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Francisco , Rosende ; Matias, Tapia ; Matias, Tapia. (2012) Monetary Policy in Chile: Institutions, Objectives, and Instruments.
In: Documentos de Trabajo. RePEc:ioe:doctra:414.

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Lucas, R and T.J. Sargent (1981)âAfter Keynesian Macroeconomicsâ, in R.E. Lucas y T.J. Sargent (Eds.) Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice, The University of Minnesotta Press LÃders, R.(1970), âUna Historia Monetaria de Chileâ, Cuadernos de EconomÃa, Vol. 7, n20 LÃders, R. and F. Rosende (2007),âLa TeorÃa Monetaria de Chicagoâ, in F. Rosende (Ed.) La Escuela de Chicago: Una Mirada HistÃrica a 50 aÃos del Convenio Chicago/Universidad CatÃlica: Ensayos en Honor a Arnold C. Harberger, Ediciones Universidad CatÃlica.

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