- タイトル別名
- Economics as a branch of the Human Sciences : Albert Jay Nock's Laws of Political Process
Albert J. Nock (1870?-1944) was an outstanding representative of early twentieth century libertarian thought and advocacy. Even today the libertarian movement, impacted though it is by the subsequent thought of Ludwig von Mises, Murray N. Rothbard, Ayn Rand and others, pays a nostalgic tribute to Nock as an early freedom advocate and editorialist. This paper is an inquiry into whether and to what extent Nock may be considered more than just a brilliant writer and journalist. To what extent may we consider Nock a social scientist? The question probably would not have bothered Nock himself in the least, but it is important to raise in the light of contemporary libertarian theory. Libertarianism is the poltical philosophy which maintains that a free and just society is incompatable with any form of coercion. While almost all poltical thinkers consider private coercion (eg. murder, larceny) to be criminal, libertarians would extend this probibition on the use of force to public (esp. state) agencies as well. Contemporary libertarianism is to some extent in disarray, caught between radicalism and pragmatism, left and right, anarchism and minarchism, and considered by some to be a spent force in its pure form. Does Nock still have anything to say which is better than contemporary theorists have to offer? To be sure, it is a safe contention that Nock is still the most humanistic of the libertarians, if humanism is considered in the broad sense defined by Irving Babbitt. However this very humanism would seem to exclude Nock from consideration as a social scientist, let alone a member of the economics profession, often presumed to be more rigorous than the other social science fields. To see Nock as an economist we would have to reorganize knowledge in such a way that economics became a branch of the human sciences. This is a step at which even many members of the Austrian school, among the least positivistic of the economists, might baulk at. The problem is not that Austrians, while eschewing positivism, are careful to proceed within tightly constructed logical categories, for this is a procedure which Nock would certainly concur with. Rather, the nub of the distinction between Nockian argumentation and Austrian deduction is the latter's rigorous separation of psychology and human action theory. When considered under the canon of "anti-psycholgism" Nock's discourse seems unscientific. However this very anti-psychologism, as important as it is for grounding the market process in a pure theory of human action, vitiates economics as the basis for a general sociology. If the desideratum of libertarian theory is a general sociology, rather than harping on the truism that "the market works", then a return to social theory in the grand style of Albert J. Nock would seem to be in order.
- 兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要
兵庫県立大学看護学部・地域ケア開発研究所紀要 14 17-35, 2007-03-15
明石 : 兵庫県立大学看護学部 ; 2007-2021
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詳細情報 詳細情報について
- 1050845763888500096
- 110006424967
- AA12197280
- 18816592
- 8711243
- 本文言語コード
- en
- 資料種別
- departmental bulletin paper
- データソース種別
- NDLサーチ
- CiNii Articles