Valveは、人気パズルFPS『Portal』シリーズの最新サウンドトラック“Portal 2: Songs To Test By Collector's Edition”を発表しました。
今年度のGDCアワードでは、優れた楽曲に送られるOriginal Music CompositionとBest Audioを受賞するなどメディアからの評価も高い今作。現在も同名サウンドトラックが無料で配信されていますが、“Collector's Edition”では、初代『Portal』の人気楽曲“Still Alive”を含む13の追加トラックを収録。更に特典として公式サイトにて公開中の“Turret Lullaby”がペーパーコミックとして付属されるとの事です。
- Volume/Disc #1:
- Science is Fun
- Concentration Enhancing Menu Initialiser
- 9999999
- The Courtesy Call
- Technical Difficulties
- Overgrowth
- Ghost of Rattman
- Haunted Panels
- The Future Starts With You
- There She Is
- You Know Her?
- The Friendly Faith Plate
- 15 Acres of Broken Glass
- Love as a Construct
- I Saw a Deer Today
- Hard Sunshine
- I'm Different
- Adrenal Vapor
- Turret Wife Serenade
- I Made It All Up
- Comedy = Tragedy + Time
- Triple Laser Phase
- Volume/Disc #2:
- You Will Be Perfect
- Halls of Science 4
- (defun botsbuildbots () botsbuildbots ))
- An Accent Beyond
- Robot Ghost Story
- Die Cut Laser Dance
- Turret Redemption Line
- Bring Your Daughter To Work Day
- Almost At Fifty Percent
- Don't Do It
- Vitrification Order
- Music of the Spheres
- You are Not Part of the Control Group
- Forwarding the Cause of Science
- PotatOS Lament
- The Reunion
- Music of the Spheres 2 (Incendiary Lemons)
- Volume/Disc #3:
- Reconstructing More Science
- Wheatley Science
- FrankenTurrets
- Machiavellian Bach
- Excursion Funnel
- The Part Where He Kills ou
- Omg, What has He Done?
- Bombs for Throwing at You
- Your Precious Moon
- Caroline Deleted
- Cara Mia Addio
- Want You Gone
- Spaaaaace
- Space Phase
- Some Assembly Required
- Robot Waiting Room #1
- Robot Waiting Room #2
- Robot Waiting Room #3
- Robot Waiting Room #4
- Robot Waiting Room #5
- Robot Waiting Room #6
- You Saved Science
- Robots FTW
- Volume/Disc #4:
- Subject Name Here
- Taste of Blood
- Android Hell
- Self Esteem Fund
- Procedural Jiggle Bone
- No Cake For You
- 4000 Degrees Kelvin
- Stop What You Are Doing
- Party Escort
- You're Not a Good Person
- You Can't Escape You Know
- Still Alive
- Still Alive (J.C. Mix)
PAX Prime: 『Portal 2』ではプレイヤーとタレットが結婚するというプロット案もあった
『Portal 2』のステージエディタにco-opマップが対応、所有者には75%オフのクーポンも配布
NASA技術者が「こうのとり3号機」の物資に『Portal 2』Wheatleyの姿を彫る