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About: Black Watch

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The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) is an infantry battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland. The regiment was created as part of the Childers Reforms in 1881, when the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot (The Black Watch) was amalgamated with the 73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot. It was known as The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) from 1881 to 1931 and The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) from 1931 to 2006. Part of the Scottish Division for administrative purposes from 1967, it was the senior Highland regiment. It has been part of the Scottish, Welsh and Irish Division for administrative purposes from 2017.

Property Value
  • The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) is an infantry battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland. The regiment was created as part of the Childers Reforms in 1881, when the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot (The Black Watch) was amalgamated with the 73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot. It was known as The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) from 1881 to 1931 and The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) from 1931 to 2006. Part of the Scottish Division for administrative purposes from 1967, it was the senior Highland regiment. It has been part of the Scottish, Welsh and Irish Division for administrative purposes from 2017. (en)
  • Le Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) était un régiment d'infanterie écossais formé en 1881 par l'amalgame de deux régiments antérieurs, d'une part le 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot, The Black Watch qui remonte à 1739, d'autre part le 73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot qui date lui de 1786. Plus ancienne unité britannique recrutée parmi les habitants des Hautes-Terres d'Écosse, les Highlanders, ses hommes combattirent en kilt jusqu'à la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale. Depuis 2006, son nom et ses traditions sont maintenus par le 3e bataillon du Royal Regiment of Scotland (abrégé en 3 SCOTS). (fr)
  • ( 다른 뜻에 대해서는 블랙 워치 (동음이의) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 블랙 워치(Black Watch)은 영국 육군의 대대 규모의 부대이다. 한국 전쟁 당시에는 영국 제29보병여단(29th Infantry Brigade) 소속이었다. (ko)
  • De Black Watch, ontstaan in 1725, is een van de eliteonderdelen van het Britse leger. Door fusies in het Britse leger vormt Black Watch nu onderdeel van de Scottish Division, voordien van de . Black Watch was het voornaamste regiment van de Highland Brigade. De naam van het regiment komt van de donkere kilt die de manschappen dragen en van hun rol als wachters over de Schotse Hooglanden. De naam Black Watch leeft vanaf 2006 voort in het derde bataljon van het . (nl)
  • Il Royal Regiment of Scotland, comunemente noto come Black Watch ("Guardia nera"), è un reggimento di fanteria del British Army, tradizionalmente reclutato in Scozia. Creata nel 1881 dall'amalgama di due preesistenti reggimenti di fanteria scozzesi (il e il ), la Black Watch ha da allora partecipato a quasi tutti i maggiori conflitti che hanno visto coinvolto il Regno Unito, dalle campagne coloniali come la guerra mahdista e la seconda guerra boera alla prima e seconda guerra mondiale, e in tempi più recenti alla guerra di Corea, al conflitto nordirlandese e alla guerra d'Iraq; è il più antico reggimento di Higlanders ancora in servizio nell'Esercito britannico. (it)
  • Black Watch (The Royal Highland Regiment) var ett skotskt infanteriregemente. Det ingår sedan 2006 som tredje bataljonen i the , ett storregemente som omfattar alla skotska infanteribataljoner i den brittiska armén. Black Watch har ett systerregemente i Kanada: The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada, vilket är en reservinfanteribataljon. * The Black Watch (sv)
  • The Black Watch Battalion, Czarna Straż, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) – szkocki batalion piechoty. (pl)
  • A Guarda Negra, ou 3º Batalhão do Regimento Real Escocês (3 SCOTS) é um batalhão de infantaria do Regimento Real Escocês. O nome do regimento veio do “kilt” negro que eles usavam, e do trabalho de “guardar” as Terras Altas. Antes de 28 de março de 2006, a Guarda Negra era um regimento de infantaria de próprios direitos; A Guarda Negra (Regimento Real das Terras Altas) de 1931 até 2006, e O Regimento Real das Terras Altas (A Guarda Negra) de 1881 ate 1931. Parte da divisão escocesa era o mais velho regimento de “Highlanders”. "Guarda Negra" foi originalmente o “apelido” do 42 (Royal Highland) Regimento de infantaria, mas foi usado cada vez mais até que, em 1881, quando o 42 se juntou com o 73 Regimento de Infantaria, o novo regimento foi nomeado de "The Royal Highland Regiment (The Black Watch)", com a guarda negra se tornando o nome oficial do regimento em 1931. O uniforme mudou com o tempo, mas o “apelido” durou mais tempo. O “jargão” original do regimento era Nemo me impune lacessit (Ninguém me ataca impunemente). O “Tartan” Real dos Stewart é vestido pelos gaiteiros e tamborileiro do batalhão por designação real. Seis companhias independentes foram previamente criadas em 1725 para impedir a luta entre os clãs. (pt)
  • Чёрная стража (англ. Black Watch), официальное название 3-й батальон «Чёрная стража» Королевского полка Шотландии (англ. Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland), сокращённо 3 SCOTS — пехотное воинское формирование Британской армии, до 2006 года являвшееся самостоятельным полком, ныне являющееся батальоном в составе . Образован в 1881 году в ходе после объединения и пехотных полков под названием Чёрная стража (Королевские хайлендеры) (англ. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)). С 1931 по 2006 годы носил название Чёрная стража (Королевский хайлендский полк) (англ. The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)). С 1967 года входил в состав , из числа хайлендских полков (полков шотландских горцев) является высшим по старшинству. С 2017 года входит в состав . Название «Чёрной стражи» полк унаследовал у одного из своих предшественников — 42-го пехотного полка, который прежде носил это название. (ru)
  • 黑衛士兵團(英語:Black Watch,或簡稱為黑衛士),是英國陸軍的一支步兵部隊。 黑衛士的歷史可追溯至18世紀初。1725年,英國漢諾威王室於蘇格蘭高地徵召警衛民兵,用以維持高地治安及鎮壓詹姆斯黨。當時民兵已經有「黑衛士」之別稱,並很可能與民兵穿著深色的花呢格紋制服有關。後來英國在1739年為準備與西班牙的戰爭,而將黑衛士改編為正規步兵。此後黑衛士參與了英國在18世紀中葉至19世紀初的多場重要戰事,包括詹金斯的耳朵戰爭、奧地利王位繼承戰爭、法國印第安戰爭、美國獨立戰爭、法國大革命戰爭及拿破崙戰爭,亦曾調到愛爾蘭警衛當地,聞名於英國及海外地區。 19世紀中葉至20世紀初,黑衛士多次部署到海外作戰,包括克里米亞戰爭、第三次英國-阿散蒂戰爭、鎮壓印度反英起義、英埃戰爭、馬赫迪戰爭及第二次波耳戰爭。第一次世界大戰爆發後,黑衛士主要部署到歐洲西方戰線的戰壕,但也有一營部隊派到美索不達米亞作戰。第二次世界大戰期間,黑衛士的部隊主要派到歐洲、中東及非洲戰區,並投入敦刻爾克大撤退、英屬索馬里蘭戰事、北非戰場、西西里島戰役、入侵意大利及諾曼第戰役,但也有一營部隊被派往東南亞,編入緬甸遠征軍特種部隊。 第二次世界大戰後,黑衛士曾經以聯合國軍身份參與韓戰,並協助英國鎮壓茅茅起義及處理北愛爾蘭衝突。除此以外,黑衛士也是最後一批離開巴基斯坦及香港殖民地的英國部隊。踏入21世紀,黑衛士曾在科索沃戰爭中以北約維持和平部隊名義到當地執勤,後來又隨北約參與伊拉克戰爭及阿富汗戰爭。2006年,黑衛士根據英國國防部的軍事改制,而縮減為營級部隊,編屬於皇家蘇格蘭兵團的第三營。 (zh)
  • see below
  • 70px
  • Red
  • Battalion
  • 628 personnel
  • Nemo me impune lacessit"No One Provokes Me with Impunity"
  • Light infantry
  • 183233 (xsd:integer)
  • 90969 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1121409289 (xsd:integer)
  • Red Hackle Day (en)
  • see below (en)
  • Royal Colonel (en)
  • 51 (xsd:integer)
  • Battalion – Fort George, Inverness (en)
  • RHQ – Balhousie Castle (en)
  • 70 (xsd:integer)
  • Red (en)
  • Tartan (en)
  • Hackle (en)
  • Tactical Recognition Flash (en)
  • Nemo me impune lacessit "No One Provokes Me with Impunity" (en)
  • "Black Jocks" (en)
  • "Ladies from Hell" (en)
  • "The Forty Twa" (en)
  • 0001-07-01 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • Line infantry (en)
  • Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (en)
  • The Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) is an infantry battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland. The regiment was created as part of the Childers Reforms in 1881, when the 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot (The Black Watch) was amalgamated with the 73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot. It was known as The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) from 1881 to 1931 and The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) from 1931 to 2006. Part of the Scottish Division for administrative purposes from 1967, it was the senior Highland regiment. It has been part of the Scottish, Welsh and Irish Division for administrative purposes from 2017. (en)
  • ( 다른 뜻에 대해서는 블랙 워치 (동음이의) 문서를 참고하십시오.) 블랙 워치(Black Watch)은 영국 육군의 대대 규모의 부대이다. 한국 전쟁 당시에는 영국 제29보병여단(29th Infantry Brigade) 소속이었다. (ko)
  • De Black Watch, ontstaan in 1725, is een van de eliteonderdelen van het Britse leger. Door fusies in het Britse leger vormt Black Watch nu onderdeel van de Scottish Division, voordien van de . Black Watch was het voornaamste regiment van de Highland Brigade. De naam van het regiment komt van de donkere kilt die de manschappen dragen en van hun rol als wachters over de Schotse Hooglanden. De naam Black Watch leeft vanaf 2006 voort in het derde bataljon van het . (nl)
  • Il Royal Regiment of Scotland, comunemente noto come Black Watch ("Guardia nera"), è un reggimento di fanteria del British Army, tradizionalmente reclutato in Scozia. Creata nel 1881 dall'amalgama di due preesistenti reggimenti di fanteria scozzesi (il e il ), la Black Watch ha da allora partecipato a quasi tutti i maggiori conflitti che hanno visto coinvolto il Regno Unito, dalle campagne coloniali come la guerra mahdista e la seconda guerra boera alla prima e seconda guerra mondiale, e in tempi più recenti alla guerra di Corea, al conflitto nordirlandese e alla guerra d'Iraq; è il più antico reggimento di Higlanders ancora in servizio nell'Esercito britannico. (it)
  • Black Watch (The Royal Highland Regiment) var ett skotskt infanteriregemente. Det ingår sedan 2006 som tredje bataljonen i the , ett storregemente som omfattar alla skotska infanteribataljoner i den brittiska armén. Black Watch har ett systerregemente i Kanada: The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) of Canada, vilket är en reservinfanteribataljon. * The Black Watch (sv)
  • The Black Watch Battalion, Czarna Straż, 3rd Battalion, The Royal Regiment of Scotland (3 SCOTS) – szkocki batalion piechoty. (pl)
  • Le Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment) était un régiment d'infanterie écossais formé en 1881 par l'amalgame de deux régiments antérieurs, d'une part le 42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot, The Black Watch qui remonte à 1739, d'autre part le 73rd (Perthshire) Regiment of Foot qui date lui de 1786. (fr)
  • A Guarda Negra, ou 3º Batalhão do Regimento Real Escocês (3 SCOTS) é um batalhão de infantaria do Regimento Real Escocês. O nome do regimento veio do “kilt” negro que eles usavam, e do trabalho de “guardar” as Terras Altas. Antes de 28 de março de 2006, a Guarda Negra era um regimento de infantaria de próprios direitos; A Guarda Negra (Regimento Real das Terras Altas) de 1931 até 2006, e O Regimento Real das Terras Altas (A Guarda Negra) de 1881 ate 1931. (pt)
  • Чёрная стража (англ. Black Watch), официальное название 3-й батальон «Чёрная стража» Королевского полка Шотландии (англ. Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland), сокращённо 3 SCOTS — пехотное воинское формирование Британской армии, до 2006 года являвшееся самостоятельным полком, ныне являющееся батальоном в составе . Образован в 1881 году в ходе после объединения и пехотных полков под названием Чёрная стража (Королевские хайлендеры) (англ. The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders)). С 1931 по 2006 годы носил название Чёрная стража (Королевский хайлендский полк) (англ. The Black Watch (Royal Highland Regiment)). С 1967 года входил в состав , из числа хайлендских полков (полков шотландских горцев) является высшим по старшинству. С 2017 года входит в состав . Название «Чёрной стр (ru)
  • 黑衛士兵團(英語:Black Watch,或簡稱為黑衛士),是英國陸軍的一支步兵部隊。 黑衛士的歷史可追溯至18世紀初。1725年,英國漢諾威王室於蘇格蘭高地徵召警衛民兵,用以維持高地治安及鎮壓詹姆斯黨。當時民兵已經有「黑衛士」之別稱,並很可能與民兵穿著深色的花呢格紋制服有關。後來英國在1739年為準備與西班牙的戰爭,而將黑衛士改編為正規步兵。此後黑衛士參與了英國在18世紀中葉至19世紀初的多場重要戰事,包括詹金斯的耳朵戰爭、奧地利王位繼承戰爭、法國印第安戰爭、美國獨立戰爭、法國大革命戰爭及拿破崙戰爭,亦曾調到愛爾蘭警衛當地,聞名於英國及海外地區。 19世紀中葉至20世紀初,黑衛士多次部署到海外作戰,包括克里米亞戰爭、第三次英國-阿散蒂戰爭、鎮壓印度反英起義、英埃戰爭、馬赫迪戰爭及第二次波耳戰爭。第一次世界大戰爆發後,黑衛士主要部署到歐洲西方戰線的戰壕,但也有一營部隊派到美索不達米亞作戰。第二次世界大戰期間,黑衛士的部隊主要派到歐洲、中東及非洲戰區,並投入敦刻爾克大撤退、英屬索馬里蘭戰事、北非戰場、西西里島戰役、入侵意大利及諾曼第戰役,但也有一營部隊被派往東南亞,編入緬甸遠征軍特種部隊。 (zh)
  • Black Watch (en)
  • Black Watch (it)
  • Black Watch (fr)
  • 블랙 워치 (ko)
  • Black Watch (nl)
  • Black Watch (pl)
  • A Guarda Negra (pt)
  • Black Watch (sv)
  • Чёрная стража (ru)
  • 黑衛士兵團 (zh)
  • Black Watch, 3rd Battalion, Royal Regiment of Scotland (en)
  • "Ladies from Hell" (en)
  • "The Forty Twa" (en)
  • "Black Jocks" (slang term used by members of other regiments) (en)
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