
Flexible Computing with Virtual Machines

Advisor: Lara, Eyal de
Department: Computer Science
Issue Date: 30-Mar-2011
Abstract (summary): This thesis is predicated upon a vision of the future of computing with a separation of functionality between core and edges, very similar to that governing the Internet itself. In this vision, the core of our computing infrastructure is made up of vast server farms with an abundance of storage and processing cycles. Centralization of computation in these farms, coupled with high-speed wired or wireless connectivity, allows for pervasive access to a highly-available and well-maintained repository for data, configurations, and applications. Computation in the edges is concerned with provisioning application state and user data to rich clients, notably mobile devices equipped with powerful displays and graphics processors. We define flexible computing as systems support for applications that dynamically leverage the resources available in the core infrastructure, or cloud. The work in this thesis focuses on two instances of flexible computing that are crucial to the realization of the aforementioned vision. Location flexibility aims to, transparently and seamlessly, migrate applications between the edges and the core based on user demand. This enables performing the interactive tasks on rich edge clients and the computational tasks on powerful core servers. Scale flexibility is the ability of applications executing in cloud environments, such as parallel jobs or clustered servers, to swiftly grow and shrink their footprint according to execution demands. This thesis shows how we can use system virtualization to implement systems that provide scale and location flexibility. To that effect we build and evaluate two system prototypes: Snowbird and SnowFlock. We present techniques for manipulating virtual machine state that turn running software into a malleable entity which is easily manageable, is decoupled from the underlying hardware, and is capable of dynamic relocation and scaling. This thesis demonstrates that virtualization technology is a powerful and suitable tool to enable solutions for location and scale flexibility.
Content Type: Thesis

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