Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
Ergebnis der Suche nach: nid=1177964309
Link zu diesem Datensatz | https://d-nb.info/gnd/1177964309 |
Person | Longworth, Karina |
Geschlecht | weiblich |
Quelle | LoC |
Zeit | Lebensdaten: 1980- |
Land | USA (XD-US) |
Beruf(e) |
Filmkritikerin Journalistin |
Weitere Angaben | She is the creator, writer, and host of 'You must remember this', a podcast on the secret and forgotten history of Twentieth-century Hollywood. A former film editor at LA Weekly and critic for the Village Voice, she is the author of four previous books. She lives in Los Angeles. |
Typ | Person (piz) |