

The actual result is the progress output from PHP 5.3.0.
The expected result is the progress output from PHP 5.2.10.

Reproduce code:

	function reporterror($con, $extramsg)
		echo $extramsg.'<br>';
		$errnum = odbc_error($con);
		$errstr = odbc_errormsg ($con);
		echo 'error '.$errnum.' errmsg '.$errstr.'<br>';

	function setisolationlevel($con, $level)
		$statement = 'SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ' . $level;
		$res = odbc_exec ($con, $statement);
		if ($res === FALSE)
			reporterror($con, 'exec failed '.$statement);

	function starttransaction($con)
		$res = odbc_autocommit ($con, false);
		if ($res !==  TRUE)
			reporterror($con, 'odbc_autocommit false failed ');

	function committransaction($con)
		$res = odbc_commit($con);
		if ($res !== TRUE)
			reporterror($con, 'committransaction failed ');
				$res = odbc_autocommit ($con, true);
		$res = odbc_autocommit ($con, true);
		if ($res !==  TRUE)
			reporterror($con, 'odbc_autocommit true failed ');

	function test1($con)

		echo 'test 1<br>';

		setisolationlevel($con, 'READ UNCOMMITTED');
		$rs = odbc_exec ($con, "SELECT * from tbloctsequence where seqname = 'testdanny'");
		if ($rs === FALSE)
			reporterror($con, 'exec failed');
			echo 'exec failed<br>';
		} else
			echo 'exec succeeded<br>';
			for (;;)
				$ar = odbc_fetch_array($rs);
				if ($ar === FALSE)
					echo '<br>';

			odbc_free_result ($rs);

	function test2($con)

		echo 'test 2<br>';

		setisolationlevel($con, 'READ COMMITTED');
		$rs = odbc_exec ($con, "INSERT INTO tblLabelnamen (Naam) VALUES ('testdanny')" );
		if ($rs === FALSE)
			reporterror($con, 'exec failed');
			echo 'exec failed<br>';
		} else
			echo 'exec succeeded<br>';

	$con = odbc_connect ( 'progresstest', 'test' , 'test');
//	$con = odbc_connect ( 'mssqltest', 'test' , 'test');

	if ($con == 0)
		echo 'connect failed<br>';
	} else
		echo 'connect succeeded<br>';

		odbc_close ($con );


Expected result:
connect succeeded
test 1
exec succeeded
test 2
exec succeeded

Actual result:
connect succeeded
test 1
odbc_autocommit false failed 
error ?-? errmsg 
exec succeeded
test 2
error S1000 errmsg [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Cannot change the transaction isolation level while in a transaction. (13742)
odbc_autocommit false failed 
error S1000 errmsg [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Cannot change the transaction isolation level while in a transaction. (13742)
exec failed
error S1000 errmsg [DataDirect][ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver][OPENEDGE]Statement not allowed in readonly isolation level (7671)
exec failed


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 [2009-11-24 12:45 UTC] kristoff dot picard at ingres dot com
Same problem with 5.3.1
Tested on Linux with unixODBC and Ingres

Simple testcase:

echo "return set odbc_autocommit false: ".$rc. "\n";

echo "return get odbc_autocommit: ".$rc. "\n";

Output is as follows:
return set odbc_autocommit false: 1
return get odbc_autocommit: 1

While with 5.2.11 it is:
return set odbc_autocommit false: 1
return get odbc_autocommit: 0

ODBC trace shows that in 5.3.x SQLSetConnectOption() isn't called when passing FALSE as second parameter, but SQLGetConnectOption. 

When passing TRUE SQLSetConnectOption() is called as expetced.
 [2010-03-20 19:19 UTC] felipe@php.net
Automatic comment from SVN on behalf of felipe
Revision: http://svn.php.net/viewvc/?view=revision&amp;revision=296467
Log: - Fixed bug #49429, #51331 (odbc_autocommit doesn't work)
 [2010-03-20 19:19 UTC] felipe@php.net
-Summary: Problem with odbc_autocommit +Summary: odbc_autocommit doesn't work -Status: Open +Status: Closed -Assigned To: +Assigned To: felipe
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Last updated: Fri Jan 24 17:01:30 2025 UTC