The Alabama Transportation Assistance Program (ATAP), home to Alabama’s Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP), serves state and local transportation and public works agencies in Alabama through training and technical assistance in the areas of safety, infrastructure management, workforce development, and organizational excellence. ATAP, housed within the Auburn University Transportation Research Institute (AUTRI) is a partnership among the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Alabama Department of Transportation, and Auburn University. Auburn University has had the privilege of housing the Alabama LTAP since its inception in 1983.

The mission of the Alabama Transportation Assistance Program (ATAP) is to provide affordable training opportunities and offer real solutions to the transportation challenges within the state of Alabama. Workshops are held all across the state and are available to ALDOT employees, local and state agencies, contractors and consultants. The program also helps to host the Alabama Road Safety Conference and Alabama Transportation Conference each year. 
If you are interested in receiving our marketing emails regarding workshops and webinars, conferences, potential funding opportunities, newsletters and other general program information, you can sign up here.