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Pablo, Fajnzylber ; Cesar, Calderon ; Norman, Loayza. (2004) Economic Growth in Latin America and The Caribbean: Stylized Facts, Explanations, and Forecasts.
In: Working Papers Central Bank of Chile. RePEc:chb:bcchwp:265.

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Authors' construction using data from The World Bank (2002). Unemployment Rates Ratio of the number of people actually working to the economically active population, taken from several labor surveys. Several sources: ILO, IMF, ECLA, and various Central Banks and National Statistical Agencies. Employment, total. Number of people actually working, taken from several labor surveys. Several sources: ILO, IMF, ECLA, and various Central Banks and National Statistical Agencies. Average Worked Hours Average numbers of hours actually worked by worker. Data was extrapolated for some periods, on the basis of unemployment rates and per capita GDP series. Authors' construction using data from ILO, Angus Maddison, and various Central Banks and National Statistical Agencies. Average Years of Schooling Average number of years of schooling in the population.

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