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2017 MagIC Workshop: Earth's Magnetic Field from the Beginning

Scripps Institution of Oceanography
UCSD, La Jolla, CA
January 24th-27th, 2017

Cathy Constable (Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics, SIO)
Lisa Tauxe (Geosciences Research Division, SIO)
Anthony Koppers (College of Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences, OSU)

Workshop Program Description

On January 24th and 25th, the 2017 MagIC Workshop will offer invited keynotes, short talks, and a poster session covering a wide range of topics on the geomagnetic evolution of the Earth from 4.6 Ga to the present. On day one we focus on the early Earth. When did the geomagnetic field first form? How strong was it and how did it evolve over time? On day two we focus on the more recent evolution of the Earth's geomagnetic field. Here we focus on sediments that are critical for informing knowledge about the recent geomagnetic field and its excursions and reversals in particular.

An introduction to the workings of the MagIC Database and Website will also be given, along with brief tutorials on archiving your own data and reviewing contributions in the database.

On January 26th there will be a Hands-on MagIC Data Upload Workshop. This workshop is especially targeted to those who want to walk through the process of uploading and archiving data and learn more details of how the process works (e.g. senior graduate students, post-docs, lab managers, although others are of course also very welcome). The upload process has been upgraded to an online web service. Stand-alone GUI based programs in the PmagPy software package are now available to help in formatting data for uploading. We will discuss the new, hierarchical data model 3.0. Please see our Google spreadsheet for details and to comment on the new data model. Space is limited because of the tutorial nature and we can only accommodate up to 25 people. Please indicate during registration you wish to attend. Participants are expected to have attended days 1 and 2 of the workshop.

On January 27th the workshop will conclude with a day focusing on the PmagPy software system. An overview of the paleomagnetic analysis software will be given. Then we will work on the codebase along with discussion on the future of PmagPy. What are current contributers working on and what will be focused on in the future? We welcome anyone interested in the PmagPy ecosystem as a user or developer to attend. Please see the PmagPy paper for information on the PmagPy paleomagnetic software suite. Once again, space is limited and we can only accommodate up to 25 people, so please indicate during registration you wish to attend.

Keynote Speakers (45 minute talk and 15 minutes for discussion)

John Tarduno - "The origin of the geodynamo and its bearing on planetary habitability"
Peter Olson - "Searching for inner core nucleation: dynamo predictions of its paleomagnetic signature"
Joshua Feinberg - "Can intrusive rocks be used as recorders of Precambrian geomagnetic field strength?"
Aleksey Smirnov - "The long-term history of the geodynamo: A paleomagnetic perspective"
Andrew Roberts - "How do sediments get magnetized?"
Andy Biggin - "Characterization of long timescale geomagnetic variations and their implications for Earth's deep interior"

Science-Database Short-Talk Speakers (20 minute talk and 10 minutes for discussion)

Bruce Buffet - "Interpreting the paleomagnetic field using stochastic models"
Chuang Xuan - "Age calibrated millennial scale geomagnetic variability of the last ~100 kyr in the west Iberian margin"
Dave Stegman - "Requiem for the basal magma ocean dynamo"
Chris Davies - "Magnetic history of the Earth with high core conductivity"
Julie Bowles - "Magnetic mineralogy of in-situ oceanic gabbro: When is lower crustal magnetization acquired?"
Nick Swanson-Hysell - "Reproducible paleomagnetic data analysis with PmagPy"
Maxwell Brown - "Revisions to GEOMAGIA50.v3: A case study from the UK"
Mireille Perrin - "Secular variation and paleointensity in Mexico during the Plio-Quaternary"
Jean-Pierre Valet - "Beryllium 10 production and paleomagnetic records during the last reversal"
Micheal Volk - "Effect of static pressure on absolute paleointensity recording"

Time Table

October 1, 2016
December 23, 2016
December 23, 2016
January 9, 2017
January 24-27, 2017
 Registration is open
Discounted block of MagIC rooms released from the Hotel La Jolla
Registration Closes
Deadline for abstracts submission
2017 MagIC Workshop

Tuesday - Workshop Program (Scripps Forum)

Time  Description
8:15 - 9:00  Registration, Poster set-up, and Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30  Cathy Constable - MagIC 2017 Workshop Welcome
9:30 - 10:30  John Tarduno - The origin of the geodynamo and its bearing on planetary habitability
10:30 - 11:00  Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:30  Chris Davies - Magnetic history of the Earth with high core conductivity
11:30 - 12:00  Bruce Buffett - Interpreting the paleomagnetic field using stochastic models
12:00 - 13:00  Lunch at the Scripps Forum
13:00 - 14:00  Aleksey Smirnov - The long-term history of the geodynamo: A paleomagnetic perspective
14:00 - 14:30  Nick Swanson-Hysell - Reproducible paleomagnetic data analysis with PmagPy
14:30 - 15:00  Anthony Koppers - MagIC's status and future plans
15:00 - 15:30  Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30  Andy Biggin - Characterization of long timescale geomagnetic variations and their implications for Earth's deep interior
16:30 - 17:30  Joshua Feinberg - Can intrusive rocks be used as recorders of Precambrian geomagnetic field strength?
17:30 - 21:00  Poster Session and Evening Reception

Wednesday - Workshop Program (Scripps Forum)

Time  Description
8:15 - 9:00  Continental Breakfast
9:00 - 9:30  Dave Stegman - Requiem for the basal magma ocean dynamo
9:30 - 10:30  Andrew Roberts - How do sediments get magnetized?
10:30 - 11:00  Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:30  Anthony Koppers - Introduction into archiving in the MagIC database
11:30 - 12:00  Julie Bowles - Magnetic mineralogy of in-situ oceanic gabbro: When is lower crustal magnetization acquired?
12:00 - 13:00  Lunch at the Scripps Forum
13:00 - 13:30  Michael Volk - Effect of static pressure on absolute paleointensity recording
13:30 - 14:00  Mireille Perrin - Secular variation and paleointensity in Mexico during the Plio-Quaternary
14:00 - 14:30  Chuang Xuan - Age calibrated millennial scale geomagnetic variability of the last ~100 kyr in the west Iberian margin
14:30 - 15:00  Rupert Minnett - Communication with other databases and websites
15:00 - 15:30  Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:00  Maxwell Brown - Revisions to GEOMAGIA50.v3: A case study from the UK
16:00 - 17:00  Peter Olson - Searching for inner core nucleation: dynamo predictions of its paleomagnetic signature
17:00 - 17:30  Jean-Pierre Valet - Beryllium 10 production and paleomagnetic records during the last reversal

Thursday - Hands-on MagIC Data Upload Workshop (Sea Cave Room in the Eckart Building - 9:00 to 17:00)

Life Skills for MagIC: Searching, Retrieving, and Uploading Data (Morning - 9:00 to 12:00)

Lead: Jarboe, Minnett, Koppers, Tauxe
Many different types of data can be searched for and archived in the MagIC database. In this session we will demonstrate and answer questions on the search, retrieval, and upload interfaces to the MagIC database. We will also present the new simplified 3.0 data model. (You can view, comment, and request new fields to be added to the data model by visiting our google docs page and leaving a comment. Please log in to your Google account if you would like link yourself to your comments. Then we will take an example paper that has both paleomagnetic directions and intensities and use the MagIC upload web interface to add the paper's data to the MagIC database.

Uploading Your Data (Afternoon - 13:00 to 17:00)

Lead: Jarboe, Tauxe, Minnett, Koppers
In this session we will help facilitate the uploading of your own data into the MagIC database. We would request that your bring your own data from past or current work if applicable and we will help you upload the data into the MagIC database. In the afternoon we will also discuss the different ways to get measurement data from your machines into the MagIC database. We wish to work with all labs to streamline the system of getting measurement data into MagIC. One of MagIC's goals is to help facilitate the preservation of measurement level data going forward. We will present an example of taking analysis and measurement data files to create a MagIC data file using the PmagPy software. Friday's "Everything PmagPy" will cover the PmagPy software suite in detail, which you may find as a useful tool for bringing your measurement data through analysis to publication and archiving at MagIC.

Friday - Everything PmagPy (Sea Cave Room in the Eckart Building - 9:00 to 17:00)

Those interested in the PmagPy project will meet for a day that will include an introduction of the project and how to contribute combined with discussion and coding. PmagPy is open source software with its code on github and documentation through the PmagPy cookbook.

9:00-10:00  Introduction to tools: Github, Python distribution, Jupyter
10:00-11:00  Introduction to PmagPy and its structure
11:00-12:00  Brainstorm about project directions/features
12:00-13:00  Lunch
13:00-17:00  Coding to develop PmagPy or applying PmagPy to data analysis

MagIC Talks During Workshop

1. MagIC 2017 Workshop Welcome (Tuesday Morning)

Lead: Constable

2. MagIC's Status and Future Plans (Tuesday Afternoon)

Lead: Koppers

3. Introduction Into Archiving in the MagIC Database (Wednesday Morning)

Lead: Koppers
The inclusion of all the possible measurements found in the geomagnetic, paleomagnetic and rock magnetic scientific disciplines requires a large data model. This talk will discuss the basics of the MagIC 3.0 database model (simplified from the 2.5 model), the MagIC data policies, and how users should upload their published data sets into the MagIC database system.

4. Communication with Other Databases and Websites (Wednesday Afternoon)

Lead: Minnett
Linking datasets together is a priority for MagIC. This talk will discuss the mechanisms for databases and websites to communicate with each other and how MagIC currently implements and plans to further facilitate that interaction.

Poster Sessions  

Posters will be up for the first two days of the workshop and there will be multiple occasions to view them. There also will be a dedicated poster session on the first day from 17:30-18:30 and during the reception afterwards. Thus there will be ample time for discussion during coffee hours, receptions, and the designated poster session.

Workshop Registration and Abstracts

Registration is now open. You must registar with MagIC first here and then pay your registration fee below.

The Registration Fee is $175. This will pay for all conference expenses and it includes catering during the conference, including continental breakfasts, cookies/tea/coffee, lunch and the Tuesday evening reception.

The we would prefer you use the Eventbrite form below to pay online. If you cannot pay online, please contact Nick Jarboe (njarboe@ucsd.edu) to make other arraingments.

Abstract Deadline. The deadline for abstracts for keynotes, science talks and posters is January 9, 2017. Every participant is invited to contribute an abstract to the conference volume. These abstracts may represent a discussion contribution, a poster, or can be provided by title (to be available for reference in the conference volume only). Submit your abstracts by email to Nick Jarboe.

Abstract format. Two pages text (1,000 words or less) with up to two pages of figures, data tables and references. All abstracts must be submitted electronically as Microsoft Word documents or Rich Text Format (RTF) files. In addition, send us electronic copies of your diagrams in either the PS/EPS/PDF or Adobe Illustrator format. This will ensure that we can reproduce your diagrams with the best quality in the workshop volume. If you cannot easily produce these formats, please send us the diagrams as high-resolution bitmaps (300 to 600 dpi) in the JPEG, TIFF or GIF format. Please follow the AGU abstract format for title, addresses and text.

ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) For Visitors to the USA

International visitors to the U.S. from Visa Waiver Program countries are now required to apply for Travel Authorization online.
Visit http://www.cbp.gov/travel/international-visitors/visa-waiver-program for your application and more information.

Hotel Information

Hotel La Jolla, Curio Collection by Hilton
7955 La Jolla Shores Drive
La Jolla, CA 92037

There is a special group rate starting at $138/night. The rate is for nights of the 23rd through the 27th of Jan. Any other nights you wish to stay must be booked separately and will be at the normal hotel rates. You can book at www.hotellajolla.com using the group code MAGIC after clicking on the "Add special rate codes" box. You may also call 1-800-445-8667 to book your room. We have rooms reserved at this rate until December 23rd, 2016. After that date you can still use the MAGIC booking code for a discount, but we can gaurantee that rooms will be available.

A cab from the airport is about $45 (without tip). Uber is about $25.

It is a little less than a mile from the hotel to the Scripps Forum; a little further if you walk on the beach.

Contact Information

If you have any questions regarding the 2017 MagIC Workshop please contact Nick Jarboe.