Key Points
The spatial resolution of conventional optical microscopy is limited by diffraction to â¼200 nm in biological imaging. In recent years, several microscopy techniques have successfully overcome this diffraction limit. These new methods are called super-resolution imaging techniques and include stimulated emission depletion (STED) and reversible saturable optically linear fluorescence transitions (RESOLFT), photoactivated localization microscopy (PALM), fluorescence photoactivation localization microscopy (FPALM) and stochastic optical reconstruction (STORM).
Far-field super-resolution techniques break the diffraction limit by spatially and/or temporally modulating the transition between bright and dark states of a fluorophore. In RESOLFT imaging, which includes STED, super resolution is achieved by narrowing the point spread function of an ensemble of fluorophores via stimulated emission depletion. By contrast, PALM, FPALM and STORM image single molecules, which are sequentially and stochastically switched on, imaged and localized with nanometer accuracy, and then switched off (or bleached). Many cycles of this allow reconstruction of a super-resolution image.
Two main classes of fluorophores have been used for super-resolution imaging: fluorescent proteins (FPs) and chemical (non-genetically encoded) probes, including small organic fluorophores and quantum dots. These probes can be reversibly or irreversibly photoactivated, or they can be irreversibly photoshifted.
For example, EosFP is an irreversible photoshiftable FP, which converts from green to red following illumination with ultraviolet or blue light. Another commonly used FP is the reversible photoactivatable FP Dronpa.
Among small-molecule probes, the photoswitchable cyanine dyes stand out for their excellent brightness, whereas photochromic rhodamines offer membrane permeability and thus the possibility of application to intracellular imaging. Photocaged compounds, such as caged Q-rhodamine and caged fluorescein, have also been used for super-resolution imaging.
Super-resolution biological imaging has revealed synaptic vesicle movement in live hippocampal neurons with 62 nm spatial resolution and 35 ms temporal resolution. Three-dimensional imaging of microtubules and clathrin-coated pits has been performed in fixed cells with 20 nm lateral and 50 nm axial resolution. Two-colour imaging of several adhesion complex proteins with â¼20â30 nm resolution revealed little overlap between proteins that were previously seen as colocalized using conventional microscopy.
Spatial and temporal resolution depend on the properties of the fluorophores used. Although live-cell imaging at 40â60 nm has been shown, the ultimate goal of video-rate imaging with molecular (1â5 nm) resolution will require the development of smaller, brighter, more photostable, membrane-permeable and genetically targetable fluorescent probes.
In 1873, Ernst Abbe discovered that features closer than â¼200 nm cannot be resolved by lens-based light microscopy. In recent years, however, several new far-field super-resolution imaging techniques have broken this diffraction limit, producing, for example, video-rate movies of synaptic vesicles in living neurons with 62 nm spatial resolution. Current research is focused on further improving spatial resolution in an effort to reach the goal of video-rate imaging of live cells with molecular (1â5 nm) resolution. Here, we describe the contributions of fluorescent probes to far-field super-resolution imaging, focusing on fluorescent proteins and organic small-molecule fluorophores. We describe the features of existing super-resolution fluorophores and highlight areas of importance for future research and development.
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The authors thank X. Zhuang, E. Betzig, R.Y. Tsien, T. Uttamapinant and P. Zou for useful feedback on the manuscript.
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(RESOLFT). A mode of light microscopy that exploits the saturation of a reversible single photon transition from a dark state to a bright state, or vice versa. A light intensity distribution featuring zeros creates arbitrarily sharp regions of molecules in the dark or the bright states; the bright regions allow the assembly of a subdiffraction image. The spatial resolution is no longer limited by the wavelength of the light in use, but rather is determined by the saturation that can be realized.
- Photoswitcher
A molecule that can reversibly switch between two molecular states on irradiation with light of a specific wavelength and intensity. Currently known fluorescent photoswitchers are photoactivatable molecules that switch between a dark and a fluorescent state upon illumination.
- Total internal reflection fluorescence
A microscopy technique that is designed to probe the surface of fluorescently labelled living cells with an evanescent wave. This wave is generated by a light beam that strikes between two media of differing refractive indices at an angle beyond the critical angle.
- Extinction coefficient
The (molar) extinction coefficient (εabs)of a species is defined by the equation A = εbc, where A is the absorbance of the solution, b is the path length and c is the concentration of the species. The fluorescence brightness of a species is proportional to the product of its molar extinction coefficient and fluorescence quantum yield.
- Fluorescence quantum yield
The ratio of photons emitted to photons absorbed. The fluorescence brightness of a species is proportional to the product of its molar extinction coefficient and fluorescence quantum yield.
- Nyquist criterion
The sampling frequency should be equal or larger than twice the largest frequency that is to be recorded.
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Fernández-Suárez, M., Ting, A. Fluorescent probes for super-resolution imaging in living cells. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 9, 929â943 (2008).
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