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Paper 2014/768

Cut-and-Choose Bilateral Oblivious Transfer and Its Application in Secure Two-party Computation

Han Jiang, Xiaochao Wei, Chuan Zhao, and Qiuliang Xu


In secure two-party computation protocols, the cut-and-choose paradigm is used to prevent the malicious party who constructs the garbled circuits from cheating. In previous realization of the cut-and-choose technique on the garbled circuits, the delivery of the random keys is divided into multiple stages. Thus, the round complexity is high and the consistency of cut-and-choose challenge should be proved. In this paper, we introduce a new primitive called cut-and-choose bilateral oblivious transfer, which transfers all necessary keys of garbled circuits in one process. Specifically, in our oblivious transfer protocol, the sender inputs two pairs $(x_0,x_1)$, $(y_0,y_1)$ and a bit $\tau$; the receiver inputs two bits $\sigma$ and $j$. After the protocol execution, the receiver obtains $x_{\tau},y_{\sigma}$ for $j=1$, and $x_0,x_1,y_0,y_1$ for $j=0$. By the introduction of this new primitive, the round complexity of secure two-party computation protocol can be decreased; the cut-and-choose challenge $j$ is no need to be opened anymore, therefore the consistency proof of $j$ is omitted. In addition, the primitive is of independent interest and could be useful in many cut-and-choose scenarios.

Available format(s)
Cryptographic protocols
Publication info
Preprint. MINOR revision.
Secure Two-party ComputationRound ComplexityCut-and-choose Inverse OTCut-and-choose Bilateral OT
Contact author(s)
jianghan @ sdu edu cn
2014-09-30: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Han Jiang and Xiaochao Wei and Chuan Zhao and Qiuliang Xu},
      title = {Cut-and-Choose Bilateral Oblivious Transfer and Its Application in Secure Two-party Computation},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2014/768},
      year = {2014},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2014/768}
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