You can start by hacking the boshchat example from 2.1.2.
you must firt acquire the session_key from facebook with the facebook php-sdk (take a look at the example.php in php-sdk to do this).
modify the bosh chat like this:
1) inizialize jaxl:
$jaxl = new JAXL(array(
'user'=>$me['name'], /this from facebook sdk
2) add the function to get the key:
function getFacebookKey() {
global $appSecret, $appAPI, $session;
return array(
$appSecret, // Your application secret key
$appAPI, // Your application api key
$session['session_key'] // Connecting user session key
3) add the facebook plugin:
$jaxl->addPlugin('jaxl_get_facebook_key', 'getFacebookKey');
4) modify the connect case:
case 'connect':
Now you shuld be connected. I Hope this helps, and sorry for my english!