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Faculty and Staff
ZHANG Guoliang
Title: Research Professor
Research Field: Igneous petrology and mantle geochemistry(岩石学和地幔地球化学)
Department: Center of Deep Sea Research
Tel/Fax: 0532-82898987
E-mail: zhangguoliang@qdio.ac.cn

Guoliang Zhang, research professor, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. In 2015, he was funded by National Natural Science Foundation-Outstanding Youth Foundation; In 2018, he was awarded for Ministry of Science and Technology Innovative Talents Promotion; and in 2019, he was selected as National special support program for high-level personnel recruitment (Ten-thousand Talents Program). He is editorial board member for journals of Marine Geology and quaternary Geology, Frontier of Marine Geology, and guest editor of Marine Geophysical Research. He has been engaged in research of igneous petrology and mantle geochemistry, including studies of mid-ocean ridge magmatism, genesis of mantle compositional heterogeneity, formation of global seamount volcanism, magmatism of the South China Sea spreading basin, and deep mantle cycle in the magma processes. He has published more than 40 research papers, including 17 first/corresponding author papers published in Nature Geoscience, Earth and Planetary Science Letters、Chemical Geology、G-cubed.
2016.01-Present: Research Professor in the Center of Deep Sea Research, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2016.04-2017.04: Visiting professor at Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Santa Barbara.
2014.01-2014.03: Sailing scientist as igneous petrologist in Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Exp. 349 (South China Sea).
2012.01-2015.12: Associate Research Professor in Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (South Pacific Ocean).
2010.10-2010.12: Sailing scientist as igneous petrologist in Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Exp. 329.
2010.07-2011.12: Assistant Researcher in Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

2006.08-2010.07:PhD, Marine Geology, Petrology & Geochemistry. Institute of Oceanology of Chinese Academy of Sciences.
2005.09-2006.07:Marine Geology, Graduate school of Chinese University of Sciences & Technology.
2001.09-2005.07:BSc, Geology, Chinese University of Geosciences (Beijing).

Professional Memberships
Editorial board member for journals of Marine Geology and quaternary Geology, Frontier of Marine Geology, and guest editor of Marine Geophysical Research.

Research Interests
Igneous petrology and mantle geochemistry, including studies of mid-ocean ridge magmatism, genesis of mantle compositional heterogeneity, formation of global seamount volcanism, magmatism of the South China Sea spreading basin, and deep mantle cycle in the magma processes.

Selected Publications
1. Zhang G.L.(*), Luo Q, Zhao J, Jackson MG, Guo LS, Zhong LF, 2018. Geochemical nature of sub-ridge mantle and opening dynamics of the South China Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 489, 145-155.
2. Zhang, G.L.(*), Chen, L. H.(*), Jackson, M. G., Hofmann, A. W. (2017). Evolution of carbonated melt to alkali basalt in the South China Sea. Nature Geoscience. 10(3), 229-235.
3. Zhang, G. L.(*), Sun, W. D., Seward, G. (2018). Mantle Source and Magmatic Evolution of the Dying Spreading Ridge in the South China Sea. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19(11), 4385-4399.
4. Zhong Y, Chen L, Wang X, Zhang G.L., Xie L W, Zeng G. 2017. Magnesium isotopic variation of oceanic island basalts generated by partial melting and crustal recycling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 463: 127-135.
5. Luo Q., Zhang, G.L.(*) (2017). Control of subduction rate on Tonga-Kermadec arc magmatism. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology. Doi.org/10.1007/s00343-018-7026-8.
6. Zhang, G.L. (*), 2016. Compositional and temperature variations of the Pacific upper mantle since the Cretaceous. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(4), 19.
7. Zhang, G. L. (*), Li, C. (2016). Interactions of the Greater Ontong Java mantle plume component with the Osbourn Trough. Scientific Reports, 6, 37561.
8. Zhang, G.L., (*), Smith_Duque C, 2014. Seafloor basalt alteration and chemical change in the ultra thinly sedimented South Pacific. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, DOI: 10.1002/2013GC005141.
9. Zhang, G.L.,(*), Chen, L.H., Li, S.Z., 2013. Mantle Dynamics and Generation of a Geochemical Mantle Boundary along the East Pacific Rise-Pacific/Antarctic ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 153–163.
10. Zhang, G.L.,(*), Zong, C.L., Yin, X.B, Li, H., 2012. Geochemical constraints on a mixed pyroxenite-peridotite source for the East Pacific Rise basalts. Chemical Geology, 330-331: 176–187.