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10.5555/1599936.1600021dlproceedingsArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiclsConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Improving the design and impact of interactive, dynamic visualizations for science learning

Published: 24 June 2008 Publication History


This interactive poster session features seven research groups exploring how interactive, dynamic visualizations impact student learning. Six empirical studies report on promising designs for visualizations. These studies use logs of student interactions and embedded assessments to document the quality and trajectory of learning and to capture the cognitive and social processes mediated by the visualization. The review synthesizes previous and current empirical work. It offers design guidelines, principles, patterns, and examples to inform those designing interactive, dynamic visualization and aligned learning support. These posters show why dynamic visualizations are both difficult to design and valuable for science instruction.


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ICLS'08: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on International conference for the learning sciences - Volume 3
June 2008
421 pages


International Society of the Learning Sciences

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Published: 24 June 2008


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