- St Modan was the son of an Irish chieftain. He became a monk and built a chapel at Dryburgh, Scotland, in 522 which he used as a base for several years. This later became the site of a monastery: Dryburgh Abbey. He actively proselytised on behalf of the Celtic church in the Falkirk and Stirling areas, and along the Forth, continuing until he was elected abbot, a post which he accepted reluctantly. After a number of years he resigned and became a hermit, settling in the Dumbarton area, where he would die. His relics were enshrined at Saint Modan's church, Rosneath. His feast day is February 4. (en)
- Модан (VI) — настоятель монастыря Дрибурх, отшельник, память 30 августа. Святой Модан (Modan) был сыном вождя одного из племён Ирландии. Он стал монахом и в 522 году построил часовню в (Dryburgh), Шотландия, около которой впоследствии возник (Dryburgh Abbey). Он вёл активную проповедь от лица кельтской церкви в окрестностях Фолкерка и Стерлинга, а также вдоль Ферт-оф-Форта, покуда не был избран настоятелем, место которого он занял неохотно. Через несколько лет он оставил настоятельство и стал жить отшельником, поселившись около Дамбартона (Dumbarton), где и отошёл ко Господу. Его мощи почивают в храме св. Модана в (Rosneath). (ru)
- St Modan was the son of an Irish chieftain. He became a monk and built a chapel at Dryburgh, Scotland, in 522 which he used as a base for several years. This later became the site of a monastery: Dryburgh Abbey. He actively proselytised on behalf of the Celtic church in the Falkirk and Stirling areas, and along the Forth, continuing until he was elected abbot, a post which he accepted reluctantly. After a number of years he resigned and became a hermit, settling in the Dumbarton area, where he would die. His relics were enshrined at Saint Modan's church, Rosneath. His feast day is February 4. (en)
- Модан (VI) — настоятель монастыря Дрибурх, отшельник, память 30 августа. Святой Модан (Modan) был сыном вождя одного из племён Ирландии. Он стал монахом и в 522 году построил часовню в (Dryburgh), Шотландия, около которой впоследствии возник (Dryburgh Abbey). (ru)