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You are here: Reference > JavaScript > client-side > HTML DOM > properties > rules (table)

rules property (table)

Browser support:
Specifies or returns which borders will appear between cells within a table.
This property has effect only when the border property is set as well.


You can find the related objects in the Supported by objects section below.
This property is read/write.
HTML page for this property: rules

Possible values:

String that sets or retrieves the type of border rules in a table.
One of the following values:
Borders on all rows and columns are displayed .
Borders are only displayed between columns.
Horizontal borders between all tHead, tBody, and tFoot objects; vertical borders between all col and colGroup objects are displayed.
Borders are not displayed.
Borders are only displayed between rows.
Default: this property has no default value.

Example HTML code 1:

This example illustrates the use of the rules attribute:
<table id="myTable" border="3px" rules="cols">
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Example HTML code 2:

This example illustrates the use of the rules property:
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function SetRules (elem) {
            var table = document.getElementById ("myTable");

            // Returns the index of the selected option
            var whichSelected = elem.selectedIndex;

            // Returns the text of the selected option
            var ruleType = elem.options[whichSelected].text;

            if ('rules' in table) {
                table.rules = ruleType;
            } else {
                alert ("Your browser doesn't support this example!");
    <table id="myTable" border="3px" rules="cols">

    Set the type of border rules.
    <select onchange="SetRules (this);" size="5">
        <option />all
        <option selected="selected" />cols
        <option />groups
        <option />none
        <option />rows
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