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- Botswana 2013:03 Aid surge Uncommented in bank reports, odd entry. No unusual behaviour of other variables.
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- Botswana 2015:03 M2 surge Generally loose monetary policy, potentially measurement issue.
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- Kenya 2004:01 BoT drop Uncommented in CB reports. Likely adjustments at the beginning of the year.
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- Kenya 2005:01 BoT surge Uncommented in CB reports. Likely adjustments at the beginning of the year.
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- Kenya 2014:06 Reserves surge, Claims drop Sale of the USD 2 billion sovereign bond in international financial markets.
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- Mauritius 2009:11 Aid surge Unusually large disbursment (~4SD).
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- Mauritius 2012:11 Aid surge Unusually large disbursment (~4SD).
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No More Dutch Disease? 24 Ilzetzki, E., C. M. Reinhart & K. S. Rogoff (2017), Exchange Arrangements Entering the 21st Century: Which Anchor Will Hold? Cambridge, MA: NBER Working Paper No. 23134 Juselius, K., Reshid, A., & Tarp, F. (2017). The real exchange rate, foreign aid and macroeconomic transmission mechanisms in Tanzania and Ghana. Journal of Development Studies, 53(7), 1075-1103.
- No More Dutch Disease? 25 APPENDICES A1. DUMMIES ACCOUNTING FOR OUTLIERS Country Date Type of outlier Notes Botswana 2005:06 REER drop 12 percent nominal devaluation of the Pula.
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- O’Connell, S., Adam, C., Buffie, E., & Pattillo, C. (2005). Managing external volatility: Central bank options in lowincome countries. Monetary Policy in Emerging Markets and Other Developing Countries.
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- Portillo, R., Berg, M. A., Gottschalk, J., & Zanna, L. F. (2010). The macroeconomics of medium-term aid scalingup scenarios. Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, IMF Working Paper 10/160.
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Prati, A. and Tressel, T. (2006), Aid Volatility and Dutch Disease: Is There a Role for Macroeconomic Policies? Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, IMF Working Paper 06/145.
Rajan, R. & Subramanian, A. (2011), Aid, Dutch Disease, and Manufacturing Growth, Journal of Development Economics, 94(1), 106-118.
Selaya, P., & Thiele, R. (2010). Aid and sectoral growth: Evidence from panel data. Journal of Development Studies, 46(10), 1749-1766.
- Tanzania 2011:05 M2 surge Not reflected in CB report, probably measurement issue (ca. 9SD outlier).
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- Uganda 2008:01 Aid drop, BoT surge Likely adjustments to BoT at beginning of the year, coinciding with unusually large aid disbursment (influential). A2 SUMMARY OF KEY PREDICTIONS IN THEORETICAL LITERATURE The following summarises key features of the major theoretical models cited on the macroeconomic impact of foreign aid inflows, including predictions under different policy scenarios and circumstances. It seeks to provide an overview of the vast variety of cases considered in the literature.
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Uhlig, H. (2005). What are the effects of monetary policy on output? Results from an agnostic identification procedure. Journal of Monetary Economics, 52(2), 381-419.
Venables, A. J. (2016). Using natural resources for development: why has it proven so difficult? Journal of Economic Perspectives, 30(1), 161-84.
Zanna, L. F., Berg, M. A., Mirzoev, T., & Portillo, R. (2010). The short-run macroeconomics of aid inflows: Understanding the interaction of fiscal and reserve policy, Washington DC: International Monetary Fund, IMF Working Paper No. 10/65.