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10.5555/1950815.1950925acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesaspdacConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Wire synthesizable global routing for timing closure

Published: 25 January 2011 Publication History


Despite remarkable progress in the area of global routing, the burdens imposed by modern physical synthesis flows are far greater than those expected or anticipated by available (academic) routing engines. As interconnects dominate the path delay, physical synthesis such as buffer insertion and gate sizing has to integrate with layer assignment. Layer directives -- commonly generated during wire synthesis to meet tight frequency targets -- play a critical role in reducing interconnect delay of smaller technology nodes. Unfortunately, they are not presently understood or honored by leading global routers, nor do existing techniques trivially extend toward their resolution. The shortcomings contribute to a dangerous blindspot in optimization and timing closure, leading to unroutable and/or underperforming designs. In this paper, we aim to resolve the layer compliance problem in routing congestion evaluation and global routing, which is very critical for timing closure with physical synthesis. We propose a method of progressive projection to account for wire tags and layer directives, in which classes of nets are successively applied and locked while performing partial aggregation. The method effectively models the resource contention of layer constraints by faithfully accumulating capacity of bounded layer ranges, enabling three-dimensional assignment to subsequently achieve complete directive compliance. The approach is general, and can piggyback on existing interfaces used to communicate with popular academic engines. Empirical results on the ICCAD 2009 benchmarks demonstrate that our approach successfully routes many designs that are otherwise unroutable with existing techniques and naïve approaches.


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  • (2014)A study on unroutable placement recognitionProceedings of the 2014 on International symposium on physical design10.1145/2560519.2560522(19-26)Online publication date: 30-Mar-2014
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  1. Wire synthesizable global routing for timing closure



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        cover image ACM Conferences
        ASPDAC '11: Proceedings of the 16th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference
        January 2011
        841 pages



        IEEE Press

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        Published: 25 January 2011

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        ASPDAC '11

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        Cited By

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        • (2015)Global Routing with Inherent Static Timing ConstraintsProceedings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design10.5555/2840819.2840834(102-109)Online publication date: 2-Nov-2015
        • (2014)A study on unroutable placement recognitionProceedings of the 2014 on International symposium on physical design10.1145/2560519.2560522(19-26)Online publication date: 30-Mar-2014
        • (2013)CATALYSTProceedings of the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe10.5555/2485288.2485728(1873-1878)Online publication date: 18-Mar-2013
        • (2013)Routing congestion estimation with real design constraintsProceedings of the 50th Annual Design Automation Conference10.1145/2463209.2488847(1-8)Online publication date: 29-May-2013
        • (2013)BonnRouteACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems10.1145/2442087.244210318:2(1-24)Online publication date: 11-Apr-2013

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