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Paper 2016/590

Mitigating SAT Attack on Logic Locking

Yang Xie and Ankur Srivastava


Logic locking is a technique that has been proposed to protect outsourced IC designs from piracy and counterfeiting by untrusted foundries. It can hide the functionality of an IC by inserting key-controlled logic gates into the original design. The locked IC preserves the correct functionality only when a correct key is provided. Recently, the security of logic locking is threatened by a new type of attack called satisfiability checking (SAT) based attack, which can decipher the correct key of most logic locking techniques within a few hours [11] even for reasonably large number of keys. This type of attack iteratively solves SAT formulas which progressively eliminate the incorrect keys till the circuit unlocked. In this paper, we present a specially designed circuit block (referred to as Anti-SAT block) to thwart the SAT attack. We show that the number of SAT attack iterations to reveal the correct key in a circuit comprising an Anti-SAT block is an exponential function of the key-size thereby making the SAT attack computationally infeasible. This is a substantial result because a) we illustrate how to construct the functionality of the Anti- SAT block and b) using a mathematically rigorous approach to prove that if chosen correctly, the Anti-SAT block makes SAT attack computationally infeasible (exponential in key-size). Moreover, through our experiments, we illustrate the effectiveness of our approach to securing modern chips fabricated in untrusted foundries.

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Publication info
Published by the IACR in CHES 2016
Logic LockingSAT AttackHardware IP Protection
Contact author(s)
yangxie @ umd edu
ankurs @ umd edu
2016-06-06: received
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Yang Xie and Ankur Srivastava},
      title = {Mitigating {SAT} Attack on Logic Locking},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2016/590},
      year = {2016},
      url = {https://eprint.iacr.org/2016/590}
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