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10.5555/2665671.2665707acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesiscaConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Efficient digital neurons for large scale cortical architectures

Published: 14 June 2014 Publication History


Digital neurons are implemented with the goal of sup-porting research and development of architectures which implement the computational paradigm of the neocortex.
Four spiking digital neurons are implemented at the register transfer level in a manner that permits side-by-side comparisons. Two of the neurons contain two stages of ex-ponential decay, one for synapse conductances and one for membrane potential. The other two neurons contain only one stage of exponential decay for membrane potential.
The two stage neurons respond to an input spike with a change in membrane potential that has a non-infinite lead-ing edge slope; the one stage neurons exhibit a change in membrane potential with an abrupt, infinite leading edge slope. This leads to a behavioral difference when a number of input spikes occur in very close time proximity. However, the one stage neurons are as much as a factor of ten more energy efficient than the two stage neurons, as measured by the number of dynamic add-equivalent operations
A new two stage neuron is proposed. This neuron reduc-es the number of decay components and implements decays in both stages via piece-wise linear approximation. Togeth-er, these simplifications yield two stage neuron behavior with energy efficiency that is only about a factor of two worse than the simplest one stage neuron.


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