- تُوَثق هذه المقالة آثار جائحة فيروس كورونا في اليونان لعام 2020، وقد لا تتضمن جميع الاستجابات والتدابير والإجراءات الرئيسية حتى الآن. (ar)
- La propagació de la pandèmia per coronavirus de 2019-2020 es va confirmar a Grècia a partir del 26 de febrer de 2020 amb una dona de 38 anys que havia visitat el nord d'Itàlia.Les zones més afectades actualment pel Covid-19 són l'Unitat perifèrica d'Èlide i l'Àtica. En data del 18 d'abril del 2020, hi havia 2.235 casos confirmats a Grècia, 269 persones guarides i 110 víctimes mortals. (ca)
- Η Πανδημία COVID-19 προκλήθηκε από τον Κορονοϊό SARS-CoV-2, ο οποίος εξαπλώθηκε και στην Ελλάδα από τις 26 Φεβρουαρίου 2020 και έπειτα. Σύμφωνα με έρευνα καθοριστικό ρόλο για ένα νέο κύμα πανδημίας του κορονοϊού, παίζουν οι καιρικές συνθήκες, όπως η θερμοκρασία η υγρασία και ο άνεμος. Από τις υγειονομικές αρχές συστήνεται σε ταξιδιώτες που έχουν επιστρέψει από πληγείσες περιοχές ή ανθρώπους που έχουν έρθει σε επαφή μαζί τους να παραμένουν σε κατ΄ οίκον περιορισμό για 14 ημέρες, τη μέγιστη περίοδο επώασης του ιού. Μετά την επιβεβαίωση των τριών πρώτων κρουσμάτων στην Ελλάδα, σταδιακά επιβλήθηκαν μέτρα αναστολής εκδηλώσεων, αρχικά σε τοπικό επίπεδο στις πληττόμενες περιοχές (ιδιαίτερα Ηλεία, Αχαΐα και Ζάκυνθο). Ωστόσο, εντός του Μαρτίου, λόγω της εμφάνισης κρουσμάτων του ιού σε διάφορες περιοχές της χώρας, αποφασίστηκε το πανελλαδικό κλείσιμο όλων των εκπαιδευτικών δομών και σταδιακά καταστημάτων εστίασης, εμπορικών καταστημάτων και χώρων λατρείας. Από τις 16 Μαρτίου καθιερώθηκαν καθημερινές τηλεοπτικές ενημερώσεις από το Υπουργείο Υγείας σχετικά με την εξέλιξη της πανδημίας στην Ελλάδα και τις έκτακτες αποφάσεις της κυβέρνησης για την αντιμετώπιση της, οι οποίες σταμάτησαν στα τέλη Μαΐου αλλά επαναφέρθηκαν από τα μέσα Ιουλίου. Το συνολικό κόστος των μέτρων που έχουν ανακοινωθεί από την κυβέρνηση με σκοπό τη στήριξη της οικονομίας, των επιχειρήσεων και των εργαζομένων ανέρχεται σε 24 δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ, που αντιστοιχεί στο 14% του ΑΕΠ της χώρας. Από τις 23 Μαρτίου επιβλήθηκαν σημαντικοί περιορισμοί στην κυκλοφορία και μετακίνηση των πολιτών σε ολόκληρη την επικράτεια, πλην συγκεκριμένων εξαιρέσεων. Από τις 4 Μαΐου τέθηκε σε εφαρμογή το σχέδιο της κυβέρνησης για τη σταδιακή αποκλιμάκωση των έκτακτων μέτρων, με την άρση των περιορισμών στις μετακινήσεις και την επανέναρξη λειτουργίας των επιχειρήσεων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των σχολείων από τον Ιούνιο και των τουριστικών επιχειρήσεων από τον Ιούλιο. Από τον Αύγουστο η εξέλιξη του αριθμού κρουσμάτων, νοσηλευμένων, και θανόντων είναι εκ νέου σε άνοδο. Το σύνολο των κρουσμάτων του ιού που έχουν επιβεβαιωθεί στη χώρα είναι 5.360.506 και οι νεκροί είναι 34.178. Μετά το άνοιγμα των συνόρων στα τέλη Ιουνίου, στον ημερήσιο αριθμό των επιβεβαιωμένων κρουσμάτων που ανακοινώνονται περιλαμβάνονται και όσα εντοπίστηκαν κατόπιν ελέγχων στις πύλες εισόδου της χώρας. (el)
- Die COVID-19-Pandemie in Griechenland tritt als regionales Teilgeschehen der weltweiten COVID-19-Pandemie auf. Ursache ist das SARS-CoV-2-Virus aus der Familie der Coronaviren. Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat sich 2020 von China ausgehend weltweit ausgebreitet. Der erste Fall in Griechenland wurde am 26. Februar 2020 bekannt, als eine Griechin, die von einer Reise nach Norditalien zurückgekehrt war, in Thessaloniki positiv auf SARS-CoV-2 getestet wurde. Weitere nicht aus Italien stammende Fälle wurden eine Woche später in Patras festgestellt, in einer Reisegruppe, die aus Israel zurückgekehrt war. Die ersten Maßnahmen gegen die Epidemie wurden schon am 27. Februar getroffen, als alle Karneval-Feste in Griechenland abgesagt wurden. Am Anfang wurde der Lehrbetrieb an manchen Schulen eingestellt, ab dem 10. März in allen Schulen, Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. Ab dem 23. März galten strenge Ausgangsbeschränkungen. Im November 2020 gab es eine zweite Welle (siehe ). Anfang 2021 verbreitete sich die ansteckendere Alpha-Variante; zur gleichen Zeit begann die Impfkampagne gegen COVID-19. Im Sommer 2021 (Juli bis August) gab es eine dritte Welle; eine Ursache war die noch ansteckendere Delta-Variante. Im Dezember 2021 verbreitete sich in Griechenland (wie auch in vielen anderen Ländern weltweit) die noch ansteckendere Omikron-Variante. Angesichts ihrer schnellen Ausbreitung zog die griechische Regierung die Regeln, die für den 3. Januar 2022 geplanten Maßnahmen vor; sie gelten ab dem 30. Dezember 2021 6 Uhr. (de)
- The COVID-19 pandemic in Greece is part of the worldwide pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The first case in Greece was confirmed on 26 February 2020 when a 38-year-old woman from Thessaloniki who had recently visited Νorthern Italy, was confirmed to be infected. Subsequent cases in late February and early March related to people who had travelled to Italy and a group of pilgrims who had travelled to Israel and Egypt, as well as their contacts. The first death from COVID-19 in Greece was a 66-year-old man, who died on 12 March. Since the opening of the Greek borders to tourists at the end of June 2020, the daily number of confirmed cases announced has included those detected following tests at the country's entry points. Following the confirmation of the first three cases in Greece, all carnival events in the country were cancelled on 27 February 2020. Health and state authorities issued precautionary guidelines and recommendations, while measures up to early March were taken locally and included the closure of schools and the suspension of cultural events in the affected areas (particularly Ilia, Achaea and Zakynthos). On 10 March, with 89 confirmed cases and no deaths in the country, the government decided to suspend the operation of educational institutions of all levels nationwide and then, on 13 March, to close down all cafes, sports leagues bars, museums, shopping centres, sports facilities and restaurants in the country. On 16 March, all retail shops were also closed and all services in all areas of religious worship of any religion or dogma were suspended. The government has announced a series of measures worth a total of around 24 billion euros, 14% of the country's GDP, to support the economy. On 22 March, the Greek authorities announced restrictions on all non-essential movement throughout the country, starting from 6 a.m. on 23 March. From that date, movement outside the house was permitted only for seven categories of reasons: i) moving to or from one's workplace during work hours, ii) going to the pharmacy or visiting a doctor iii) going to a food store iv) going to the bank for services not possible online, v) assisting a person in need of help vi) going to a major ritual (funeral, marriage, baptism) or movement, for divorced parents, which is essential for contact with their children, and vii) moving outdoors for exercising or taking one's pet out, individually or in pairs. Citizens leaving their homes are required to carry their police ID or passport, as well as a signed attestation in which the purpose or category of travel is stated. The Hellenic Police, the Municipal Police, the Hellenic Coast Guard and the National Transparency Authority are empowered to enforce the restrictions and can issue fines for each offence. On 4 April, these restrictions were extended until 27 April, and on 23 April, they were again extended until 4 May. The measures put in place in Greece are among the most proactive and strictest in Europe and have been credited internationally for having slowed the spread of the disease and having kept the number of deaths among the lowest in Europe. Starting from 4 May 2020, after a 42-day lockdown, Greece began to gradually lift restrictions on movement and to restart business activity. Greece put in place new measures and restrictions on movement and business activity from 7 November 2020. Kindergartens, primary schools and special schools initially remained open, unlike the first lockdown in March, while middle and high schools switched to distance learning. On 14 November 2020, primary schools and kindergartens closed, initially for two weeks, and from 18 November 2020, they switched to distance learning. On 20 November 2020, Greece overtook China in terms of the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19. The country reached 100,000 cases on 27 November. On 14 December 2020, shops (utilizing the click away method) as well as hairdressers and other facilities were allowed to open, while schools and restaurants remained closed. Two weeks later, on 28 December, Greece overtook China in terms of the number of deaths from COVID-19. At the end of 2020, there were nearly 140,000 cases and about 4,800 deaths in the country. On 2 January 2021, starting from the next day, all the measures lifted or relaxed on 14 December were reinstated until 18 January, citing the opening of schools as reason for these measures. However, the government's planned reopening of all schools on 8 or 11 January was criticised by many epidemiologists in the country and, in the end, only primary schools reopened on 11 January, with secondary schools reopening on 1 February. In late January 2021, case numbers increased. On 12 February 2021, Attica was again placed in lockdown with the closure of lower schools (high schools had already been closed since early November) and retail outlets, but virus cases continued their rapid growth reaching 3,215 on 9 March. Local lockdowns were imposed in more and more local districts. On 4 March, new measures were taken, including placing all of Greece in the highest level of measures. On 5 March, Greece reached 200,000 cases. Approximately half of the prefectures were in the deep red level (full closure of all schools and retail outlets), and on 12 March, all schools were closed for two weeks. The COVID-19 death toll in the country exceeded 10,000 on 25 April. On 3 May, the lockdown ended and measures eased, and on 14 May, Greece, including islands, opened for tourists from several countries. The country reached 300,000 cases on 13 April, 400,000 on 30 May, 500,000 on 3 August, 600,000 on 6 September, 700,000 on 19 October, 800,000 on 9 November, 900,000 on 24 November and a million on 12 December. By the end of 2021, there had been about 1.2 million cases and nearly 21,000 deaths in Greece. (en)
- El primer caso de la pandemia de COVID-19 en Grecia fue confirmado el 26 de febrero de 2020, cuando una mujer de 38 años de Salónica que había visitado recientemente Italia, había sido infectada. Los casos posteriores a finales de febrero y principios de marzo se referían a personas que habían viajado a Italia y a un grupo de peregrinos que habían viajado a Israel y Egipto, así como a sus contactos. La primera muerte de COVID-19 fue un hombre de 66 años, que murió el 12 de marzo. Las autoridades sanitarias y estatales emitieron directrices y recomendaciones cautelares, mientras que hasta principios de marzo se adoptaron a nivel local e incluyeron el cierre de escuelas y la suspensión de los acontecimientos culturales en las zonas afectadas. Hasta el 20 de febrero de 2022, se contabiliza la cifra de 2,298,926 casos confirmados, 25,327 fallecidos y 2,065,123 recuperados del virus. (es)
- Pandemi koronavirus di Yunani ditemukan pertama kali pada 26 Februari 2020 pada seorang wanita berusia 38 tahun yang berasal dari daerah Thessaloniki. Seorang wanita tersebut diduga terinfeksi koronavirus setelah mengunjungi daerah Italia Utara. Kasus-kasus positif selanjutnya yang terjadi di Yunani terjadi karena banyak orang yang pulang dari bepergian ke daerah Italia dan para peziarah yang pulang dari Israel. Tidak lama setelah itu, kasus kematian pertama yang disebabkan oleh koronavirus ditemukan di Yunani. Jika dihitung dari awal pandemi koronavirus terjadi untuk pertama kali di Yunani hingga 2 Juni 2020, total kematian yang telah terhitung sejumlah 179 kasus. (in)
- La pandémie de Covid-19 est une crise sanitaire majeure provoquée par une maladie infectieuse émergente apparue fin 2019 en Chine continentale, la maladie à coronavirus 2019, dont l'agent pathogène est le SARS-CoV-2. Ce virus est à l'origine d'une pandémie, déclarée le 11 mars 2020 par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé. La pandémie de Covid-19 en Grèce démarre officiellement le 26 février 2020. À la date du 12 septembre 2022, le bilan est de 32 757 morts. La Grèce a été l'un des pays les moins touchés d'Europe avec 182 morts et près de 3 000 cas jusqu'en juin 2020. Le pays connait cependant en fin d'année 2020 une deuxième vague se diffusant beaucoup plus fortement que la première. Le pays enregistre plus de 10 000 morts au 25 avril 2021. (fr)
- 다음은 그리스에서의 코로나19 범유행에 관한 설명이다. (ko)
- Il primo caso della pandemia di COVID-19 in Grecia è stato confermato il 25 febbraio 2020, quello di una donna di 38 anni di Salonicco, che aveva da poco visitato il Nord Italia, risultata positiva al virus e ricoverata all'Ospedale universitario AHEPA. Il 12 marzo, il Ministero della Salute greco ha annunciato il primo decesso causato dal COVID-19 nel Paese. L'uomo di 66 anni già presentava malattie pregresse, era ricoverato dal 02 marzo in un ospedale di Patrasso dove è rimasto intubato per 4 giorni prima del decesso. (it)
- De coronacrisis in Griekenland verliep in 2020 in veel opzichten zoals elders in Europa. De crisis maakte deel uit van de wereldwijde coronapandemie van de ziekte COVID-19 veroorzaakt door SARS-CoV-2. Het eerste geval in Griekenland werd bevestigd op 26 februari 2020, toen een 38-jarige vrouw uit Thessaloniki die onlangs Noord-Italië had bezocht, werd bevestigd te zijn besmet. Latere gevallen eind februari en begin maart hadden betrekking op mensen die naar Italië waren gereisd en een groep pelgrims die naar Israël en Egypte waren gereisd, evenals hun contacten. Het eerste overlijden van COVID-19 in Griekenland was een 66-jarige man, die stierf op 12 maart. Op 27 juni 2020 waren er 3.366 bevestigde gevallen en 191 sterfgevallen. Na bevestiging van de eerste drie gevallen in Griekenland werden alle carnavalsevenementen in het land op 27 februari geannuleerd. Gezondheids- en staatsautoriteiten gaven voorzorgsrichtlijnen en aanbevelingen uit, terwijl maatregelen tot begin maart lokaal werden genomen, waaronder de sluiting van scholen en de opschorting van culturele evenementen in de getroffen gebieden (met name Ilia, Achaea en Zakynthos). Op 10 maart, met 89 bevestigde gevallen en zonder sterfgevallen in het land, besloot de regering de onderwijsinstellingen van alle niveaus in het hele land te sluiten en vervolgens op 13 maart alle cafés, bars, musea, winkelcentra, sportscholen en restaurants in het land. Op 16 maart werden ook alle winkels gesloten en werden alle diensten op alle gebieden van religieuze eredienst van welke religie of dogma ook opgeschort. Eind april kondigde de regering een reeks maatregelen aan ter waarde van in totaal ongeveer 24 miljard euro, 14% van het BBP van het land, om de economie te ondersteunen. Op 22 maart kondigden de Griekse autoriteiten beperkingen aan op alle niet-essentiële verplaatsingen door het hele land, vanaf 23 maart om 06.00 uur. Sinds die datum was verplaatsing buiten het huis alleen toegestaan om zeven redenen: 1) van of naar de werkplek reizen tijdens werkuren, 2) naar de apotheek gaan of een dokter bezoeken, 3) naar een voedselwinkel gaan, 4) naar de bank gaan voor diensten die niet online mogelijk zijn, 5) een persoon helpen die hulp nodig heeft, 6) naar een groot ritueel gaan (begrafenis, huwelijk, doop) of het reizen van gescheiden ouders vanwege de omgang met hun kinderen, wat essentieel is voor contact met hun kinderen, en 7) naar buiten gaan om te sporten of om uw huisdier uit te laten, individueel of in paren. Burgers die hun huis verlaten, moeten hun ID bij zich hebben of paspoort, evenals een ondertekend attest waarin het doel of de redenen van reizen wordt vermeld. De Griekse politie, de gemeentelijke politie, de Griekse kustwacht en de Nationale Transparantie Autoriteit zijn bevoegd om de beperkingen af te dwingen en kunnen boetes opleggen voor elk strafbaar feit. Op 4 april werden deze beperkingen verlengd tot 27 april en op 23 april tot 4 mei. De maatregelen die in Griekenland zijn getroffen, behoren tot de meest proactieve en strengste van Europa en zijn internationaal geroemd omdat ze de verspreiding van de ziekte hebben vertraagd en het aantal doden in Griekenland was een van de laagste in Europa. Vanaf 4 mei 2020, na een sluiting van 42 dagen, begon Griekenland geleidelijk de bewegingsbeperkingen op te heffen en de bedrijfsactiviteit opnieuw op te starten. (nl)
- O primeiro caso da pandemia de COVID-19 na Grécia surgiu em 26 de fevereiro de 2020. Casos iniciais relacionados a pessoas que viajaram para a Itália, bem como a um grupo de peregrinos que viajaram para Israel e Egito e seus contatos. Até 22 de março de 2020, houve 624 casos, 19 recuperados e 15 mortes. As autoridades de saúde recomendam que os viajantes que retornaram das áreas afetadas ou que entraram em contato com eles fiquem em casa por um período mínimo de 14 dias. Pode levar de 2 a 14 dias para que os sintomas apareçam após a exposição inicial ao vírus. Treze hospitais foram designados para lidar com casos. As principais áreas afetadas são Élida e Ática, enquanto surtos também são encontrados em Zacinto, Acaia, Salonica, Eubeia, Cozani, Castória, Lesbos, Heraclião, Janina, Lárissa, , Kilkis, Messénia, Magnésia, Evros, Chania, Arta, Cárpatos, Cavala, Xanti, Lacônia, Preveza, Serres, Arcádia e Trikala. Após a confirmação dos três primeiros casos na Grécia, em 27 de fevereiro, todos os eventos de carnaval no país foram inicialmente cancelados e, em 10 de março, um total de 89 casos foram confirmados no país, principalmente relacionados a pessoas que viajaram para a Itália e um grupo de peregrinos que viajaram para Israel e Egito, bem como seus contatos. As autoridades sanitárias e estaduais emitiram diretrizes e recomendações de precaução, enquanto as medidas até aquele momento eram tomadas localmente e incluíam o fechamento de escolas e a suspensão de eventos culturais nas áreas afetadas (particularmente Élida, Acaia e Zacinto). No entanto, em 10 de março, devido ao surto do vírus em diferentes partes do país e por muitos não cumprirem as medidas restritivas, o governo decidiu suspender a operação de instituições de ensino de todos os níveis em todo o país e, em seguida, em 13 de março, para fechar todos os cafés, bares, museus, shopping centers, instalações esportivas e restaurantes do país. Em 16 de março, todas as lojas de varejo também foram fechadas, duas aldeias em Cozani foram colocadas em quarentena e todos os serviços em todas as áreas de culto religioso de qualquer religião ou dogma foram suspensos. Nos dias 18 e 19 de março, o governo anunciou uma série de medidas de mais de dez bilhões de euros para apoiar a economia, empresas e funcionários. Em 22 de março, as autoridades gregas anunciaram restrições significativas a todos os transportes e movimentos não essenciais em todo o país, a partir das 6 horas da manhã de 23 de março. O movimento para fora de casa é permitido apenas por razões específicas que incluem a mudança para ou do local de trabalho, compras de alimentos ou medicamentos, visita a um médico ou assistência a uma pessoa que precisa de ajuda e exercícios individuais ou em pares, entre outras razões. Os cidadãos que saem de casa devem portar sua identidade ou passaporte policial, bem como algum tipo de atestado, dependendo da finalidade da viagem. A Polícia Helênica, a , a e a Autoridade Nacional de Transparência são aplicadas para implementar as restrições e podem emitir multas por cada ofensa. (pt)
- Коронавірусна хвороба 2019 у Греції — розповсюдження кронавірусу територією країни. Перший випадок було зареєстровано 26 лютого. (uk)
- 2019冠状病毒病希腊疫情,介绍在2019新型冠狀病毒疫情中,在希腊发生的情况,可能无法涵盖所有個案。 (zh)