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FP Future Diplomats PeaceGame
Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy
FP Future Diplomats PeaceGame
Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy

Imagine what foreign policy would look like if world leaders approached the achievement of peace with the same energy, resources, and realism with which they approach preparing for wars. What if we viewed peace not just as the cessation of hostilities, but rather, deeper understanding and cooperation that can result from inclusive diplomacy?

Each year, the FP PeaceGame brings together leading minds across national security policy, international affairs, academia, business, and civil society to “game out” peaceful resolutions to serious conflicts. In so doing, FP PeaceGames seek to redefine how we think about conflict resolution and the possibility of peace.

As part of a very special collaboration, Foreign Policy, the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (AGDA – formerly the Emirates Diplomatic Academy (EDA)), and Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs developed the Future Diplomats PeaceGame to engage and train the next generation of foreign policy leaders. Each year, AGDA invites diplomatic academies from around the world to nominate their most promising students to participate in this esteemed and innovative program.

As part of Future Diplomats in-person program, selected participants from around the world are brought together in Abu Dhabi to join leading experts and luminaries in the field of diplomacy for three days of intensive training, cultural exchange, and a live, public-facing simulation. And now, Future Diplomats are also able to participate in AGDA’s Virtual Future Diplomats PeaceGame program, which maintains the same level of rigor and prestige – without the jet lag.

In the words of His Excellency Bernardino León, Director General of the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy: “The Future Diplomats PeaceGame serves as a powerful tool for helping trainee diplomats to understand the potential of diplomacy for maintaining peace. It was also a great opportunity for participants from around the world to form lasting bonds with their peers from other countries.”

Virtual PeaceGame

Past Events

Since 2017, our Future Diplomats PeaceGames have included participants from more than 30 countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, Egypt, Georgia, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, Kosovo, Malaysia, Maldives, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States.

2021 Future Diplomats PeaceGame

In 2021, AGDA and Foreign Policy convened over 20 young diplomats from 14 countries on FP’s custom-built Virtual PeaceGame Platform for an immersive and interactive simulation that challenged participants to grapple with the international security and governance issues emerging from the deployment of advanced weapons and communications technologies in space.

Welcome remarks by H.E. Yousef Al Otaiba, Ambassador of the UAE to the United States:

Welcome remarks by H.E. Bernardino León, Director General of the Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy:

2020 Future Diplomats Peace Game

In 2020, AGDA and Foreign Policy convened the first Virtual Future Diplomats PeaceGame. More than 20 participants from around the world gathered on a custom-built platform for a collaborative simulation that addressed pressing cross-border security, governance, and humanitarian challenges emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.

2019 Future Diplomats PeaceGame

In 2019, participants played through a simulation highlighting a tense, regional crisis situation brought about by an escalating climate emergency. The scenario demonstrated ways in which climate change is exacerbating economic and security risks across the Middle East, North Africa and beyond.

2018 Future Diplomats PeaceGame

In 2018, participants played through a scenario of escalating nuclear tensions between India and Pakistan. Future Diplomats worked to manage bilateral relations and cascading cross-border risks to avoid a potentially catastrophic nuclear incident.

2017 Future Diplomats PeaceGame

In 2017, Future Diplomats grappled with the cross-border implications of a major cyber attack on critical infrastructure and had the opportunity to learn from leading experts in cyber security, defense and diplomacy.

Learn More About Future Diplomats PeaceGame

For more details on Future Diplomats PeaceGames or FP’s other PeaceGames events, contact Allison Carlson at [email protected].