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This volume contains the 35 papers and 16 brief announcements presented at the 22nd ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), which was held from July 13 to 16, 2003, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. PODC included a special celebration honoring the work of Michael Fischer. This volume includes two talks of this celebration. This year, PODC included a Special Security Track chaired by Amir Herzberg. The goal of this track was to promote interaction between the distributed computing and the security communities. This volume contains two invited talks to this Track, as well as 8 papers and 5 brief announcements (included in the count of 35 papers and 16 brief announcements above).The contributed papers were selected from 208 submissions to the regular presentations track and 18 submissions to the brief announcements track in electronic discussions and at a meeting of the program committee on March 29 and 30, 2003 at the Kendall Hotel in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The regular presentations were read and evaluated by the program committee, but were not formally refereed; it is expected that many of them will appear in more polished form in fully refereed scientific journals. A selection of papers will appear in a special issue of Distributed Computing dedicated to PODC 2003. The brief announcements were screened by the program committee based on short abstracts; it is expected that many of them will be published elsewhere (including in other conferences).
Cryptography and competition policy: issues with 'trusted computing'
The most significant strategic development in information technology over the past year has been 'trusted computing'. This is popularly associated with Microsoft's 'Palladium' project, recently renamed 'NGSCB'. In this paper, I give an outline of the ...
Working with mike on distributed computing theory, 1978--1992
I have had the honor of working with Mike Fischer on no fewer than 15 projects in the area of distributed computing theory, plus a few others in other areas. The results of some of these projects, like the one with Mike Paterson on impossibility of ...
Simple and fast optimistic protocols for fair electronic exchange
Assume each of two parties has something the other wants. Then, a fair exchange is an electronic protocol guaranteeing that either both parties get what they want, or none of them does. Protocols relying on traditional trusted parties easily guarantee ...
Fischer's cryptographic protocols
This note is prepared for Michael Fischer's 60th birthday celebration at PODC 2003. In it, I briefly describe some of Michael Fischer's work on distributed cryptographic protocols.
Constant-time distributed dominating set approximation
Finding a small dominating set is one of the most fundamental problems of traditional graph theory. In this paper, we present a new fully distributed approximation algorithm based on LP relaxation techniques. For an arbitrary parameter k and maximum ...
Distributed error confinement
We initiate the study of error confinement in distributed applications, where the goal is that only nodes that were directly hit by a fault may deviate from their correct external behavior, and only temporarily. The external behavior of all other nodes ...
Compact roundtrip routing with topology-independent node names
This paper presents compact roundtrip routing schemes with local tables of size Õ(√n) and stretch 6 for any directed network with arbitrary edge weights; and with local tables of size Õ(√−1n2/k) and stretch min((2k/2 −1)(k + √), 16k 2+ 8 k − 8), for any ...
A new approach to on-demand loop-free routing in ad hoc networks
A new protocol is presented for on-demand loop-free routing in ad hoc networks. The new protocol, called labeled distance routing (LDR) protocol, uses a distance invariant to establish an ordering criterion and per-destination sequence numbers to reset ...
Geometric ad-hoc routing: of theory and practice
All too often a seemingly insurmountable divide between theory and practice can be witnessed. In this paper we try to contribute to narrowing this gap in the field of ad-hoc routing. In particular we consider two aspects: We propose a new geometric ...
Broadcasting in undirected ad hoc radio networks
We consider distributed broadcasting in radio networks, modeled as undirected graphs, whose nodes have no information on the topology of the network, nor even on their immediate neighborhood. For randomized broadcasting, we give an algorithm working in ...
Operation-valency and the cost of coordination
This paper introduces operation-valency, a generalization of the valency proof technique originated by Fischer, Lynch, and Paterson. By focusing on critical events that influence the return values of individual operations rather then on critical events ...
Software transactional memory for dynamic-sized data structures
We propose a new form of software transactional memory (STM) designed to support dynamic-sized data structures, and we describe a novel non-blocking implementation. The non-blocking property we consider is obstruction-freedom. Obstruction-freedom is ...
Split-ordered lists: lock-free extensible hash tables
We present the first lock-free implementation of an extensible hash table running on current architectures. It provides concurrent insert, delete, and search operations with an expected O(1) cost. It consists of very simple code, easily implementable ...
Scalable and dynamic quorum systems
We investigate issues related to the probe complexity of quorum systems and their implementation in a dynamic environment. Our contribution is twofold. The first regards the algorithmic complexity of finding a quorum in case of random failures. We show ...
Peer-to-peer systems for prefix search
This paper presents a general methodology for building message-passing peer-to-peer systems capable of performing prefix search for arbitrary user-defined names. Our methodology allows to achieve even load distribution, high fault-tolerance, and low-...
Routing networks for distributed hash tables
Routing topologies for distributed hashing in peer-to-peer networks are classified into two categories: deterministic and randomized. A general technique for constructing deterministic routing topologies is presented. Using this technique, classical ...
Asynchronous resource discovery
Consider a dynamic, large-scale communication infrastructure (e.g., the Internet) where nodes (e.g., in a peer to peer system) can communicate only with nodes whose id (e.g., IP address) are known to them. One of the basic building blocks of such a ...
Brief announcement: an overview of the content-addressable network D2B
In this brief announcement, we overview the structure and performances of the distributed hash table D2B described in [2] (a preliminary version appeared in [3]).
Brief announcement: deterministic skipnet
We present a deterministic scalable overlay network. In contrast, most previous overlays use randomness or hashing (pseudo-randomness) to achieve a uniform distribution of data and routing traffic.
An asynchronous protocol for distributed computation of RSA inverses and its applications
This paper presents an efficient asynchronous protocol to compute RSA inverses with respect to a public RSA modulus N whose factorization is secret and shared among a group of parties. Given two numbers x and e, the protocol computes y such that ye≡x (...
Efficient revocation and threshold pairing based cryptosystems
Boneh, Ding, Tsudik and Wong recently proposed a way for obtaining fast revocation of RSA keys. Their method consists in using security mediators that keep a piece of each user's private key in such a way that every decrytion or signature operation ...
Constructing fair-exchange protocols for E-commerce via distributed computation of RSA signatures
Applications such as e-commerce payment protocols, electronic contract signing, and certified e-mail delivery require that fair exchange be assured. A fair-exchange protocol allows two parties to exchange items in a fair way so that either each party ...
Oblivious signature-based envelope
Exchange of digitally signed certificates is often used to establish mutual trust between strangers that wish to share resources or to conduct business transactions. Automated Trust Negotiation (ATN) is an approach to regulate the flow of sensitive ...
Scalable public-key tracing and revoking
Traitor Tracing Schemes constitute a very useful tool against piracy in the context of digital content broadcast. In such multi-recipient encryption schemes, each decryption key is fingerprinted and when a pirate decoder is discovered, the authorities ...
Distributed consensus in the presence of sectional faults
Consider a synchronous network of n players, each with a local input. The goal of distributed consensus is to globally agree on one of the valid inputs even if some non-trivial subset of the players are faulty. By valid input, we mean the input of any ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the twenty-second annual symposium on Principles of distributed computing
Acceptance Rates
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Rate |
PODC '23 | 110 | 29 | 26% |
PODC '19 | 173 | 48 | 28% |
PODC '18 | 163 | 41 | 25% |
PODC '17 | 154 | 38 | 25% |
PODC '16 | 149 | 40 | 27% |
PODC '15 | 191 | 45 | 24% |
PODC '14 | 141 | 39 | 28% |
PODC '13 | 145 | 37 | 26% |
PODC '09 | 110 | 27 | 25% |
PODC '03 | 226 | 51 | 23% |
PODC '02 | 149 | 43 | 29% |
PODC '01 | 118 | 39 | 33% |
PODC '00 | 117 | 32 | 27% |
PODC '97 | 149 | 46 | 31% |
PODC '96 | 117 | 69 | 59% |
PODC '95 | 132 | 49 | 37% |
PODC '94 | 133 | 67 | 50% |
Overall | 2,477 | 740 | 30% |