Accueil > ATLAS Event Displays: Search for RPV Supersymmetry |
ATLAS Photos / ATLAS | ATLAS-PHOTO-2024-038 |
ATLAS Event Displays: Search for RPV Supersymmetry
Visualization of an event (Run number 357821, Event 1646466006) recorded by ATLAS on August 8, 2018 from the signal region for an R-parity violating supersymmetric decay of the top quark. The event contains two muons with opposite charge and two jets, one of which is b-tagged. The main image shows a cut-out view of the ATLAS detector, where the signal muons are indicated by red lines and their associated muon chambers (green and pale yellow boxes), and have pT = 1065 GeV and pT = 153 GeV. The jets are indicated by cones: one b-tagged jet (blue cone) and one non-b-tagged jet (yellow cone). The b-tagged jet has transverse momentum pT = 185 GeV and the other jet has pT = 370 GeV. A selection of Inner-Detector tracks are shown in orange at the center of the detector. Green and yellow/orange boxes correspond to energy deposits in cells of the electromagnetic and hadron calorimeters, respectively. The top-right view shows a projected view of the same event onto the transversal plane.
Total images: 1