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10.5555/2666048.2666049acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicseConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Simulating awareness in global software engineering: a comparative analysis of scrum and agile service networks

Published: 04 June 2012 Publication History


Global software engineering (GSE) is a business strategy to realize a business idea (i.e. the development project) faster, through round-the-clock productivity. However, GSE creates a volatile and unstable process in which many actors interact together against unpredictable premises (e.g. cultural or time differences), often producing unexpected outcomes (e.g. compacting effects of distance and time). So far, Scrum has been used extensively for embarking in global software engineering, but many of the problems in Scrum-based GSE could still benefit from the usage of ad-hoc supporting tools (e.g. information continuity between timezones, cultural differences, developers awareness, etc.). Agile Service Networks (ASNs) are networks of service oriented applications (nodes) that collaborate adaptively towards a common goal. ASNs offer a way to represent GSE professionals through service-oriented "social" nodes in a "small-world" network (much like a Facebook for a specific GSE project). This paper presents a comparison between the two approaches, namely Scrum and ASNs, to determine ASN's potentials as mechanisms to maintain awareness in GSE.


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  • (2012)Modeling to support communication and engineering of service-oriented softwareProceedings of the First International Workshop on European Software Services and Systems Research: Results and Challenges10.5555/2666742.2666744(8-9)Online publication date: 5-Jun-2012



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cover image ACM Conferences
PESOS '12: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service-Oriented Systems
June 2012
76 pages



IEEE Press

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Published: 04 June 2012

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  1. agile service networks
  2. chemical engine
  3. global software engineering


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  • (2012)Modeling to support communication and engineering of service-oriented softwareProceedings of the First International Workshop on European Software Services and Systems Research: Results and Challenges10.5555/2666742.2666744(8-9)Online publication date: 5-Jun-2012

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