- The Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) is a National Research Institute for space and allied sciences, supported mainly by Department of Space, Government of India. This research laboratory has ongoing research programmes in astronomy and astrophysics, atmospheric sciences and aeronomy, planetary and geosciences, Earth sciences, Solar System studies and theoretical physics. It also manages the Udaipur Solar Observatory and Mount Abu InfraRed Observatory. The PRL is located in Ahmedabad. The Physical Research Laboratory was founded on 11 November 1947 by Dr. Vikram Sarabhai. The laboratory had a modest beginning at his residence, with research on cosmic rays. The institute was formally established at the M.G. Science Institute, Ahmedabad, with support from the Karmkshetra Educational Foundation and the Ahmedabad Education Society. Prof. K. R. Ramanathan was the first Director of the institute. The initial focus was research on cosmic rays and the properties of the upper atmosphere. Research areas were expanded to include theoretical physics and radio physics later with grants from the United States Atomic Energy Commission. PRL is involved in research, related to five major fields of science. PRL is also instrumental in the PLANEX planetary science and exploration programme. In June 2018, PRL scientists discovered exoplanet EPIC 211945201b or K2-236b, located 600 light years away from the Earth. The building of the PRL was designed by Achyut Kanvinde in 1962. (en)
- Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) adalah lembaga penelitian nasional untuk ruang angkasa dan ilmu serumpun, didukung terutama oleh Departemen Luar Angkasa, Pemerintah India. Laboratorium penelitian ini memiliki program penelitian yang sedang berlangsung dalam astronomi dan astrofisika, ilmu atmosfer dan Aeronomy, ilmu bumi, studi Tata Surya dan teori fisika. Institut ini juga mengatur Udaipur Solar Observatory dan terletak di Ahmedabad. (in)
- Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) adalah lembaga penelitian nasional untuk ruang angkasa dan ilmu serumpun, didukung terutama oleh Departemen Luar Angkasa, Pemerintah India. Laboratorium penelitian ini memiliki program penelitian yang sedang berlangsung dalam astronomi dan astrofisika, ilmu atmosfer dan Aeronomy, ilmu bumi, studi Tata Surya dan teori fisika. Institut ini juga mengatur Udaipur Solar Observatory dan terletak di Ahmedabad. (in)
- The Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) is a National Research Institute for space and allied sciences, supported mainly by Department of Space, Government of India. This research laboratory has ongoing research programmes in astronomy and astrophysics, atmospheric sciences and aeronomy, planetary and geosciences, Earth sciences, Solar System studies and theoretical physics. It also manages the Udaipur Solar Observatory and Mount Abu InfraRed Observatory. The PRL is located in Ahmedabad. The building of the PRL was designed by Achyut Kanvinde in 1962. (en)