明大の長文問題からの抜粋です。 話のあらすじ 「著者が子供の頃、子供たちだけで凍った池でスケートをよくした。そこで危険予知と事故回避の方法を学んだ。一方、現在の子供たちは過保護にされ、それらを学ぶ機会がなく、却って危険に晒されている」 I cannot tell my six-year-old to head down to the lake by himself to play all afternoon - if for no other reason than that he would not find twenty or thirty other kids there, full of the collective wisdom that they had inherited, along with hocky equipment, from their older brothers and sisters. Somewhere along the line that link got broken. 次の三点が分かりません。 ①下記の文章構造 I cannot tell my six-year-old to head down to the lake by himself to play all afternoon - if for no other reason than that he would not find twenty or thirty other kids there, full of the collective wisdom that they had inherited, along with hocky equipment, from their older brothers and sisters. 次のように解釈しました。 主節 : I cannot tell my six-year-old to head down to the lake by himself to play all afternoon 副詞節 : - if for no other reason than that he would not find twenty or thirty other kids there, full of the collective wisdom that they had inherited, along with hocky equipment, from their older brothers and sisters. 「full of the collective wisdom that they had inherited, along with hocky equipment, from their older brothers and sisters.」を分詞構文として副詞節「even if he was full ~」と解釈し、主節「he would not find twenty or thirty other kids there」にかかっている。 和訳 「たとえ私の息子がホッケー用具と一緒に兄姉から受け継いできた知識を十分に持っているとしても、湖に2,30人の仲間たちがいなければ、息子に湖へ一人で行ってお昼の間ずっと遊ぶようにとは言えない」 ②「if for no other reason than that sv」を「if there is only a reason that sv」に書き換えられるか。 ③最後の文「Somewhere along the line that link got broken.」は仮定法だと聞きましたが、なぜでしょうか。that link would get brokenと助動詞があるならば分かるのですが。I wonder ifなど何か語句が省略されているのでしょうか。 是非、ご教示ください。