- Dark blue (en)
- Maroon, white sleeves, maroon cap, white star (en)
- Purple, white seams, striped sleeves, purple cap (en)
- Red and grey stripes, grey sleeves, red cap (en)
- Royal blue (en)
- Royal blue, orange disc, striped sleeves and cap (en)
- Royal blue, white epaulets, striped cap (en)
- White, purple stripe, check cap (en)
- pink (en)
- Dark blue, light blue cross belts, striped sleeves, white cap (en)
- BROWN and YELLOW QUARTERED, yellow sleeves, check cap (en)
- emerald Green, Red epaulettes (en)
- White, red cross-belts, hooped sleeves and cap (en)
- Pale blue, white and yellow check cap (en)
- Black, white sleeves, red cap, black star (en)
- Yellow, royal blue chevron, royal blue cap (en)
- Beige, dark blue cross of lorraine and sleeves, dark blue cap, beige star (en)
- Dark blue, pink triple diamond, pink sleeves, dark blue cap, pink diamond (en)
- Emerald green,yellow sleeves,green cap,yellow star (en)
- WHITE, dark green diamond, diamonds on sleeves and cap (en)
- Maroon and yellow hoops, maroon sleeves, yellow cap (en)
- Royal blue, white sleeves, royal blue stars, dark blue cap (en)
- Black, white slvs, red cap, black star (en)
- Green, red epaulettes, green cap (en)
- Lime green, purple sleeves, white cap (en)
- Maroon, White spots, White cap, Maroon spots (en)
- White, purple panel, check cap (en)
- YELLOW, emerald green sleeves, white cap, yellow star (en)
- Emerald green and yellow diabolo, emerald green sleeves, quartered cap (en)
- ROYAL BLUE, white epaulettes, black cap (en)
- Royal Blue, orange disc, striped sleeves, royal blue cap (en)
- CERISE, sky blue cap with cerise hoop (en)
- Red and emerald green diamonds, striped sleeves, red cap (en)
- Emerald green, maroon chevron, maroon cap (en)
- Red, large white spots, black cap (en)
- Emerald green, orange epaulettes and armlet, orange cap, white star (en)
- Grey, dark green spots on sleeves, grey cap, dark green star (en)
- Emerald green, red chevron, red cap, emerald green diamond (en)
- BLUE, pink sleeves., blue and gold quartered cap (en)
- Black, white disc (en)
- Pink, purple diamonds, purple sleeves, quartered cap (en)
- Yellow, emerald green and yellow striped sleeves, yellow cap (en)
- Purple, yellow epaulettes, yellow chevrons on sleeves, purple cap, yellow diamonds (en)
- Orange, white star on body and cap (en)
- Royal blue, red chevron, red cap, blue diamond (en)
- White, large pale blue spots, red cap, white spots (en)
- Yellow, royal blue stars, yellow cap (en)
- Royal blue,white epaulettes, light blue and dark Blue striped cap (en)
- Blue, pink slvs, blue and gold quartered cap (en)
- Dark blue, yellow diamond, striped sleeves, quartered cap (en)
- Crazy quilt (en)
- Black, red epaulets, yellow sleeves and cap, red star (en)
- Light blue, dark blue and yellow striped sleeves, dark blue and yellow hooped cap (en)
- Yellow, red braces, hooped sleeves, yellow cap (en)
- Red and white , diabolo on sleeves, quartered cap (en)
- Maroon, grey chevron (en)
- White, red collar and cuffs, tartan cap (en)
- Magenta, grey cap (en)
- MAROON and YELLOW DIAGONAL STRIPES, white sleeves, yellow cap (en)
- Red, white epaulets, chevrons on sleeves, black cap (en)
- Black, yellow braces, black and red hooped sleeves, black cap, yellow star (en)
- RED and ROYAL BLUE DIABOLO, red sleeves, hooped cap (en)
- Dark blue, large yellow spots, dark blue cap (en)
- Dark blue, yellow sash, striped cap (en)
- EMERALD GREEN and YELLOW HOOPED, striped cap (en)
- White, red stars, white sleeves, green cap (en)
- White, royal blue spots, striped cap (en)
- Black, red braces, green sleeves, black and red hooped cap (en)
- owned by Mrs P Noble (en)
- owned by T Keenan (en)
- White, royal blue stars, red sleeves, white cap, red star (en)
- Emerald green, red diamond and sleeves, quartered cap (en)
- Yellow and light blue check, emerald green sleeves, emerald green and light blue striped cap (en)
- Neon pink and green diabolo, striped sleeves, pink cap, green visor (en)
- White, royal blue chevron, royal blue armlet, black cap (en)