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"el mundo está oscuro, ilumina tu parte::the world is dark, light up your part"-graffiti along a stone wall in Spain

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Update For All Grades

Spanish I Ch. 6 Vocabulary:
la cucaracha: the cockroach
hace veinticinco días: twenty five days ago
debajo del refrigerador: under the fridge
la cocina: the kitchen
está sorprendido/a: is surprised
prende la luz: turns on the light
vende: sells
pasa tiempo: spends time
no quiere limpiar: doesn't want to clean
encima de: on top of
lo manda: sends it/him
a todo volumen: very loud
el monstruo: the monster
hace cosquillas: tickles
jala: pulls
tanto ruido: so much noise
se asusta: is scared/startled
se ríe a carcajadas: laughs his/her head off
viejo: old
apesta: stinks
fuchi/puaj: ew/gross
huele a: smells like
un zapato: a shoe
la caja: the box

You have your Ch. 6 Exam coming up next Wednesday, 10/17

8th Grade Ch. 5 Vocabulary:
la rana: the frog
parte en pedazos: breaks into pieces
no puede comer: can't eat
la solución: the solution
cabe: fits
trata de comer: tries to eat
la llama: the llama
puede oír: can hear
no puede dormir: can't sleep
no sirve: it doesn't work
qué molestia: what a bother/how annoying
está agotado: is fed up
no deja de hablar: doesn't stop talking
contiene la respiración: holds his/her breath
exige: demands
se niega a dárselo: refuses to give it to him/her
hasta que: until
se desmaya: faints
se cae para atrás: falls down/backward
dámelo: give me it
tiene hipo: has the hiccups
no puede cantar: can't sing
sigue el consejo: follows the advice
necesita un consejo: needs advice
se pone patas arriba: stands on his/her head
está desesperado/a: is desperate

You have the Ch. 5 test coming up on Friday, 10/19 & Monday, 10/22

7th Grade Update:
We've completely finished Ch. 1. We are now getting ready to begin Ch. 2 with new vocabulary. You should have a re-organized binder, ready for the 2nd quarter.

6th Grade Update:
We have learned all the vocabulary for Episodio 10. Today and tomorrow you are writing your own version of the story. We'll be working in your workbooks for the next couple classes.

Your Episodio 10 Exam will be Tuesday, 10/23 & Wednesday 10/24

-Sra. Epple :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday 8/21 & Wednesday 8/22

Spanish I
A.I.: You spent some time translating sentences English to Spanish.
We reviewed vocabulary.
New Vocabulary:
-tiene hipo: s/he has the hiccups
-está desesperado: s/he is desperate
-se pone patas arriba: s/he stands on their head
We read the story & completed the activity on p. 97 of your textbook
Tarea: You have the Mini-Cuento 4 Vocab Quiz tomorrow

8th Grade
A.I.: You spent some time translating sentences English to Spanish.
We reviewed vocabulary.
New Vocabualry:
-puede oír: s/he can hear
-no puede dormir: s/he can't sleep
-sirve: it works
We made up a story as a class.
No Tarea

7th Grade
A.I.: You spent some time translating sentences English to Spanish.
We reviewed vocabulary.
New Vocabulary:
-la oveja corre: the sheep runs
-el pastor: the shepherd
-cuida: s/he takes care of

6th Grade
A.I.: You spent some time translating sentences English to Spanish.
We reviewed vocabulary.
We read Episodio 9 (the big story on p. 28 of the Cuentos section in your binder.
You began writing your own version of Episodio 9 in the Escritos section of your binder.
No tarea
Episodio 9 Exam coming up on 9/4 (red day) or 9/5 (blue day).

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

6th Grade

Here's an update on what we're learning & studying in 6th grade Spanish...

-la competencia de belleza: the beauty contest
-el juez: the judge
-qué talento: what talent
-gana: s/he wins
-el premio: the prize
-luce: s/he/it shines

Other important things to note:
-We've read Version 1 on pgs. 25 & 26 in your "Cuentos" section of your Spanish binder

No tarea

-Sra. Epple

7th Grade

Here's an update on what we've been studying & learning in 7th grade Spanish...

-la familia: the family
-está triste: s/he is sad
-el papá está enojado: the dad is angry/mad
-come: s/he eats
-llora: s/he cries
-el lobo: the wolf

Other important things to note:
-We read the story on p. 1 of the textbook
-We completed the activity on p. 1 of the texbook

You'll have a vocabulary quiz over Mini-Cuento 1 words on Wed/Thurs.

-Sra. Epple

8th Grade

Here's an update on what we've been studying & learning in 8th grade Spanish...

-no puede comer: s/he can't eat
-cabe: it fits
-parte en pedazos: it breaks into pieces
-la rana: the frog
-la solución: the solution
-trata de comer: s/he tries to eat

Other important things to note:
-We've completed p. 94 in the textbook (read story)

Tarea (homework): compete the activity on p. 94 of the textbook

You'll have a vocabulary quiz on Wed/Thurs. over Mini-Cuento 1 words.

-Sra. Epple

Spanish I Update

My apologies for not updating more often; I'm still getting into the routine.

Here's an update on what we've been studying & learning in Spanish I...

Mini-Cuento 1-
-no puede comer: s/he can't eat
-cabe: it fits
-no puede dormir: s/he can't sleep
-la rana: the frog
-la solución: the solution
-trata de comer: s/he tries to eat

Mini-Cuento 2-
-puede oír: s/he can hear
-no puede dormir: s/he can't sleep
-sirve: it works
-qué molestia: what a bother
-no deja de hablar: s/he doesn't stop talking
-está agotada/o: s/he is fed up with

Mini-Cuento 3-
-dámelo: give me it
-contiene la respiración: s/he holds their breath
-se niega a dárselo: s/he refuses to give it to him/her

Today we learned:
Mini-Cuento 3 (continued)
-exige: s/he demands
-hasta que se desmaya: until s/he faints
-se cae para atrás: s/he falls backward

Other important things to note:
-We are 3/4 of the way through Ch. 5
-Today I did a Binder Check
-We've completed pgs. 94 & 95 from your textbook

You have a vocabulary quiz over Mini-Cuento 3 words tomorrow.

-Sra. Epple

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Español I

Tuesday, 8/7

Today in class we:
-took a vocabulary quiz over Mini-Cuento 1 words
-wrote a creative version of Mini-Cuento 1 using pictures as a guide
-listened to a few volunteers read their story
-started reading Piratas, a Spanish novel

No tarea

Español I

Friday, 8/3 & Monday, 8/6

New Vocabulary:
-no puede comer: can't eat
-no cabe: doesn't fit
-parte en pedazos: breaks into pieces
-la rana: the frog
-la soluci&o;n: the solution
-trata de comer: tries to eat

On Friday in class, we:
-practiced using the new vocabulary
-read Version 1 on p. 33 (mini-lecturas book) as a class

-Tarea: read Version 2 on pgs. 33-34

On Monday in class, we:
-took a T/F quiz over Version 2 on pgs. 33-34 (mini-lecturas book)
-practiced using the new vocabulary
-read Mini-Cuento 1 on p. 94 of your textbook
-completed the activity on p. 94 of your textbook

-Tarea: vocabulary quiz (Mini-Cuento 1 words)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The First Days...

All Spanish students will learn & practice the following before we dive into our subject material for the year:
  • Classroom Procedures & Routines such as turning in work, entering class, beginning class, filling out agendas, heading papers, etc.
  • Where to locate certain items in my classroom such as the academic calendar, Spanish-English dictionaries, class objectives, props, etc.
  • Classroom Rules & Expectations
    1. Listen to & follow directions the first time they are given.
    2. Respect everyone with your actions & words.
    3. Raise your hand before speaking & before leaving your seat.
    4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
    5. Come to class prepared & ready to learn.
  • Consequences, both positive (RIM, classroom trophy, academic shout-outs) & negative (warning, Passport signature, MIR, referral)
  • How to use our class blog
Students will also organize their Spanish binder, receive a textbook, and choose a Spanish name for the year.
Three cheers for starting the school year successfully!

-Sra. Epple