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Logging in. Returns a corresponding user entity when logging in successfully.

Endpoint https://judgeapi.u-aizu.ac.jp
Server judgeapi
URI /session

Request body parameters

Parameter Description Type Required Example
id User ID string yes s1220233
password Login password string yes ****

Request body example

  "id": "s1220233",
  "password": "YOUR_PASSWORD"

Response fields

Field Description Type Frequency Example
id User ID string 1 s1220233
name User name string 1 Michael
affiliation Affiliation of the user string 1 University of Aizu
registerDate The date of the user registration long integer 1 1397723423672
lastSubmitDate The date of the last submission long integer 1 1435148630523
policy The policy of submitted source codes string 1 public
country The country living in string 1 jp
birthYear Birth year long integer 1 1995
displayLanguage Display language string 1 Japanese
defaultProgrammingLanguage Default programming language string 1 Python3
status User status json 1 values below
- submissions The number of submissions integer 1 27
- solved The number of solved problems integer 1 5
- accepted The number of accepted submissions integer 1 7
- wrongAnswer The number of wrong submissions integer 1 14
- timeLimit The number of submissions which exceeded time limit integer 1 0
- memoryLimit The number of submissions which exceeded memory limit integer 1 0
- outputLimit The number of submissions which exceeded the limit of output integer 1 0
- compileError The number of compilation failed submissions integer 1 0
- runtimeError The number of submissions which caused failure while running integer 1 6
url The url of homepage string 1 null

Response example

  "affiliation":"University of Aizu",
  "status": {
Please avoid accessing /reviews (and review.jsp of the old server) to get a set of source codes. We provide the archive of public source codes here.


All of public source codes that were submitted by AOJ users are available for study and educational use. You can download those data as a zip archive file. If you need other source codes, please contact us by e-mail using the contact information below.


Please click the following link, and follow download guides on that page to download the archive file.


All of submission records judged on Aizu Online Judge are available for study and educational use. You can download those record datat as CSV(comma-separated values).

Data detatils

judge_idJudge ID
user_idUser ID
problem_idProblem ID
languageProgramming Language
accuracy "Number of success" divided by "Number of test cases"
statusJudge verdict
cpu_timeCPU time in 1/100 sec.
memoryMemory usage in KBytes
code_sizeLength of the code in Bytes
submission_dateUNIX timestamp of submission date (Milli sec. from 1970/01/01 00:00:00)
judge_dateUNIX timestamp of judged date (Milli sec. from 1970/01/01 00:00:00)


Please click the following link, and follow download guides on that page to download the submission records file.