The First Years of LHC Operation for Luminosity Production (p. 6) |
by Lamont, Mike |
Results of an Experiment on Hydrodynamic Tunneling at the SPS HiRadMat High Intensity Proton Facility (p. 37) |
by Schmidt, R |
Overview of the LHeC Design Study at CERN (p. 40) |
by Brüning, O |
The First Long Shutdown (LS1) for the LHC (p. 44) |
by Bordry, F |
Proton-Nucleus Collisions in the LHC (p. 49) |
by Jowett, J M |
Simulations and Measurements of Cleaning with 100 MJ Beams in the LHC (p. 52) |
by Bruce, R |
CNGS, CERN Neutrinos to Gran Sasso, Five Years of Running a 500 Kilowatt Neutrino Beam Facility at CERN (p. 211) |
by Gschwendtner, E |
Non-local Fast Extraction from the CERN SPS at 100 and 440 GeV (p. 392) |
by Velotti, F M |
Beam Transfer Systems for the LAGUNA-LBNO Long Baseline Neutrino Beam from the CERN SPS (p. 395) |
by Goddard, B |
A New Lead Ion Injection System for the CERN SPS with 50 ns Rise Time (p. 398) |
by Goddard, B |
Upgrades of the SPS, Transfer Line and LHC Injection Protection Devices for the HL-LHC Era (p. 401) |
by Mete, Ö. |
Upgrades for the CERN PSB-to-PS Transfer at 2 GeV (p. 404) |
by Bartmann, W |
Design Study of a 100 GeV Beam Transfer Line from the SPS for a Short Baseline Neutrino Facility (p. 407) |
by Bartmann, W |
Studies for the LHeC Beam Transfer System (p. 410) |
by Bracco, C |
Studies of Cs$-3$Sb Cathodes for the CLIC Drive Beam Photoinjector Option (p. 413) |
by Martini, Irene |
Design and performance of the beam transfer lines for the HIE-ISOLDE Project (p. 416) |
by Parfenova, A |
Beam Transfer to LHC with the Low Gamma-transition SPS Optics (p. 419) |
by Vanbavinckhove, G |
Beam Transfer to LHC with the Low gamma-Transition SPS Optics (p. 419) |
by Vanbavinckhove, G |
Concept for ELENA Extraction and Beam Transfer Elements (p. 422) |
by Borburgh, J |
A Novel Type of Forward Coupler Slotted Stripline Pickup Electrode for CSRE Stochastic Cooling (p. 571) |
by Wu, J X |
Multi-OTR System for Linear Colliders (p. 637) |
by Resta-López, Javier |
Characterisation of SI Detectors for the Use at 2 K* (p. 643) |
by Bartosik, M |
Performance Tests of a Short Faraday Cup Designed for HIE-ISOLDE (p. 646) |
by Cantero, E |
Measurement of Schottky-like Signals from Linac Bunched Hadron Beams for Momentum Spread Evaluation (p. 649) |
by Kowina, P |
Laser based stripping system for measurement of the transverse emittance of H-beams at the CERN Linac4 (p. 652) |
by Hofmann, T |
Determination of Octupole and Sextupole Polarities in the LHC (p. 655) |
by McAteer, M |
Electro-0ptical Bunch Profile Measurement at CTF3 (p. 658) |
by Pan, R |
Upgrade of the LHC Injection Kicker Magnets (p. 729) |
by Barnes, M J |
Beam Induced Ferrite Heating of the LHC Injection Kickers and Proposals for Improved Cooling (p. 732) |
by Barnes, M J |
Reduction of Surface Flashover of the Beam Screen of the LHC Injection Kickers (p. 735) |
by Barnes, M J |
Modelling of Parasitic Inductances of a High Precision Inductive Adder for CLIC (p. 738) |
by Holma, J |
Electron Tracking Simulations in the Presence of the Beam and External Fields (p. 741) |
by Patecki, M |
Beam Loss Studies for the CERN PS Booster Using FLUKA (p. 744) |
by Damjanovic, S |
Gem Detectors For the Transverse Profile Measurement of Low Energy Antiprotons and High Energy Hadrons (p. 747) |
by Spanggaard, J |
Commissioning of the CERN LINAC4 BPM System with 50 Mev Proton Beamns (p. 750) |
by Tan, J |
Flashbox Compact Beam Spectometer and its Application to the High-Gradient Acceleration Study (p. 753) |
by Dubrovskiy, A |
The new SLS beam size monitor, first results (p. 759) |
by Saa Hernandez, A |
ZEMAX Simulations for an Optical System for a Diffraction Radiation Monitor at CesrTA (p. 789) |
by Aumeyr, Thomas |
Machine Protection Studies for a Crab Cavity in the LHC (p. 906) |
by Yee-Rendon, B |
Surface Field Optimization of Accelerating Structures for CLIC Using ACE3P on Remote Computing Facility (p. 909) |
by Sjobak, K N |
Design and Manufacturing Description of the Prototype Striplines for the Extraction Kicker of the CLIC Damping Rings (p. 930) |
by Belver-Aguilar, C |
Design of the CLIC pre-main linac collimation system (p. 936) |
by Apsimon, R |
Optics and Protection of the Injection and Extraction Regions of the CLIC Damping Rings (p. 939) |
by Apsimon, R |
Investigation of Numerical Precision Issues of Long Term Single Particle Tracking (p. 942) |
by McIntosh, E |
Improved Teapot Method and Tracking with Thick Quadrupoles for the LHC and its Upgrade (p. 945) |
by Burkhardt, H |
Recent Developments and Future Plans for Sixtrack (p. 948) |
by De Maria, R |
Remote Estimation of Collimator Jaw Damages With Sounds Measurements During Beam Impacts (p. 951) |
by Deboy, D |
High Energy Beam Impact Tests on a LHC Tertiary Collimator at CERN HiRadMat Facility (p. 954) |
by Cauchi, M |
SPS Scraping and LHC Transverse Tails (p. 957) |
by Drøsdal, L |
Analysis of LHC Transfer Line Trajectory Drifts (p. 960) |
by Drøsdal, L |
Analysis of LHC transfer line trajectory drifts (p. 960) |
by Drosdal, L |
Energy deposition studies for the upgrade of the LHC injection lines (p. 963) |
by Mereghetti, A |
Energy Deposition Studies for the Upgrade of the LHC Injection Lines (p. 963) |
by Mereghetti, A |
Layouts for Crystal Collimation Tests at the LHC (p. 966) |
by Mirarchi, D |
Civil Engineering Feasibility Studies for Future Ring Colliders at CERN (p. 969) |
by Bruning, O |
Sixtrack Simulation of Off-Momentum Cleaning in the LHC (p. 972) |
by Quaranta, E |
Cleaning Inefficiency of the LHC Collimation System During the Energy Ramp: Simulations and Measurements (p. 975) |
by Quaranta, E |
Experience with High-Intensity Beam Scraping and Tail Population at the Large Hadron Collider (p. 978) |
by Redaelli, S |
Analysis of Failures of the LHC Collimators During the 2010-2013 Operation (p. 981) |
by Redaelli, S |
Simulations and Measurements of Physics Debris Losses at the 4 Tev LHC (p. 984) |
by Marsili, A |
Simulations of Collimation Cleaning Performance with HL-LHC Optics (p. 987) |
by Marsiliy , A |
Hollow Electron Lens Simulation for the SPS (p. 990) |
by Previtali, V |
Numerical simulations of a hollow electron lens as a scraping device for the LHC (p. 993) |
by Previtali, V |
Simulation and Measurements of Beam Losses on LHC Collimators During Beam Abort Failures (p. 996) |
by Lari, L |
Studies of Thermal Loads on Collimators for HL-LHC Optics in Case of Fast Losses (p. 999) |
by Lari, L |
Cleaning Performance of the LHC Collimation System up to 4 Tev (p. 1002) |
by Salvachua, B |
Lifetime Analysis at High Intensity Colliders Applied to the LHC (p. 1005) |
by Salvachua, B |
Comparison of LHC Beam Loss Maps Using the Transverse Damper Blow Up and Tune Resonance Crossing Methods (p. 1008) |
by Moens, V |
Estimate of Warm Magnets Lifetime in the Betatron and Momentum Cleaning Insertions of the LHC (p. 1011) |
by Salvachua, B |
Evolution of the Tracking Code PLACET (p. 1014) |
by Latina, A |
The LHeC as a Higgs Boson Factory (p. 1017) |
by Zimmermann, F |
LHeC IR Optics Design Integrated Into the HL-LHC-Lattice (p. 1034) |
by Korostelev, M |
Physics of the AWAKE Project (p. 1179) |
by Muggli, Patric |
Beam Transfer Line Design for a Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) at the CERN SPS (p. 1247) |
by Bracco, C |
Design Study for a CERN Short Base-Line Neutrino Facility (p. 1250) |
by Steerenberg, R |
Feasibility Study of the Awake Facility at CERN (p. 1253) |
by Gschwendtner, E |
High Luminosity LHC matching section layout vs crab cavity voltage (p. 1328) |
by Dalena, B |
Electron Cloud and Scrubbing Studies for the LHC (p. 1331) |
by Iadarola, G |
Synchrotron-Radiation Photon Distribution for Highest Energy Circular Colliders (p. 1340) |
by Maury Cuna, GHI |
The LHCB Online Luminosity Control and Monitoring (p. 1346) |
by Alemany-Fernandez, R |
Study and Operational Implementation of a Tileted Crossing Angle in LHCB (p. 1349) |
by Alemany-Fernandez, R |
HL-LHC: Integrated Luminosity and Availability (p. 1352) |
by Apollonio, A |
LHC Long Shutdown: A Parenthesis for a Challenge (p. 1355) |
by Foraz, K |
HLLHCV1.0: HL-LHC Layout and Optics Models for 150 MM Nb$_{3}$Sn Triplets and Local Crab-Cavities (p. 1358) |
by De Maria, R |
Optimization of Triplet Quadrupoles Field Quality for the LHC High Luminosity Lattice at Collision Energy (p. 1364) |
by Nosochkov, Y |
Evaluation of Field Quality for Seperation Dipoles and Matching Section Quadrupoles for the LHC High Luminosity Lattice at Collision Energy (p. 1367) |
by Nosochkov, Y |
A Simplified Magnetic Field Tapering and Target Optimisation for the Neutrino Factory Capture System (p. 1370) |
by Efthymiopoulos, Ilias |
Magnet Misalignment Studies for the Front-end of the Neutrino Factory (p. 1373) |
by Prior, G |
Towards a Symmetric Momentum Distribution in the Muon Ionisation Cooling Experiment (p. 1376) |
by Hansen, O M |
Fluka Energy Deposition Studies for the HL LHC (p. 1379) |
by Esposito, L S |
Power Load from Collision Debris on the LHC Point 8 Insertion Magnets implied by the LHCB Luminosity Increase (p. 1382) |
by Esposito, L S |
Optics Design and Lattice Optimisation for the HL-LHC (p. 1385) |
by Holzer, B J |
Influence of the ATS Optics on Intra-Beam Scattering for HL-LHC (p. 1388) |
by Schaumann, M |
Bunch-by-Bunch Analysis of the LHC Heavy-Ion Luminosity (p. 1391) |
by Schaumann, M |
Investigations of the LHC Emittance Blow-Up During the 2012 Proton Run (p. 1394) |
by Kuhn, M |
Energy Deposition Studies for Fast Losses during LHC Injection Failures (p. 1397) |
by Lechner, A |
Beam Losses Through the LHC Operational Cycle in 2012 (p. 1400) |
by Papotti, G |
Luminosity Lifetime at the LHC in 2012 Proton Physics (p. 1403) |
by Hostettler, M |
LHC Machine Developments in 2011-12 (p. 1406) |
by Papotti, G |
Effect of Collision Pattern in the LHC on the Beam Stability: Requirements from Experiments and Operational Considerations (p. 1409) |
by Papotti, G |
Observations of Instabilities in the LHC Due to Missing Head-On Beam-Beam Interactions (p. 1412) |
by Arduini, G |
Colliding During the Squeeze and β* Levelling in the LHC (p. 1415) |
by Buffat, X |
Observations of Two-beam Instabilities during the 2012 LHC Physics Run (p. 1418) |
by Pieloni, T |
Head-On and Long Range Beam-Beam Interactions in the LHC: Effective Tune Spread and Beam Stability Due to Landau Damping (p. 1421) |
by Buffat, X |
Observation of Beam Instabilities with very tight Collimation (p. 1424) |
by Burkhardt, H |
Collimation Down to 2 Sigma in Special Physics Runs in the LHC (p. 1427) |
by Burkhardt, H |
Operation of the Betatron Squeeze at the LHC (p. 1430) |
by Redaelli, S |
Optics Performance of the LHC during the 2012 Run (p. 1433) |
by Skowronski, P |
Experimental Verifiction of the CLIC two beam Acceleration Technology in CTF3 (p. 1436) |
by Constance, B |
Operating the LHC Off-Momentum for p-Pb Collisions (p. 1439) |
by Versteegen, R |
Beam Parameters and Luminosity Time Evolution for an 80-KM VHE-LHC (p. 1442) |
by Dominguez, O |
Matching Antisymetric Arc Optics to Symmetric Interaction Region (p. 1445) |
by Abelleira, J L |
LHC Optics with Crab-Waist Collisions and Local Chromatic Correction (p. 1448) |
by Abelleira, J L |
Electron-Cloud Maps for LHC Scrubbing Optimization (p. 1451) |
by Dominguez, O |
Optics Transition Between Injection and Collision Optics for the HL-LHC Upgrade Project (p. 1460) |
by Korostelev, M |
Operational Results of the LHC Luminosity Monitors until LS1 (p. 1490) |
by Ratti, Alessandro |
Electromagnetic Coupling Between High Intensity LHC Beams and the Synchrotron Radiation Monitor Light Extraction System (p. 1493) |
by Andreazza, W |
Alternative Muon Cooling Options based on Particle-Matter-Interaction for a Neutrino Factory (p. 1550) |
by Stratakis, D |
Preparations for Beam Tests of a CLIC Damping Wiggler Prototype at ANKA (p. 1568) |
by Bernhard, Axel |
Beam Dynamics Studies for the Injection System of a High Luminosity Flavour Factory (p. 1577) |
by Pellegrini, D |
Simulated Beam-Beam Limit for Circular Higgs Factories (p. 1586) |
by Ohmi, K |
Considerations for a Higgs Facility Based on Laser Wakefield Acceleration (p. 1643) |
by Hillenbrand, Steffen |
Update on Beam Induced RF Heating in the LHC (p. 1646) |
by Salvant, B |
Evaluation of the Beam Coupling Impedance of New Beam Screen Designs for the LHC Injection Kicker Magnets (p. 1649) |
by Day, H |
Experimental Studies for Future LHC Beams in the SPS (p. 1652) |
by Bartosik, H |
The Drive Beam Phase Stability in CTF3 and its Relation to the Bunch Compression Factor (p. 1655) |
by Ikarios, E |
TLEP: A high-Performance Circular $e^{+}e^{-}$ Collider to Study the Higgs Boson (p. 1658) |
by Koratzinos, M |
The SPS as an Ultra-Low Emittance Damping Ring Test Facility for CLIC (p. 1661) |
by Papaphilippou, Y |
Turn by Turn Measurements at the KEK-ATF (p. 1664) |
by Renier, Y |
Performance of SPS Low transition Energy Optics for LHC Ion Beam (p. 1667) |
by Antoniou, F |
Sub-Harmonic Bunching System of CLIC Drive Beam Injector (p. 1670) |
by Sanaye Hajari, Shahin |
Imperfection Tolerances For On-line Dipsersion Free Steering in the Main LINAC of CLIC (p. 1673) |
by Pfingstner, J |
Status of the Exploration of an Alternative CLIC First Energy Stage Based on Klystrons (p. 1676) |
by Schulte, D |
Performance Comparison of Different System Identification Algorithms for FACET and ATF2 (p. 1679) |
by Pfingstner, J |
CLIC Final Focus System Alignment and Magnet Tolerances (p. 1682) |
by Snuverink, J |
Sub-harmonic Buncher Design for the CLIC Drive Beam Injector (p. 1685) |
by Shaker, Seyd Hamed |
General Beam Loading Compensation in a Traveling Wave Structure (p. 1688) |
by Shaker, Seyd Hamed |
Experimental Study of the Effect of Beam Loading on RF Breakdown Rate in CLIC High-Gradient Accelerating Structures (p. 1691) |
by Tecker, F |
Strawman Optics Design for the LHeC ERL Test Facility (p. 1694) |
by Valloni, A |
3.5 GeV Superconducting Stacking Ring for Compton Based Polarized Positrons Source of CLIC (p. 1697) |
by Rinolfi, L |
Tune Studies with Beam-Beam Effects in LHC (p. 1703) |
by Paret, Stefan |
Emittance Growth with Crab Cavity and Damper Noise in LHC (p. 1706) |
by Paret, Stefan |
Comparison of Tracking Simulation with Experiment on the GSI UNILAC (p. 1763) |
by Yin, Xuejun |
Identification of the SPS Impedance at 1.4 GHz (p. 1793) |
by Argyropoulos, T |
Loss of Landau Damping for Inductive Impedance in a Double RF System (p. 1796) |
by Argyropoulos, T |
Reduction of Secondary Electron Yied (SEY) Figures on Smooth Metallic Surfaces by Means of Magnetic Roughness (p. 1799) |
by Montero, I |
Lessons Learnt and Mitigation Measures for the CERN LHC Equipment with RF fingers (p. 1802) |
by Métral, E |
Impedance Studies for VMTSA Module of LHC Equipped with RF Fingers (p. 1805) |
by Kononenko, O |
Longitudinal Coupled-Bunch Oscillation Studies in the CERN PS (p. 1808) |
by Damerau, H |
Longitudinal Space Charge Effects in the CLIC Drive Beam (p. 1811) |
by Lillestol, R L |
Experimental Results from the Test Beam Line in the CLIC Test Facility 3 (p. 1814) |
by Lillestol, R L |
Collimator Impedance Measurements in the LHC (p. 1817) |
by Mounet, N |
Short High-Intensity Bunches for Plasma Wakefield Experiment AWAKE in the CERN SPS (p. 1820) |
by Timko, H |
Effect of Transverse Coupling on Asymmetric Cooling in Compton Rings (p. 1823) |
by Bulyak, E |
CLIC 3TeV Beamsize Optimization with Radiation Effects (p. 1877) |
by Blanco, OR |
Preliminary results of linear optics from orbit response in the CERN PSB (p. 1973) |
by McAteer, M |
Understanding the Tune, Coupling, and Chromaticity Dependence of the LHC on Landau Octupole Powering (p. 1976) |
by Maclean, E |
Automatic Correction of Betatron Coupling in the LHC Using Injection Oscillations (p. 1979) |
by Persson, T |
Commissioning and Operation at Beta* = 1000 m in the LHC (p. 1982) |
by Burkhardt, H |
Geometry and Optics of the Electrostatic ELENA Transfer Lines (p. 1985) |
by Vanbavinckhove, G |
Optics Optimization for Reducing Collective Effects and Raising Instability Thresholds in Lepton and Hadron Rings (p. 2033) |
by Papaphilippou, Y |
Design of Phase Feed Forward System in CTF3 and Performance of Fast Beam Phase Monitors (p. 2097) |
by Skowronski, P K |
RF Characterization of Niobium Films for Superconducting Cavities (p. 2399) |
by Aull† , S |
RF Multipolar Characterization of the Latest LHC Deflecting Cavities (p. 2402) |
by Navarro-Tapia, M |
First Test Results of the 4-ROD Crab Cavity (p. 2405) |
by Ambattu, P |
A Double Quarter-Wave Deflecting Cavity for the LHC (p. 2408) |
by Calaga, R |
A Proposal for an ERL Test Facility at CERN (p. 2414) |
by Calaga, R |
Mechanical Study of 400 MHz Double Quarter Wave Crab Cavity for LHC Luminosity Upgrade (p. 2417) |
by Xiao, Binping |
Manufacture of a Compact Prototype 4R Crab Cavity for HL-LHC (p. 2420) |
by Burt, Graeme |
HOM Damping Coupler Design for the 400-MHz RF Dipole Compact Crab Cavity for the LHC HiLumi Upgrade (p. 2468) |
by Li, Zenghai |
Compact Superconducting RF-Dipole Cavity Designs for Deflecting and Crabbing Applications (p. 2483) |
by De Silva, S U |
Study of Laser Wakefield Accelerators as Injectors for Synchrotron Light Sources (p. 2519) |
by Hillenbrand, Steffen |
Electron Cloud Studies for the Upgrade of the CERN PS (p. 2522) |
by Iadarola, G |
Recent Electron Cloud Studies in the SPS (p. 2525) |
by Iadarola, G |
Actions to Mitigate the Radiation Damage to Electronics at the LHC (p. 2591) |
by Perrot, A L |
The PS Upgrade Program: Recent Advances (p. 2594) |
by Gilardoni, SS |
The PS Upgrade Programme: Recent Advances (p. 2594) |
by Gilardoni, Simone |
Working Point and Resonance Studies at the CERN PS (p. 2597) |
by Huschauer, A |
RF Manipulations for Higher Brightness LHC-Type Beams (p. 2600) |
by Damerau, H |
Specifications of the Field Quality at Injection Energy of the New Magnets for the HL-LHC Upgrade Project (p. 2603) |
by De Maria, R |
Experimental Observations from the LHC Dynamic Aperture Machine Development Study in 2012 (p. 2606) |
by Cave, SC |
Dynamic Aperture Performance for Different Collision Optics Scenarios for the LHC Luminosity Upgrade (p. 2609) |
by De Maria, R |
Specification of a System of Correctors for the Triplets and Seperation Dipoles of the LHC Upgrade (p. 2612) |
by Giovannozzi, M |
Analysis of the Non-Linear Fringe Effects of Large Aperture Triplets for the HL-LHC Project (p. 2615) |
by Bogomyagkov, AV |
Analysis of Possible Functional Forms of the Scaling Law for Dynamic Aperture as a Function of Time (p. 2618) |
by Giovannozzi, M |
Investigations on CERN PSB Beam Dynamics with Strong Direct Space Charge Effects Using the PTC-Orbit Code (p. 2621) |
by Forte, V |
Progress with the Upgrade of the SPS for the HL-LHC Era (p. 2624) |
by Goddard, Brennan |
Progress with the Upgrade of the SPS for the HL-LHC Era (p. 2624) |
by Goddard, B |
CERN PS Optical Properties Measured with Turn-By-Turn Orbit Data (p. 2627) |
by Bach, T |
Quantitative Evaluation of Trapping and Overall Efficiency for Simple Models in One-Degree of Freedom (p. 2630) |
by Bazzani, A |
Design and Beam Measurements of Modified Fast Extraction Schemed in the CERN PS for Installing a Dummy Septum to Mitigate Ring Irradiation (p. 2633) |
by Hernalsteens, C |
Numerical Simulations to Evaluate the Performance of CERN PS Dummy Septum to Reduce Irradiation for the Multi-Turn Extraction (p. 2636) |
by Hernalsteens, C |
LSS Layout Optimizations for Low-beta Optics for the HL-LHC (p. 2639) |
by Holzer, Bernhard Johannes |
Study of the Impact of Fringe Fields of the Large Aperture Triplets on the Linear Optics of the HL-LHC (p. 2642) |
by Kelly, S |
Plans for the Upgrade of CERN's Heavy Ion Complex (p. 2645) |
by Manglunki, D |
The First LHC p-Pb Run: Performance of the Heavy Ion Production Complex (p. 2648) |
by Manglunki, D |
Progress in ELENA Design (p. 2651) |
by Bartmann, W |
Upgrades and consolidation of the CERN AD for operation during the next decades (p. 2654) |
by Eriksson, T |
Sixtrack-Fluka Active Coupling for the Upgrade of the SPS Scrapers (p. 2657) |
by Mereghetti, A |
Beam Tests and Plans for the CERN PS Booster Wideband RF System Prototype (p. 2660) |
by Paoluzzi, M M |
Beam Optics Measurements Through Turn by Turn Beam Position Data in the SLS (p. 2663) |
by Zisopoulos, P |
Review of the Drive Beam Stabilization in the CLIC Test Facility CTF3 (p. 2666) |
by Dubrovskiy, A |
Space Charge Effects and Limitations in the CERN Proton Synchrotron (p. 2669) |
by Wasef, R |
Performance Limitations in the LHC due to Parasitic Beam-beam Encounters- Parameter Dependence, Scaling, and PACMAN Effects (p. 2672) |
by Giachino, R |
Performance Limitations in the LHC due to Parasitic Beam-beam Encounters- Parameter Dependence, Scaling, and PACMAN Effects (p. 2672) |
by Giachino, R |
Comparison of Taylor Maps with Radio Frequency Multipoles in a Thin Lens 6D Tracking code (p. 2687) |
by Brett†, D |
Applying the 'Simple Accelerator Modelling in Matlab' (SAMM) Code to High Luminosity LHC Upgrade (p. 2690) |
by Hock, Kai M |
Enlargement of Tuning Range in a Ferrite-Tuned Cavity Through Superposed Orthogonal and Parallel Magnetic Bias (p. 2812) |
by Vollinger, C |
Experience on Fabrication and Assembly of the First CLIC Two-Beam Module Prototype (p. 2815) |
by Gudkov, D |
Study of the Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of the CLIC Two-Beam Modules (p. 2818) |
by Rossi, F |
Breakdown Localization Studies on the SwissFEL C-band Test Structures (p. 2824) |
by Klavins, J |
Beam Tests and Plans for the CERN PS Transverse Damper System (p. 2947) |
by Blas, A |
The Distance From CERN to LNGS (p. 3016) |
by Jones, M A |
Modelling and Studies for a Wideband Feedback System for Mitigation of Transverse Single Bunch Instabilities (p. 3019) |
by Li, K S B |
Performance of the LHC Transverse Damper with Bunch Trains (p. 3022) |
by Hofle, W |
Generation of Controlled Losses in Millisecond Timescale with Transverse Damper in LHC (p. 3025) |
by Baer, T |
Development and Validation of a Multipoint Based Laser Alignment System for CLIC (p. 3028) |
by Stern, G |
Alignment Challenges for a Future Linear Collider (p. 3031) |
by Durand, H |
Latest Performance Results from the FONT 5 Intra Train Beam Position Feedback System at ATF (p. 3049) |
by Davis, Michael |
A 4 GS/sec Instability Feedback Processing System for Intra-bunch Instabilities (p. 3067) |
by Dusatko, J |
First Results and Analysis of the Performance of a 4 GS/s Intra-Bunch Vertical Feedback System at the SPS (p. 3070) |
by Fox, J D |
A Wideband Slotted Kicker Design for SPS Transverse Intra-Bunch Feedback (p. 3073) |
by Cesaratto, John M |
Beam Coupling Impedance Localization Technique Validation and Measurements in the CERN Machines (p. 3106) |
by Biancacci, N |
Pathway to a Post Processing Increase in Q0 of SRF Cavities (p. 3129) |
by Kugeler, O |
Radiation Protection Study for the Shielding Design of the LINAC4 Beam Dump at CERN (p. 3225) |
by Blaha, Jan |
Design of a Magnetic Bump Tail Scraping System for the CERN SPS (p. 3228) |
by Mete, Öznur |
Performance Improvements of the SPS Internal Beam Dump for the HL-LHC Beam (p. 3231) |
by Velotti, F M |
TREC: Traceability of Radioactive Equipment at CERN (p. 3234) |
by Kepinski, Maciej P |
An Equipment Hub for Managing a Small Town and a Complex Machine (p. 3237) |
by Martel, Pedro |
Radiation Tolerance of Cryogenic Beam Loss Monitor Detectors (p. 3240) |
by Kurfuerst, C |
Beam Induced Quenches of LHC Magnets (p. 3243) |
by Sapinski, M |
Machine Protection at the LHC – Experience of Three Years Running and Outlook for Operation at Nominal Energy (p. 3246) |
by Wollmann, D |
Diamond Particle Detector Properties during High Fluence Material Damage Tests and their Future Applications for Machine Protection in the LHC (p. 3249) |
by Burkart, F |
Construction and Initial Tests of the Electrostatic Septa for MedAustron (p. 3288) |
by Borburgh, J |
NEG Thin Film Coating Development for the MAX IV Vacuum System (p. 3385) |
by Grabski, Marek |
Reliability Approach for Machine Protection Design in Particle Accelerators (p. 3388) |
by Apollonio, A |
First Results of an Experiment on Advanced Collimator Materials at CERN HiRadMat Facility (p. 3391) |
by Bertarelli, A |
Design Guidelines for Ferrite Absorbers Submitted to RF-induced Heating (p. 3394) |
by Bertarelli, A |
Evaluation of the NEG Coating Saturation Level after 3 Years of LHC Beam Operation (p. 3397) |
by Bregliozzi, G |
Some Ideas Towards Energy Optimization at CERN (p. 3400) |
by Burckhart, Helfried |
Optimization of the Energy Usage at CERN (p. 3400) |
by Burckhart, H J |
Radio-Frequency Multipacting as Quality Control of Coatings for E-Cloud Suppression (p. 3403) |
by Costa Pinto, P |
Application of Atmospheric Plasma-Sprayed Ferrite Layers for Particle Accelerators (p. 3406) |
by Caspers, F |
A Feasibility Experiment of a W-powder Target in the HiRadMat Facility of CERN (p. 3409) |
by Charitonidis, Nikolaos |
Preliminary Comparison of the Response of LHC Tertiary Collimators to Proton and Ion Beam Impacts (p. 3412) |
by Cauchi, M |
First Year of Operations in the HiRadMat Irradiation Facility at CERN (p. 3415) |
by Fabich, A |
Design Study for a Future Laguna-LBNO Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility at CERN (p. 3418) |
by Alabau-Gonzalvo, J |
Development of Vacuum Chambers in Low Z Material (p. 3421) |
by Garion, C |
Qualification of a Glassy Carbon Blade for a LHC Fast Vacuum Valve (p. 3424) |
by Garion, C |
Robustness Test of a Silicon Strip Crystal for Crystal-Assisted Collimation Studies in the LHC (p. 3427) |
by Lechner, A |
Development, Validation and Application of a Novel Method for Estimating the Thermal Conductance of Critical Interfaces in the Jaws of the LHC Collimation System (p. 3430) |
by Leitao, I V |
Design Process of the Interlock Systems for the Compact Linear Collider (p. 3433) |
by Nouvel, Patrice |
Design of Air-Cooled Beam Dump for Extraction Line of PS Booster (p. 3436) |
by Perillo-Marcone, A |
Development and Beam Tests of an Automatic Algorithm for Alignment of LHC Collimators with Embedded BPMs (p. 3439) |
by Valentino, G |
Crystal-assisted Collimation Experiment from the SPS to the LHC (p. 3442) |
by Scandale, Walter |
Device and Technique for In-situ Coating of the RHIC Cold Bore Vacuum Tubes with Thick OFHC (p. 3508) |
by Hershcovitch, Ady |
The LHC Cryogenic Operation Availability Results from the First Physics Run of Three Years (p. 3585) |
by Delikaris, D |
Prototype Adjustable Permanent Magnet Quadrupoles For CLIC (p. 3606) |
by Shepherd, Ben J A |
Fabrication and Test of a 1 M Long Single-aperture 11 T Nb$_{3}$Sn Dipole for LHC Upgrades (p. 3609) |
by Zlobin, A V |
Overview of CERN Technology Transfer Strategy and Accelerator-Related Activities (p. 3702) |
by Chesta, E |
Intervention Management from Operation to Shutdown (p. 3705) |
by Garino, Cedric |
RF Tuning of the LINAC4 RFQ (p. 3761) |
by Piquet, Olivier |
Design Study for 10MHz Beam Frequency of Post-Accelerated RIBs at HIE-ISOLDE (p. 3933) |
by Fraser, M A |
Status and Plans for the Upgrade of the LHC Injectors (p. 3936) |
by Garoby, R |
Status of the Upgrade of the CERN PS Booster (p. 3939) |
by Hanke, K |
A possible scheme to deliver 2 Gev Beams from the CERN PS Booster to the ISOLDE Facility (p. 3942) |
by Hanke, K |
Operational Performance of the LHC Proton Beams with the SPS Low Transition Energy Optics (p. 3945) |
by Papaphilippou, Y |
Design Options of a High-power Synchrotron for Laguna-LBNO (p. 3948) |
by Papaphilippou, Y |
Commissioning of the Linac4 RFQ at the 3 MeV test stand (p. 3951) |
by Rossi, C |
Progress In Transverse Feedbacks and Related Diagnostics for Hadron Machines (p. 3990) |
by Hofle, W |
Optimization on RF parameters of a Choke-Mode Structure for the Clic Main LINAC (TUPME026) |
by Zha, Hao |
Comparison of High Gradient Performance in Varying Cavity Geometries (WEPFI018) |
by Higo, Toshiyasu |
An X-band Dielectric-based Wakefield Power Extractor (WEPFI090) |
by Jing, Chunguang |
Investigation of a Ridge-Loaded Waveguide Structure for CLIC X-Band Crab Cavity |
by Khan, VF |