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Assessing personality traits of simulation-based training scenario developers
The U.S. military uses Simulation-Based Training (SBT) to aid Soldiers in preparing for combat. A vital part of the SBT cycle involves scenario development. Scenario developers utilize software tools to create visual and auditory representations within ...
A tool for model conversion between simulators of grid computing
- Gabriel C. Furlanetto,
- Rafael S. Stabile,
- Aleardo Manacero,
- Renata S. Lobato,
- Denison Menezes,
- Roberta Spolon
High performance computing systems usually have a high usage cost, even with the use of shared systems, such as grids and clouds. To reduce such costs it is necessary to optimize system's utilization through performance analysis of one's application. ...
Simulation visualization issues for users and customers
The use of high-end graphics can have a mesmerizing effect on simulation novices and, as such, may blind the user to the actual capabilities and valid usages. The visualization of simulations are distinct from other computer graphic media because they ...
Calculating grid partitioning costs of distributed virtual world simulation systems
Designing high fidelity and scalable distributed virtual environments remains a major challenge. Concurrent users, scene complexity and fidelity of user interaction are affected when computational resources become saturated because of high network ...
Effective visualization in modeling & simulation
The visualization aspect of modeling and simulation (M&S) is rarely discussed. The primary concerns are typically model design, statistical probabilities, analysis, and verification and validation. However, visualization is an integral part of the M&S ...
An exploration of fault tree analysis methods for military simulations
Fault trees are used to evaluate weaknesses in many types of systems, including military systems. They are frequently used in simulations to link component failure to functional capabilities. This research compares several methods to find the key ...
Asynchronous optimization techniques for distributed computing applications
Simulation-based optimization of manufacturing systems has emerged into a widely accepted decision support technique for industrial applications. Due to the computational complexity of these applications, simulation-based optimization is typically ...
MOE quantification of missions using sensor data driven graph similarity metrics
A mission plan consists of a set of actions to be performed in a given situation such that the specified actions mitigate the assessed situation effectively. Military missions use sensors of diverse sensing modalities for Intelligence, Reconnaissance ...
Bayesian changepoint detection for generic adaptive simulation algorithms
Adaptive simulation algorithms are used to deal with changing computational demands of simulations due to state changes of the model and the environment. If such an algorithm is developed in a generic manner, i.e., it is not equipped by the developer ...
An investigation of 'soft' operations research methods to inform hybrid simulation studies on environmental disasters
A simulation study involves several distinct stages, such as conceptual model development, model implementation, validation, and experimentation. This paper recognizes the interconnectedness of these stages and the neces sity for a conceptual model to ...
Investigating execution strategies for hybrid models developed using multiple M&S methodologies
The complexity of systems and their multi-faceted relationships mean that the combined application of simulation methods, or hybrid simulation, will enable synergies across techniques and will provide greater insights to problem solving. In this paper ...
Merging worlds: complex adaptive systems science meets systems engineering: a foundation for complex adaptive agent-based modeling architectures
Presented in this paper are details regarding a Complex Adaptive System-of-Systems, multi-purpose, agent-in-the-loop behavior modeling framework. A framework designed to facilitate usage of agents and automated tools in military training and research, ...
Agent-based system for simulating the dynamics of social identity beliefs
Development of computer tools to understand how social identity beliefs of interacting social groups evolve in response to various changes can help use better understand root causes of intergroup conflict and design intervention strategies to address ...
The evaluation of a constructive modeling and simulation approach in teaching port management skills
A review of current literature has identified a gap in the use of constructive modeling and simulation (M&S) environments to teach port management skill sets. The fast pace of change in the maritime industry requires similar adaptation from teaching ...
Integrating simulation-driven decisions and business wargames to shape fiscal policies
In 2013 sequestration resulted in defense budgets absorbing the greatest proportion of cutbacks. Leaders are on notice that future debates must be built on more solid cost positions related to operational success. In this paper we use a systems ...
Generating domain-specific simulation environments from SMP2-based model frameworks for rapid development of simulation applications
Operational effectiveness is one of the most important warrants for weapons and equipment systems demonstration & design, while simulation is a key method to assess operational effectiveness. Operational effectiveness simulation relies on simulation ...
The multi-craft problem: a distributed simulation approach using networked floating objects
The multi-craft problem is defined as simulating the interactions of multiple objects floating on water. This encompasses the direct interactions between water and the object, and indirect interactions between objects that occur via the water. Existing ...
Estimating the probability of a timely traffic-hazard warning via simulation
Traffic flow simulation is exploited for estimating the probability that a message --- a hazard warning in this case --- is correctly transmitted to an approaching car in time, that is, before overstepping a safety threshold. The results derived by ...
An adaptive fault-tolerance scheme for distributed load balancing systems
Load balancing of distributed virtual simulations has been developing into a critical mechanism for enabling these simulations as their complexity grows to model more realistic scenarios. As the scale of these systems increases, they become more ...
Universal simulation engine (USE): a model-independent library for discrete event simulation
Universal Simulation Engine (USE) is a C++ library providing a model-independent environment for Discrete Event Simulation (DES) tasks. Unlike most simulators, USE focuses on the general simulation technology and integrates many features, which are ...
Model-based configuration of automotive co-simulation scenarios
Co-simulation represents a state-of-the-art method for virtual integration and simulation of automotive systems. Due to the needed number of simulation component models to describe such systems and their environment, the setup of all involved co-...
Adaptively perturbing localized state space in data assimilation of wildfire spread simulation
Real time data can be assimilated into the simulation model using sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods to improve the estimation of the wildfire spread simulation. The standard SMC methods algorithm uses a fixed number of particles and doesn't have run-...
Particle filter based traffic data assimilation with sensor informed proposal distribution
This paper presents a particle filter with sensor informed proposal distribution for traffic state estimation. An agent-based traffic simulator is employed to simulate the traffic network and vehicle behaviors with the help of the sensor and accident ...
A domain ontology for ballistic missile defense conceptual model
Ballistic missiles countermine against the missile defense system involves multiple typical armaments, various counter measures, and complex operation processes. The professionals and applications face the problem of acquisition and interoperation of ...
Accelerated portfolio optimization with conditional value-at-risk constraints using a cutting-plane method
Financial portfolios are often optimized for maximum profit while subject to a constraint formulated in terms of the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR). This amounts to solving a linear problem. However, in its original formulation this problem has a very ...
A comparison of a generic MCMC-based algorithm for Bayesian estimation in C++, R and Julia: application to plant growth modeling
Plant growth is understood through the use of dynamical systems involving many interacting processes and model parameters whose estimation is therefore a crucial issue, all the more so since experimental data obtained from agronomical systems are most ...
Paradigms for conceptual modeling
The Department of Defense (DoD) Modeling & Simulation Coordination Office (M&SCO) in collaboration with the Personnel & Readiness (P&R)/Force Readiness & Training (FR&T) Directorate/Joint Assessment and Enabling Capability (JAEC) Office sponsored the ...