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Person Kilbracken, John Raymond Godley
Geschlecht männlich
Andere Namen Godley, John
Godley, John Raymond
Kilbracken, Lord
Quelle Jisc ; Wikipedia
Zeit Lebensdaten: 1920-2006
Land Großbritannien (XA-GB)
Geografischer Bezug Geburtsort: London
Sterbeort: Cavan
Beruf(e) Journalist
Weitere Angaben The Rt Hon. John Raymond Godley, 3rd Baron Kilbracken, DSC (17 October 1920 – 14 August 2006), was a British-born, later Irish-resident peer, wartime naval pilot, journalist, author and farmer. He was the son of The 2nd Baron Kilbracken; his grandfather, Arthur Godley, 1st Baron Kilbracken, was William Ewart Gladstone's private secretary. He became the third Baron Kilbracken on his father's death in October 1950, and became an active member of the House of Lords. After many years living in the Republic of Ireland, he renounced his British nationality and took up Irish citizenship in the 1970s, as a protest at British actions in Northern Ireland. - Godley was born in Chester Street in Belgravia ... He died in Cavan in August 2006
Oberbegriffe Beispiel für: Adel
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