
5 More Hidden Features for Better Productivity


In one of our previous articles I presented five useful hidden features of CintaNotes. Today we’ll examine another five features of CN which are not immediately visible in the UI, but have good chances to save you quite a bit of your valuable time.

6. Quickly search the whole notebook

As usual, let’s start with a “must-know-about” feature. One of the most frequently asked questions is “How do I search in ALL my notes, not only the active section?” Continue reading

CintaNotes 3.1.4 Released!

It’s been quite a while since our last post, sorry for that! In the meanwhile, we have published an early preview of the auto-tagging rules feature on the forum. The feedback was extremely useful, and we’re now deep in implementing the suggested improvements.

If you’re curious to know how the rules will work and want to take a look at the aforementioned beta, you’ll be able to find it on the forum. But please be warned that this is a very early preview and is very rough around the edges! Please never use beta versions with your actual notes.

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New CintaNotes Version: 3.1.3

Hope you enjoyed the last issue that described five more hidden features of CN. While autotagging is still in the works (and sorry for postponing the artcile about it, it’s hard to get such an important feature right from the first attempt!), this is to annouce a new minor release of CintaNotes, which, nonetheless, has some interesting improvements.

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5 Hidden Features for Better Productivity


Today I’d like to show you that CintaNotes has some powerful features under the hood which you probably didn’t even know existed. Also I’ll show you some creative ways of using the already familiar features. If you’d like to become even more productive with CN, read on!

Quickly add and remove tags

To add a tag to a note, you don’t have to open it and type the tag into the “Tags” field. Simply select the note and middle-click on this tag on the Tag Sidebar, and the tag will be added. Continue reading

Introducing Discounts for Upgrading to Lifetime after Renewing

If you remember, in the user survey that we held in August, one of the participants pointed out a problem with our pricing policy: regardless of how many times you renew the updates subscription, the price of upgrading to the Lifetime license remains the same.

We promised to do something about this, and we have.

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CintaNotes 3.0 with File Attachments Released!

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We’ve got great news for you – the long awaited file attachments feature is finally here!

You may be wondering why it’s 3.0 when previously I was talking about version 2.9.5. Well, we gave it a second thought and decided that the new feature certainly deserves more than a third digit increase. I know that I already promised the 3.0 release to have a revamped UI. After discussing it for a while with users on the forum, the decision was to simply renumber the releases, and make the UI redesign target version 4.0 instead. Looking at Firefox 41 and Chrome 45, going from 2.9 to 3.0 seemed like no big deal.

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Insights Revealed by the User Survey


Some time ago we invited the subscribers of our newsletter to take part in the user satisfaction survey. Today I’d like to share with you the results of the survey as well as the conclusions that we could draw from it.

We received a lot of insightful responses and useful feedback. Roughly every 10th recipient took the survey, and taking the holiday season into account, this is quite a success!

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CintaNotes 2.9 with the Notebook Encryption Feature

Finally, after a long wait, we are pleased to announce the release of the notebook encryption and password protection feature! Now CintaNotes can protect your sensitive data and encrypt notebooks using the industry standard AES-256 algorithm.

At the moment the password protection feature works with whole notebooks only. This means that when a notebook is password-protected, all notes in it are encrypted (in future CN versions we plan to add finer-grained encryption options as well).

The notebook will always remain encrypted on disk and will only be decrypted into memory when you enter the password. Note that password protection is a new PRO feature and is available only to the CintaNotes PRO license holders.  Continue reading

BitsDuJour Promotion Starts Tomorrow


Just to let you know – 2 day promotion of CintaNotes starts tomorrow on BitsDuJour. Sure way to get a 50% discount on any type of license, just in case you already considered getting one.

Also discounts to other software are available there every day.

Please note that the link above contains our affiliate tracker. If you buy anything on BDJ, you’ll be helping CintaNotes as well.

We collaborated with BDJ several times, and I must say these guys are great. They are true professionals and it’s been always real pleasure to work with them. This is why it is no problem for me to recommend them. The discounts there are real.

Affiliate Program Launched!

A great product sells itself, right?

Well, not quite. History is full of examples when a better product didn’t win: Betamax offered better quality than VHS, Dvorak allowed to type much faster than QWERTY, and Evernote is now dominating the note-taking market despite all its shortcomings :)

(Yes, I know that Evernote’s CEO does think that a better product always wins, but in this case I wonder why they spent about $1 mln on advertising?)

So I think that marketing is not an option even for a company with an outstanding product. At the moment there are not many ways we can promote CintaNotes, since most of our resources are devoted to developing new features.

But we found a way around this: we are launching an affiliate program.

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CintaNotes 2.8 and the Search History

In earlier CintaNotes versions, if you searched for something, then needed to search for something else, and after that wanted to go back, you needed to re-create the search filter from scratch. Well not anymore: now you can just use the Back and Forward buttons on the toolbar to navigate your search history!


The Back and Forward buttons, represented as arrows, work like similar commands in your web browser, moving you back and forth through the history of your searches.
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CintaNotes 2.7 Released


In this blog post I want to tell in more detail about the new CintaNotes version that we released a couple of days ago: version 2.7.

Printing notes

First and foremost, version 2.7 introduces the Note printing feature. Since under the hood it uses export to HTML, this is also a PRO feature. (Sorry to everyone who is using the free version, we’ll get back to other features a bit later).

There always existed a workaround for printing notes: you could export notes to a text (or HTML) file and then print the file. Not very convenient, but workable. Still many people have asked for the ability to print notes directly from the application. And now it’s finally possible. We’ve automated the actions that before had to be done manually. CintaNotes exports notes into a temporary HTML file, and then sends it to a printer of your choice.

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How to Clip Text Using Mouse Gestures

CintaNotes Mouse Gesture

If you asked me to summarize how people use CintaNotes with just one word, “differently” would probably pop to mind first. I communicate with users a lot, and can fully attest that people are incredibly diverse in this regard. Usability studies seem to confirm this observation: they indicate that although on average users only use 20 percent of the program’s features, for each user it’s a different 20 percent.

People vary not only in what they do with the software but also in how they do it. Take input devices: some users prefer the keyboard, some mostly use the mouse, and some use both in different proportions. Sometimes it isn’t a matter of preference, as there’s simply no choice.

Recently I received a question from a user who tried to use CN on a computer that had a mouse, but no keyboard attached. The user wanted to know if it was possible to clip text to CintaNotes using only the mouse.
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