EuroSys is the European chapter of ACM SIGOPS. EuroSys goals are to act as a focal point for researchers in the area of systems and to contribute to increase the visibility of systems research in Europe by providing forums for researchers and practitioners to meet and communicate. EuroSys operates exclusively for educational and scientific purposes to promote excellence in Computer Systems education, research and industry in Europe but also reaching out to other systems researchers worldwide.

EuroSys strives to maintain a broad interest in all areas of Computer Science directly related or having an impact on the development, design, architecture, deployment, and operation of software and hardware systems. Topics of interest include: operating systems, networking, distributed systems, security, real-time systems, cloud computing, data management, language runtimes, middleware, ubiquitous computing, embedded systems, as well as a wide range of applications.

The core of the chapter's activities is the annual EuroSys conference.

EuroSys 2025 - 30 March-3 April, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

---Past Events

EuroSys 2024 - 22-25 April, 2024, Athens, Greece

Best paper: Serialization/Deserialization-free State Transfer in Serverless Workflows. Fangming Lu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Xingda Wei (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory), Zhuobin Huang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China), Rong Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory), Mingyu Wu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory), Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Best paper: Validating Database System Isolation Level Implementations with Version Certificate Recovery. Jack Clark (Imperial College London), Alastair F. Donaldson (Imperial College London), John Wickerson (Imperial College London), Manuel Rigger (National University of Singapore)

Best student paper: Online Streaming Analytics at the Network Edge. Yunming Xiao (Northwestern University), Yibo Zhao (Boston University), Sen Lin (Northwestern University), Aleksandar Kuzmanovic (Northwestern University) 

Best student paper: Trinity: A Fast Compressed Multi-attribute Data Store. Ziming Mao (UC Berkeley), Kiran Srinivasan (NetApp), Anurag Khandelwal (Yale University)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2024

EuroSys 2023 - 9-12 May 2023, Rome, Italy

Best paper: OFence: Pairing Barriers to Find Concurrency Bugs in the Linux Kernel. Baptiste Lepers (Université de Neuchâtel), Josselin Giet (ENS), Willy Zwaenepoel (The University of Sydney), Julia Lawall (Inria)

Best paper: Dissecting BFT Consensus: In Trusted Components we Trust! Suyash Gupta (UC Berkeley), Sajjad Rahnama (University of California, Davis), Shubham Pandey (University of California, Davis), Natacha Crooks (UC Berkeley), Mohammad Sadoghi (University of California, Davis)

Best paper: Chipmunk: Investigating Crash-Consistency in Persistent-Memory File Systems. Hayley LeBlanc (University of Texas at Austin), Shankara Pailoor (University of Texas at Austin), Om Saran K. R. E. (University of Texas at Austin), Isil Dillig (University of Texas at Austin), James Bornholt (University of Texas at Austin), Vijay Chidambaram (University of Texas at Austin, VMware Research)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2023

EuroSys 2022 - 5-8 April 2022, Rennes, France

Best paper: PKRU-Safe: Automatically Locking Down the Heap Between Safe and Unsafe Languages. Paul Kirth (University of California, Irvine), Mitchel Dickerson (University of California, Irvine), Stephen Crane (Immunant, Inc.), Per Larsen (Immunant, Inc.), Adrian Dabrowski (University of California, Irvine), David Gens (University of California, Irvine), Yeoul Na (University of California, Irvine), Stijn Volckaert (imec-DistriNet, KU Leuven), Michael Franz (University of California, Irvine, USA)

Best paper: Varuna: Scalable, Low-cost Training of Massive Deep Learning Models. Sanjith Athlur (CMU), Nitika Saran (Cornell), Muthian Sivathanu (Microsoft Research India), Ramachandran Ramjee, (Microsoft Research India), Nipun Kwatra (Microsoft Research India)

Best paper: Narwhal and Tusk: A DAG-based Mempool and Efficient BFT Consensus. George Danezis (MystenLabs / University College London), Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias (IST Austria), Alberto Sonnino (MystenLabs), Alexander Spiegelman (Novi Research)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2022

EuroSys 2021 - 26-28 April 2021, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Best paper: Pash: Light-touch Data Parallel Shell Programming. Nikos Vasilakis (MIT), Konstantinos Kallas (UPenn), Konstantinos Mamouras (Rice), Achilleas Benetopoulos (unaffiliated), Lazar Cvetkovic (University of Belgrad)   sponsored by ACM Europe Council

Best paper: Unikraft: Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way. Simon Kuenzer (NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH), Vlad-Andrei Bădoiu (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Hugo Lefeuvre (The University of Manchester), Sharan Santhanam (NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH), Alexander Jung (Lancaster University), Gaulthier Gain (University of Liège), Cyril Soldani (University of Liège), Costin Lupu (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Stefan Teodorescu (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Costi Răducanu (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Cristian Banu (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Laurent Mathy (University of Liège), Răzvan Deaconescu (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Costin Raiciu (University Politehnica of Bucharest), Felipe Huici (NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH, Germany)   sponsored by ACM EuroSys Chapter

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2021

EuroSys 2020 - 27-30 April 2020, Heraklion, Greece

Best paper: Don’t shoot down TLB shootdowns!. Nadav Amit, Amy Tai, Michael Wei (VMware Research)

Best student paper: HovercRaft: Achieving Scalability and Fault-tolerance for μs-scale Datacenter Services. Marios Kogias, Edouard Bugnion (EPFL)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2020

EuroSys 2019 - 25-28 March 2019, Dresden, Germany

Best paper: Time Protection: the Missing OS Abstraction. Qian Ge (UNSW Australia, Data61 CSIRO Australia), Yuval Yarom (The University of Adelaide, Data61 CSIRO Australia), Tom Chothia (University of Birmingham), Gernot Heiser (UNSW Australia, Data61 CSIRO Australia)

Best student paper: Efficient and Safe Network Updates with Suffix Causal Consistency. Sheng Liu (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), Theophilus A. Benson (Brown University), Michael K. Reiter (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2019

EuroSys 2018 - 23-26 April 2018, Porto, Portugal

Best paper: Dynamic Control Flow in Large-Scale Machine Learning.  Yuan Yu (Microsoft), Martín Abadi, Paul Barham, Eugene Brevdo, Mike Burrows, Andy Davis, Jeff Dean (Google Brain), Sanjay Ghemawat (Google), Tim Harley (DeepMind), Peter Hawkins, Michael Isard (Google Brain), Manjunath Kudlur (Cerebras Systems), Rajat Monga, Derek Murray, Xiaoqiang Zheng (Google Brain)

Best student paper: TurboFlow: Information Rich Flow Record Generation on Commodity Switches.  John Sonchack (University of Pennsylvania), Adam J. Aviv (United States Naval Academy), Eric Keller (University of Colorado), Jonathan M. Smith (University of Pennsylvania)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2018

A short video account of EuroSys 2018 can be watched here.

EuroSys 2017 - 23-26 April 2017, Belgrade, Serbia

Best paper: SGXBOUNDS: Memory Safety for Shielded Execution. Dmitrii Kuvaiskii, Oleksii Oleksenko, Sergei Arnautov, Bohdan Trach, and Pramod Bhatotia (University of Edinburgh), Pascal Felber (University of Neuchâtel), and Christof Fetzer (TU Dresden)

Best student paper: Mosaic: Processing a Trillion-Edge Graph on a Single Machine . Steffen Maass, Changwoo Min, Sanidhya Kashyap, Woonhak Kang, Mohan Kumar, and Taesoo Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2017

EuroSys 2016 - 18-21 April 2016, London, UK

Best paper: A Study of Modern Linux API Usage and Compatibility: What to Support When You're Supporting. Chia-Che Tsai, Bhushan Jain, Nafees Ahmed Abdul, Donald E. Porter (Stony Brook University)

Best student paper: TetriSched: Global Rescheduling with Adaptive Plan-ahead in Dynamic Heterogeneous Clusters. Alexey Tumanov, Timothy Zhu, Jun Woo Park (Carnegie Mellon University), Michael A. Kozuch (Intel Labs), Mor Harchol-Balter, Gregory R. Ganger (Carnegie Mellon University)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2016

Eurosys 2015 - 21-24 April, 2015, Bordeaux, France

Best Paper: PowerLyra: Differentiated Graph Computation and Partitioning on Skewed Graphs. Rong Chen, Jiaxin Shi, Yanzhe Chen, and Haibo Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University).

Best Student Paper: NBA (Network Balancing Act): A High-performance Packet Processing Framework for Heterogeneous Processors. Joongi Kim, Keon Jang, Keunhong Lee, Sangwook Ma, Junhyun Shim, and Sue Moon (KAIST)

More information on the conference web page: EuroSys 2015