- Behar (Biblisches Hebräisch בְּהַר ‚Auf dem Berge‘ = Sinai) bezeichnet einen Leseabschnitt (Parascha oder Sidra genannt) der Tora und umfasst den Text Leviticus/Wajikra 25–26,2 (25 , 26,1-2 ). Es handelt sich um die Sidra des 2. oder 3. Schabbats im Monat Ijjar oder, falls mit Bechukotaj verbunden, des 4. Schabbats im Monat Ijjar. (de)
- Behar, BeHar, Be-har, or B'har (בְּהַר — Hebrew for "on the mount," the fifth word, and the first distinctive word, in the parashah) is the 32nd weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the ninth in the Book of Leviticus. The parashah tells the laws of the Sabbatical year (שמיטה, Shmita) and limits on debt servitude. The parashah constitutes Leviticus 25:1–26:2. It is the shortest of the weekly Torah portions in the Book of Leviticus (although not the shortest in the Torah). It is made up of 2,817 Hebrew letters, 737 Hebrew words, 57 verses, and 99 lines in a Torah Scroll (סֵפֶר תּוֹרָה, Sefer Torah). Jews generally read it in May. The lunisolar Hebrew calendar contains up to 55 weeks, the exact number varying between 50 in common years and 54 or 55 in leap years. In leap years (for example, 2022, 2024, and 2027), parashah Behar is read separately. In common years (for example, 2020, 2021, 2023, 2025, and 2026), parashah Behar is combined with the next parashah, Bechukotai, to help achieve the needed number of weekly readings. In years when the first day of Passover falls on a Sabbath (as it does in 2022), Jews in Israel and Reform Jews read the parashah following Passover one week before Conservative and Orthodox Jews in the Diaspora. In such years, Jews in Israel and Reform Jews celebrate Passover for seven days and thus read the next parashah (in 2018, Shemini) on the Sabbath one week after the first day of Passover, while Conservative and Orthodox Jews in the Diaspora celebrate Passover for eight days and read the next parashah (in 2018, Shemini) one week later. In some such years (for example, 2018), the two calendars realign when Conservative and Orthodox Jews in the Diaspora read Behar together with Bechukotai while Jews in Israel and Reform Jews read them separately. (en)
- Behar, plus exactement Behar Sinaï ([בהר [סיני — Hébreu pour “sur le mont [Sinaï]”, cinquième [et sixième] mot[s], et premiers distinctifs de la parasha) est la 32e section hebdomadaire du cycle annuel de lecture de la Torah et la neuvième du Livre du Lévitique. Elle correspond à Lévitique 25:1-26:2. Les Juifs de la Diaspora la lisent généralement en mai. Le calendrier juif luni-solaire comprend jusqu'à 54 semaines, le nombre exact variant selon les années, "pleines" ou "défectives". Dans les années pleines (par exemple, 2008), la parashat Behar est lue indépendamment lors du 32e Sabbath après Sim'hat Torah. Dans les années de moins de 54 semaines (par exemple, 2006, 2007 et 2009), la lecture de la Torah combine cette parasha et la suivante, Be'houkotaï, afin d'atteindre le nombre de lectures hebdomadaires requis. (fr)
- Behar, BeHar, Be-har, atau B'har (בְּהַר — Ibrani untuk "di atas gunung," kata kelima, dan kata distinsif pertama dalam parsyah tersebut) adalah Bacaan Taurat Mingguan (פָּרָשָׁה, parashah) ke-32 dalam siklus Yahudi tahunan dan kesembilan dalam Kitab Imamat. Parsyah tersebut meliputi Imamat 25:1-26:2. (in)
- Behar, BeHar, Be-har, o B'har (ebraico: בְּהַר — tradotto in italiano: "nel monte”, quinta parola e incipit di questa parashah) 32ª porzione settimanale della Torah (ebr. פָּרָשָׁה – parashah o anche parsha/parscià) nel ciclo annuale ebraico di letture bibliche dal Pentateuco, nona nel Libro del Levitico. Rappresenta il passo 25:1-26:2 di Levitico, che gli ebrei leggono generalmente in maggio. Il calendario ebraico lunisolare contiene fino a 55 settimane, col numero esatto che varia tra 50 settimane negli anni comuni e 54-55 negli anni bisestili. In questi ultimi (per es. il 2014 e 2016), la Parshah Kedoshim viene letta separatamente. Negli anni comuni (per es. 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017 e 2018), la Parshah Behar è combinata con la parashah successiva, la Bechukotai, per ottenere il numero di letture settimanali necessarie. Uno shofar (it)
- Бе-Хар (ивр. בְּהַר) — одна из 54 недельных глав-отрывков, на которые разбит текст Пятикнижия (Хумаша). 32-ой раздел Торы, 9-й раздел книги Левит. В обычные (невисокосные) годы эта глава читается вместе с последующей (Бе-Хукотай). (ru)
- Behar (Biblisches Hebräisch בְּהַר ‚Auf dem Berge‘ = Sinai) bezeichnet einen Leseabschnitt (Parascha oder Sidra genannt) der Tora und umfasst den Text Leviticus/Wajikra 25–26,2 (25 , 26,1-2 ). Es handelt sich um die Sidra des 2. oder 3. Schabbats im Monat Ijjar oder, falls mit Bechukotaj verbunden, des 4. Schabbats im Monat Ijjar. (de)
- Behar, BeHar, Be-har, atau B'har (בְּהַר — Ibrani untuk "di atas gunung," kata kelima, dan kata distinsif pertama dalam parsyah tersebut) adalah Bacaan Taurat Mingguan (פָּרָשָׁה, parashah) ke-32 dalam siklus Yahudi tahunan dan kesembilan dalam Kitab Imamat. Parsyah tersebut meliputi Imamat 25:1-26:2. (in)
- Бе-Хар (ивр. בְּהַר) — одна из 54 недельных глав-отрывков, на которые разбит текст Пятикнижия (Хумаша). 32-ой раздел Торы, 9-й раздел книги Левит. В обычные (невисокосные) годы эта глава читается вместе с последующей (Бе-Хукотай). (ru)
- Behar, BeHar, Be-har, or B'har (בְּהַר — Hebrew for "on the mount," the fifth word, and the first distinctive word, in the parashah) is the 32nd weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the ninth in the Book of Leviticus. The parashah tells the laws of the Sabbatical year (שמיטה, Shmita) and limits on debt servitude. The parashah constitutes Leviticus 25:1–26:2. It is the shortest of the weekly Torah portions in the Book of Leviticus (although not the shortest in the Torah). It is made up of 2,817 Hebrew letters, 737 Hebrew words, 57 verses, and 99 lines in a Torah Scroll (סֵפֶר תּוֹרָה, Sefer Torah). (en)
- Behar, plus exactement Behar Sinaï ([בהר [סיני — Hébreu pour “sur le mont [Sinaï]”, cinquième [et sixième] mot[s], et premiers distinctifs de la parasha) est la 32e section hebdomadaire du cycle annuel de lecture de la Torah et la neuvième du Livre du Lévitique. Elle correspond à Lévitique 25:1-26:2. Les Juifs de la Diaspora la lisent généralement en mai. (fr)
- Behar, BeHar, Be-har, o B'har (ebraico: בְּהַר — tradotto in italiano: "nel monte”, quinta parola e incipit di questa parashah) 32ª porzione settimanale della Torah (ebr. פָּרָשָׁה – parashah o anche parsha/parscià) nel ciclo annuale ebraico di letture bibliche dal Pentateuco, nona nel Libro del Levitico. Rappresenta il passo 25:1-26:2 di Levitico, che gli ebrei leggono generalmente in maggio. Uno shofar (it)