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Visualize your Repo

GitUp lets you see your entire labyrinth of branches and merges with perfect clarity.

Live Map

Any change you make, large or small, even outside GitUp, is immediately reflected in GitUp's graph. No refreshing, no waiting.

Quick View

Highlight a commit and hit the spacebar to quickly see its message and diff.

It's okay to mess up

GitUp gives you full, transparent control over your local checkout, so it's easy to back out from unwanted changes.

Undo / Redo

Margaritas, tattoos, sudo rm -rf / …some things in life can't be undone.
But GitUp makes undoing your latest changes as easy as cmd-z.


GitUp's Snapshot feature builds a Time-Machine-like history of every change made to your repo, allowing you to step backwards to any point in time.


Rewrite, split, delete, and re-order commits, fixup and squash, cherry-pick, merge, rebase—It's all here, and it's lightning-fast.

Quick Keys

GitUp puts the power in your fingertips.
Surf your repo, make changes, and rewind it all back with a few short keystrokes.

GitUp gets out of the way

You're here to write code, not meditate on arcane Git incantations.

Serious Speed

GitUp loads and renders the entire graph of 40,000 commits for the official Git repo in less than a second.

Built For Professional Engineers

Because it bypasses the Git binary tool and interacts directly with the repo database, GitUp is vastly more reliable than other Git clients and often faster than the command line.

Beginners Welcome

GitUp's Live Map and clutter-free UI make an ideal learning environment for Git newcomers, while the Undo & Snapshots features let you learn and experiment safely.

GitUp is FREE, entirely open source and even comes with GitUpKit,
a ridiculously powerful toolkit to build your own Git apps!

Download Latest Release!

Requires macOS 10.13 or later.

Read the docs and use GitHub Issues for support & feedback.