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Faculty and Staff
LIU Chuanyu
Title: Professor
Research Field: Ocean Mixing (sub- to small scale processes) and Ocean State Estimate (Data Assimilation and Parameter Optimization), Physical Oceanography
Department: Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Waves
Tel/Fax: +86-532-8289 6095
E-mail: chuanyu.liu@qdio.ac.cn

2009.9-2015.10: Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg. Postdoc/research fellow
2015.12-2016.5: Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Waves (KLOCAW), Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Associate Professor
2016.5-present: Key Laboratory of Ocean Circulation and Waves (KLOCAW), Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor


2000-2004: Ocean University of China, Bachelor in Marine Science
2004-2009: Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ph. D in Physical Oceanography
Professional Memberships:(组织任职)
2016.11 – present: Secretary General, Oceanography and Climatology Society of China, Chinese Society for Oceanography and Limnology


Research Interests
Recently I focus on three research topics:
One is the small-scale shear instability and the subsequent mixing processes in the thermocline of the equatorial Pacific Ocean. We have been conducting regular (yearly) turbulence observations in the western and central equatorial Pacific since 2017, and done a lot of data analysis on the eastern equatorial Pacific based on TAO (Tropical Atmosphere and Ocean) measurements.
The second is the mechanisms for the different type of mesoscale eddies and for the eddy-induced anisotropic lateral mixings as well.
Based on the studies of the above two topics, we aim to improve the existing or construct new mixing parameterizations on both small and meso- scales; we have numerical modes to test the parameterizations.
The third topic is the application of the 4D-VAR (adjoint) data assimilation method in ocean state estimate, ocean parameter optimization and adjoint sensitivity researches. This method enables us to obtain spatial and temporal variations of the ocean parameters (e.g., mixing coefficients), overcoming the lack of direct measurements. It also helps to determine the optimal observational locations. We built an ocean state estimate focusing on the tropical Indian-Pacific Oceans, named as TOOSSE (Two Oceans One Sea State Estimate).


Honors and Awards
2016.11: Overseas Talent, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
2017.9: Aoshan Talent, Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (QNML)


Selected Publications
In preparation and under review:
(1) Ling Feng, Chuanyu Liu(*), Fan Wang, Armin K?hl., Detlef Stammer, 2019, Global distribution of and linear instability modes and the implication for mesoscale eddies (to be submitted to Journal of Physical Oceanography).
(2) Xiaowei Wang, Chuanyu Liu(*), Armin K?hl., Fan Wang, Detlef Stammer, Wei Zhao, 2019, TOOSSE:the Two Oceans One Sea State Estimate and its application in adjusting mesoscale air-sea fluxes (under review by Journal of Physical Oceanography).
(3) Chuanyu Liu(*), Liyuan Fang, Armin K?hl; Zhiyu Liu, William Smyth, Fan Wang, 2019, Enhanced thermocline mixing by tropical instability waved in the equatorial Pacific (under review by Geophysical Research Letters).
(1) Chuanyu Liu (*); Armin K?hl; Zhiyu Liu; Fan Wang; Detlef Stammer, Deep-reaching thermocline mixing in the equatorial pacific cold tongue, Nature Communications, 2016.05, 7(1): 0~11576
(2) Chuanyu Liu(*); Xiaowei Wang(*); Armin K?hl; Fan Wang; Zhiyu Liu, The northeast-southwest oscillating equatorial mode of the tropical instability wave and its impact on equatorial mixing, Geophysical Research Letters, 2018.12.10, 45
(3) Bowen Sun; Chuanyu Liu(*); Fan Wang(*), Global meridional eddy heat transport inferred from Argo and altimetry observations, Scientific Reports, 2019.2.4, 9(1345 )
(4) Chuanyu Liu; Armin Koehl(*); Detlef Stammer, Adjoint-Based Estimation of Eddy-Induced Tracer Mixing Parameters in the Global Ocean, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2012, 42: 1186~1206
(5) Chuanyu Liu(*); Armin koehl; Detlef Stammer, Interpreting layer thickness advection in terms of eddy–topography interaction, Ocean Modeling, 2014.7.28, 81(2014): 65~77
(6)Chuanyu Liu; Fan Wang(*); Xinping Chen; Jinsong von Storch, Interannualvariability of the Kuroshio onshore intrusion along the East China Sea shelfbreak: Effect of the Kuroshio volume transport, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2014.9.17, 119(9): 6190~6209
(7) Bowen Sun, Chuanyu Liu(*), Fan Wang, Eddy Induced SST Variation and Heat Transport in the Western North Pacific Ocean, Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2019, 10.1007/s00343-019-8255-1
(8) Fan Wang; Chuanyu Liu(*); Qingjia Meng, Effect of the YellowSea warm current fronts on the westward shift of the Yellow Sea warm tongue inwinter, Continental Shelf Research, 2012.6.27, 45(2012): 98~107
(9) Fan Wang; Chuanyu Liu(*), An N-shape thermalfront in the western South Yellow Sea in winter, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2009, 27(4): 898~906
(10) Wu, SP.; Liu, Chuanyu.; Chen, XP., Offshore wave energyresource assessment in the East China Sea. Renewable Energy, Renewable Energy, 2015, 76: 628~636
(11) Wang Fan; Song Lina; Li Yuanlong; Liu Chuanyu; Wang Jianing; Lin Pengfei; Yang Guang; Zhao Jun; Diao Xinyuan; Zhang Dongxiao; Hu Dunxin, Semiannually alternating exchange of intermediate waters east of the Philippines, Geophysical Research Letters, 2016.07.16, 43(13): 7059~7065
(12) Chen, X.; Liu, C.; Driscoll, K.; Mayer, B.; Su, J.; Pohlmann, T., On the nudging termsat open boundaries in regional ocean models, Ocean Modelling, 2012, 66: 14~25
(13) Furue R.; Jia, Y.; McCreary, J.P.; Schneider, N.; Richards, K.J.; Muller, P.; Cornuelle, B.D.; Avellaneda, N.; Stammer, D.; Liu, C.; Koehl, A., Impacts of regional mixing on the temperature structure of theequatorial Pacific Ocean. Part 1: vertically uniform vertical diffusion, Ocean Modelling, 2015, 91: 91~111
(14) Ren Qiuping; Li Yuanlong; Wang Fan; Song Lina; Liu Chuanyu; Zhai Fangguo, Seasonality of the Mindanao Current/Undercurrent System, JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-OCEANS, 2018.02, 123(2): 1105~1122
(15) Song Lina; Li Yuanlong; Wang Jianing; Wang Fan; Hu Shijian; Liu Chuanyu; Diao Xinyuan; Guan Cong, Tropical Meridional Overturning Circulation Observed by Subsurface Moorings in the Western Pacific, Scientific Reports, 2018.05.16, 8(1): 0~7632
(16) Lina Song; Yuanlong Li; Fan Wang; Jianing Wang; Chuanyu Liu, Subsurface structure and variability of the zonal currents in the Northwestern Tropical Pacific Ocean, Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 2018.11, 141: 11~23