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Band structure engineering and non-equilibrium dynamics in Floquet topological insulators


Non-equilibrium topological phenomena can be induced in quantum many-body systems using time-periodic fields (for example, by laser or microwave illumination). This Review begins with the key principles underlying Floquet band engineering, wherein such fields are used to change the topological properties of a system’s single-particle spectrum. In contrast to equilibrium systems, non-trivial band structure topology in a driven many-body system does not guarantee that robust topological behaviour will be observed. In particular, periodically driven many-body systems tend to absorb energy from their driving fields and thereby tend to heat up. We survey various strategies for overcoming this challenge of heating and for obtaining new topological phenomena in this non-equilibrium setting. We describe how drive-induced topological edge states can be probed in the regime of mesoscopic transport, and three routes for observing topological phenomena beyond the mesoscopic regime: long-lived transient dynamics and prethermalization, disorder-induced many-body localization, and engineered couplings to external baths. We discuss the types of phenomena that can be explored in each of the regimes covered, and their experimental realizations in solid-state, cold atomic, and photonic systems.

Key points

  • Time-periodic fields provide a versatile platform for inducing non-equilibrium topological phenomena in quantum systems.

  • In contrast to equilibrium systems, non-trivial band structure topology does not guarantee that robust topological behaviour will be observed in a many-body system.

  • Various strategies can be employed to obtain novel topological phenomena in this non-equilibrium many-body setting.

  • Driving-induced topological edge states can be revealed through (non-quantized) mesoscopic transport.

  • Working in regimes where heating rates are strongly suppressed allows robust topological behaviour to be observed in long-lived transients.

  • Many-body localization due to strong disorder provides a mechanism for completely eliminating heating in certain types of systems, allowing a sharp delineation of intrinsic phases of many-body Floquet systems.

  • Bath engineering provides a powerful means for ensuring that the topological properties of a driven system coupled to its natural environment are reflected in its steady state.

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Fig. 1: Floquet band engineering for gapless and gapped systems.
Fig. 2: Topological features of Floquet bands without analogues in non-driven systems.
Fig. 3: Edge state transport in Floquet topological insulators.
Fig. 4: Heating via energy absorption from the drive.
Fig. 5: Steady states of Floquet topological insulators coupled to external baths.

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The authors thank all of their collaborators on FTI-related work, with whom they have had many stimulating interactions. In particular, they acknowledge E. Berg, E. Demler, V. Galitski, T. Kitagawa, M. Levin and G. Refael, with whom they began their journey in this field. The authors also thank I. Esin for help with figures and helpful discussions. N.H.L. acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement number 639172), and from the Israeli Center of Research Excellence (I-CORE) ‘Circle of Light’. M.S.R. gratefully acknowledges the support of the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement number 678862), the Villum Foundation, and CRC 183 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

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M.S.R. and N.H.L. contributed equally to the organization and writing of this Review.

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Correspondence to Mark S. Rudner.

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Rudner, M.S., Lindner, N.H. Band structure engineering and non-equilibrium dynamics in Floquet topological insulators. Nat Rev Phys 2, 229–244 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42254-020-0170-z

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