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ATLAS Photos / ATLAS | ATLAS-PHOTO-2024-040 |
ATLAS Event Displays: "Pile Up" collisions
An event display of a muon-triggered recorded bunch crossing from data collected on the 12th of June 2018 (Run 352514, Event 1031263761), shown together with the ATLAS detector geometry and highlighting the reconstruction of pileup collisions. The bunch crossing contains a di-muon event, consistent with a Z boson, as the triggering primary vertex and two other good dijet pileup primary vertices. The two muons are shown as red lines. The jets are colour-coded to show which vertex they come from: the two blue jets come from a second vertex, and the two green jets come from a third vertex. This is highlighted in the close-up to the beamspot shown in the top right corner, where the pair of muons and the two pairs of jets all come from clearly separated primary vertices. This is compatible with them being produced in independent pp collisions within the same BC. Tracks are shown in orange, the muon chambers associated to the muon tracks are shown as blue and green boxes, and the green and yellow blocks correspond to energy depositions in the electromagnetic and hadronic calorimeters, respectively. The view in the bottom left shows the plane transverse to the beam direction.
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