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"el mundo está oscuro, ilumina tu parte::the world is dark, light up your part"-graffiti along a stone wall in Spain

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

6th grade::martes y miercoles::tuesday and wednesday

Today's schedule:

O.A.: Re-read Episodio 1: Mini-Lectura A (the one with el lunes, se llama, and la gatita across the top). Then answer whether the following statements are V (true) or F (false). You do not need to copy down the statements.
V   F   1. La gatita se llama Carla.
V   F   2. La gatita va a la escuela se llama "Escuela de Gatos."
V   F   3. El lunes a las 9:00, Farla esta en la clase de musica.
V   F   4. El lunes a las 10:00, Farla esta en la clase de historia.
V   F   5. En la clase de musica, el profesor le canta, "Hola, Carla!"

New vocabulary structures:
el despertador: the alarm clock 
suena: it rings
come: s/he eats

We read Episodio 1: Mini-Lectura C, Version 1. Your only homework is to STUDY for your VOCAB TEST next time you see me.

Ciao ciao

7th & 8th grade::martes y miercoles::tuesday and wednesday

Today's lesson:

O.A.: Re-read mini-lectura B para mini-cuento 1 (the one with vocabulary words el lobo, llora, and come across the top). Then answer whether the following statements are V (true) or F (false). You do not have to copy the statements.
V   F   1. La chica es mala.
V   F   2. La chica roba el BigMac y lo come.
V   F   3. El lobo no esta triste y no llora.
V   F   4. La chica mala no roba el pizza en PizzaHut.
V   F   5. El lobo pone un zapato en su sandwich.

New vocabulary structures:
esta furioso/a- s/he is furious
grita- s/he yells
otra vez- again

We read the story and completed the activity on pg. 3 of your textbook. If you were absent, you need to come see me from 3:35-4:15 to complete the activity.

Your homework is to STUDY for the VOCAB TEST you will have next time you see me.

Friday, August 27, 2010

6th viernes y lunes::6th friday and monday

Feliz viernes! Happy Friday :)

Today you completed your Opening Activity, reviewed vocabualry structures, read a story in Spanish, and translated a story from Spanish to English in pairs. If we had time, we played a review game. Below you'll find your O.A.

O.A.: Translate these sentences from Spanish to English. Please write the Spanish above your English translation.
1. El lunes la gatita duerme en la casa.
2. La mama- se llama Rosa- no esta contenta.
3. Cuando los estudiantes duermen en clase, el profesor no esta contento.
4. El bebe se llama Mario duerme mucho!

Anuncio::Anouncement- Your grades (with the exception of one quiz and one assignment, which I'll add this weekend) are updated on PowerSchool. If you have been absent and are missing assignments you need to either read previous blog posts or come talk to me to get what you've missed. You don't want zeros in the gradebook!

Que tengas un BUEN fin de semana::Have a GOOD weekend :)
Senora Epple

7/8 viernes y lunes::7/8 friday and monday

Feliz viernes! Happy Friday :)

Today you completed the Opening Activity, reviewed vocabulary structures, and translated a story from Spanish to English. Below you can find your O.A.

O.A.: Translate these sentences from Spanish to English. Please write the Spanish sentence above your English translation.
1. El lobo come dieciseis ovejas.
2. En la familia, el papa esta triste cuando no cuida al bebe.
3. El pastor cuida a estudiantes de espanol.
4. Cuando el lobo corre, las ovejas corren.
5. El pastor llora cuando el lobo come una oveja.

Anuncio::Anouncement- Your grades are updated on PowerSchool with the exception of one or two quizzes which will be added this weekend. If you are missing an assignment, you will be attending Academic Detention on Wednesday to complete it. If you have been absent, you need to read the previous blog posts, or come and talk to me about what you've missed! You don't want zeros in the gradebook!

Que tengas un BUEN fin de semana! Have a GOOD weekend!

Senora Epple

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

6th miercoles & jueves::6th wednesday & thursday


Today we:

Took a quiz over the numbers and the days of the week.

Then we learned 3 new vocabulary structures-
que problema!: what a problem!
duerme: s/he sleeps
esta contento/a: he/she is happy

We then made up a class story, and read a mini-lectura.

Your homework is to finish reading the mini-lectura (version 1). If your class didn't start it, you need to read the whole story for next class.

Senora Epple

7/8::miercoles & jueves::7/8 wednesday & thursday


Today we...

Took a vocabulary test over the 6 vocabulary structures we have learned up to this point. Then we learned 3 new structures:
cuida: s/he takes care of
la oveja (corre): the sheep (runs)
el pastor: the shepherd
We then made up a class story.

You have no homework. See you next class!

Senora Epple

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Just a reminder about how to organize your Spanish binder... (I will be doing binder checks soon!) There are 5 sections to your binder, each divided by a piece of labeled paper or a labeled divider. (I prefer that you use actual dividers). The sections are in the following order from front to back:

Opening Activities (You can abbreviate it O.A.)
Vocabulary (You can abbreviate it Vocab.)

You need paper in every section except Stories; I will give you these as you need them. Please keep your binder organized so you can receive full credit for binder checks. And of COURSE you should be bringing it with you to every Spanish class.

Hasta luego,
Senora Epple

Monday, August 23, 2010

6th::lunes (red) y martes (blue) tuesday::6th monday and tuesday

Hola clases,

Here is what we are doing today:

Translate the following sentences from Spanish to English. Please write each Spanish sentence above your English translation.
1. La estudiante se llama Maria.
2. El lunes, la gatita esta en escuela.
3. Como se llama la gatita?
4. Quien se llama Roberto?
5. La familia va al supermercado el lunes.

We reviewed the 3 vocabulary structures from last class (la gatita, se llama, el lunes). We then created a class story based on these 3 vocabulary structures.

You have no homework. Ciao ciao.

Senora Epple

7/8::lunes y martes::7/8 monday (red) and tuesday (blue)

Hola, welcome back from the weekend!
Today in class-

Translate the following sentences from Spanish to English. Please write each Spanish sentence above your English translation.
1. En la familia, el papa esta triste y la mama esta enojada.
2. Quien esta enojado en la familia?
3. Es una familia normal.
4. Cuantos personas hay en la familia?
5. El papa de la familia es famoso.

New Vocabulary Structures:
come: s/he eats
llora: s/he cries
el lobo: the wolf

We read the story and completed the exercise on page 2 of your textbook.

YOUR HOMEWORK is to read the mini-lectura version 1 by next class. If you have questions, come see me from 3:35-4:15.

Hasta luego!
Senora Epple :)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Weekend Homework Update

6th graders you have no homework.

7th & 8th graders, you need to complete the "Repaso" worksheet and turn it in next class (Monday or Tuesday next week). Remember- spelling counts!

Hasta pronto!

Senora Epple

Thursday, August 19, 2010

6th::jueves y viernes::thursday and friday

Buenastardes estudiantes,

Here is what we did today-

O.A.: You completed a "Repaso" worksheet (Review). When you finished you turned it into your homework drawer.

We started to learn vocabulary structures today :) Our first three are:
la gatita: the kitten
se llama: s/he is named
el lunes: monday

We then read a story based on these three structures. CLASS 6-3 we didn't quite get through our story, we'll finish it next class. 
No homework.

Senora Epple

7th & 8th::jueves y viernes::thursday and friday

Hola estudiantes,

Today's schedule:

O.A.: took T/F quiz over Version 1 of the story we read last class.

We made up a class story with the 3 vocabulary structures from last class (la familia, esta triste, el papa esta enojado), and then we retold the same story with student actors.

To finish class, I passed out a REPASO w.s. (Review worksheet). You had a few minutes to start it, and what you didn't finish is homework. You will turn it in next class.

Adios! Hasta luego :)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

6th::martes & miercoles::tuesday and wednesday


Today's schedule:
Match each number with it's correct spelling.
1. 21                  A. sesenta
2. 40                  B. treinta y ocho
3. 10                  C. veintiuno
4. 60                  D. ochenta y cuatro
5. 100                E. diez
6. 72                  F. cuarenta
7. 38                  G. cien
8. 53                  H. setenta y dos
9. 84                  I. cincuenta y tres

We played review games over the Alfabeto and the Numeros 1-100. Please see previous posts with links to websites & videos to help you practice your alphabet and numbers.

Ciao ciao.

7th & 8th::martes & miercoles::tuesday and wednesday


Today's schedule:
Match each number with it's correct spelling

1. 21               A. sesenta
2. 40               B. treinta y ocho
3. 10               C. veintiuno
4. 60               D. ochenta y cuatro
5. 100             E. diez
6. 72               F. cuarenta
7. 38               G. cien
8. 53               H. setenta y dos
9. 84               I. cincuenta y tres

Structures (write down in VOCAB section of your binder):
la familia: the family
el papa esta enojado: the dad is angry
esta triste: he/she is sad

Then we read a story that used the 3 structures from today. If you missed class you need to come get a copy from me. Next class, we will have a True/False quiz (IN SPANISH) over the story. Please make sure you re-read it a few times before your next Spanish class so you are prepared.


Friday, August 13, 2010

viernes y lunes::friday and monday


Today's schedule:

Match each number with it's correct spelling.

1. cinco                    A. 6
2. siete                     B. 13
3. once                     C. 7
4. seis                       D. 1
5. quince                   E. 15
6. trece                     F. 5
7. cuatro                   G. 4
8. catorce                 H. 10
9. uno                       I. 11
10. diez                    J. 14
11. doce                   K. 12

Review the alphabet and numbers 1-15.

Learn numbers 16-100-
16: dieciseis                 30: treinta               80: ochenta
17: diecisiete               40: cuarenta             90: noventa
18: dieciocho               50: cincuenta           100: cien
19: diecinueve             60: sesenta
20: veinte                     70: setenta

Visit here to practice: Numbers in Spanish

Learn "Los dias de la semana" (The days of the week)-
lunes: monday                  viernes: friday
martes: tuesday                sabado: saturday
miercoles: wednesday      domingo: sunday
jueves: thursday

I passed out your textbooks. These are kept in my room, however, if you were absent you need to come see me and claim your book. Remember, this is your book to keep at the end of the year. :)

Ten un BUEN fin de semana:Have a good weekend!

Hasta luego

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

miercoles y jueves::wednesday and thursday

Here is what we did:
-reviewed the alphabet (see previous post with link to alphabet video)
-I passed out an alphabet "cheat" sheet; come see me if you didn't get one
-further emphasized the vowels (A:ah, E:eh, I:ee, O:oh, U:oo)
-learned the numbers in Spanish 1-15 (uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce, trece, catorce, quince)
-played review games to solidify the alphabet and numbers 1-15

REMINDER: You will have a binder check next week Mon/Tues. I'm looking for organized binders with correctly labeled dividers. See below post on how to label/organize.

Hasta luego

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

lunes & martes::monday & tuesday

Buenas tardes,

We learned the Spanish alphabet the past two days. Here is a link that will take you to a fun video where you can further practice your pronunciation. Have fun with it!

Spanish Alphabet on YouTube

We also took a quiz over my classroom procedures. If you were absent, you need to find a time to come in and take it, or it will become a zero.

que necesitas para la clase::what you need for class

Buenos dias,

For the parents & students who are still wondering what you need for Spanish class, read the list below.
-one 1-inch 3-ring binder used EXCLUSIVELY for Spanish class (if it's larger than 1 inch that is just fine, but no smaller please)
-loose leaf paper- there needs to be paper in every section except the Stories section of their binder
-5 dividers labeled in the following order from first to last: Opening Activities (O.A.), Vocabulary (Vocab.), Grammar, Writings, Stories
-one pocket folder with 3 holes
-2 spiral-bound packs of 3 x 5 notecards (if you cannot find spiral-bound, regular notecards will work but please pick up a notecard case to keep them together)

If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask! You can comment here or email me at bepple@icms-charter.org

Ciao ciao

Monday, August 9, 2010

como leer este blog::how to read this blog

I want to make sure you all know how to read this blog. I will post often, however, information may be different for each individual class. Last week, I told you your class number (8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4, 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4). Please make sure on each post you are reading information for YOUR class only.
If I do not specify which class number I am speaking to, it is general information and the post is for everyone. Feel free to leave me a comment if you have a question.
Hasta luego,
Senora Epple

Friday, August 6, 2010


You have successfully completed the 1st week of Spanish! Here's a quick glance at what we learned-

-Where you sit
-How to turn in your homework
-Where to turn in any late work
-What to do if you miss a Spanish class
-Where to find academic reminders such as upcoming tests & quizzes
-Where to find school-wide announcements and interesting news articles having to do with Spanish
-How to use the Student Resource Center
-What to do if you arrive tardy
-What to do if you need to leave the classroom
-The classroom rules & the consequences for breaking the rules
-How to start class (Opening Activities)
-How to organize your Spanish binder
-How to quiet down when I need your attention
-What to do if you need my attention

You MUST have your Spanish binder & your Agenda next class!

Hasta luego :) Be ready to LEARN SPANISH next time you see me!